iron may 1

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Words: 622

TW: too sweet to handle

Iron May: a collection of mostly fluffy drabbles. Because the Greatest Earth Defender deserves it.

You sighed happily, letting the sheets swallow your small frame. It was Saturday morning, and as far as you knew, there were no missions for your significant other.

Speaking of your other half.

You felt a pair of rough arms sneaking their way around your waist. His facial hair was gently tickling the back of your neck while he hugged you closely. You could say from his steady breathing that he was asleep.

You were glad that he did. Last time you had to drag his ass from the lab, and it was hard to do so. He was clinging to the doorframe and you were afraid that it might break and injure his hands. Luckily, after three days with no sleep and barely any food (he said that it was distracting and banned you from his workplace) he was too weak to overpower you.

So now there you are, with a child in an adult body in your bed. The plus was that while he had nightmares he would scream and move rapidly, waking you up in the process, so you knew that he had a peaceful night.

At the thought, you were filled with compassion towards him. Tony had such a weight forcefully dropped on his shoulders and never asked for it. Instead, he took as much as he could and tried to fix it. Even if it was killing him, he wanted to be useful.

After New York, he was never the same, and next events only made it worse. Whole Ultron mess was already a package of guilt, and then the Civil War came around. Punch after punch, he tried to fix everything, do what's right for everyone.

You remembered the moment when this sorcerer cane from a portal and took him yet again away from you. Right when you were talking about starting a family. The excitement in his chocolate brown eyes when he announced that he wants a kid. That he is finally ready to let go of his heroic responsibilities and exchange them to being a father and husband. And then everything disappeared for long twenty-two days.

Yes, you mourned him, even when you thought that he somehow survived. You didn't want to have any false hopes up. Because when his death would be true, you wouldn't survive that.

Yet you stayed strong despite overwhelming depression because you had someone else to care for. Yes, a few days after the Snap, you discovered that you were pregnant. This was the worst and the best moment at that time.

The worst, because it would be hard to take care of somebody when you couldn't even take care of yourself. The best, because this was the only part of Tony left on Earth at the time. And you couldn't let anything happen to it. It was everything you had.

When your fiancee returned from space, you were more than excited to tell him but decided otherwise. He needed to recover and have some time to himself after he lost his non-biological son.

But after his outburst and decision to leave, you left with him, giving him a little more time.

You told him after a week at the new house.

You remembered when the spark of joy finally appeared in his eyes when he heard the big news. It gave him new hope that he needed at the time. Finally, something good happened.

And there you were, at your ninth month of pregnancy, laying with the love of your life, listening to his steady breaths. You knew that it won't fix anything, it will just add to his worries, but maybe, just maybe it will be enough to give him long deserved happiness.

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