iron may 2

567 15 1

Words: 867

TW: mentions of cheating
Time: after Avengers, before IM 3

Something was definitely wrong today.

It was unusually quiet when you got back home from work. Well, you might be dating one of the richest men on Earth, but that doesn't mean that he basically has to be your sugar daddy. It was a mutual relationship, not some kind of money for sex relationship.

You even felt bad for thinking like that.

Anyway, the moment you stepped on the lab floor you knew something wasn't right. It was definitely too calm. He wasn't on the mission, you knew that because otherwise, he would leave a message. And you met Natasha on your way here. So mission or sudden business trip was out of the question.

Slowly climbing on the stairs, your mind wandered where he could be and what was he doing. Did he finally go to sleep? Or...

You shook your head, trying to lose those dirty thoughts. You knew his past reputation, but you trusted him. After all, he did live in continency for almost a year just to prove himself to you. He wouldn't give up now, would he? After five years together.

You had a talk about this and both agreed to break up first and then go see somebody else, so all the drama can be avoided, same for ruining his and your reputation. You didn't need to be considered a cheater by everyone you know.

Walking across the small corridor, you heard a moan from your room.

Freezing, you recalled all those thoughts. Shock and coldness filled you. This can't be, right? It's just a misunderstanding.

Shakey opening the door, you witnessed nothing you could think off.

The whole room was filled with darkness, with no source of light except light blue glow, emitting from small frame tangled in sheets. It was visibly shaking. And there it was, a quiet moan again. But it wasn't from pleasure as you feared, but from pain.

Carefully walking through the room, you sat slowly on the mattress. The bundle of blankets stayed still, well, as still as shivers allowed it to. You could hear heavy breathing coming from it.

You started to slowly pet its back, wanting to make him aware that you are here because you weren't sure if he was sleeping.

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong?" you asked calmly.

He stirred a little and his head showed up. You thought that this might be the cutest thing ever, if not the state he was currently in.

"What planet is that..." He asked quietly, his voice deep and hoarse.

"Earth Tony. We are on Earth. How do you feel and what hurts?" you inquired, uncovering him from this blanket cocoon.

"Bad and everything"

"Wow, I couldn't think of that"

"Stop, I'm dying"

Classic sick Stark, acting like a martyr. To be honest, if sickness allowed him to work in the lab, he stayed there, but otherwise, he would be a whiny child.

You noticed that his forehead was not only burning but also very sticky. He probably spent the whole day in his bed wrapped in blankets, which caused him to get sweaty. Also, he didn't smell fresh at all.

"Alright Tones, I think that you need a wash" you sighed, knowing that we won't be willing to do that.

"You were supposed to console me, not imply that I stink" and there it is, a Rise of Grumpy Tony.

With another sigh, you took the blankets and tossed them aside, which caused your significant other to shiver and curse quietly. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed him and picked him up.

Clinging to you koala style, he squeezed you trying to keep himself warm. You felt his facial hair tickle your neck.

With some problems (he was a fully grown man-child after all and quite heavy) you made it to the bathroom. There you sat him on a toilet and helped to take off his clothes. Tony had problems with raising his arm up, so asking him to undress was stupid thought at the moment. At the same time, you asked Javris to fill the bathtub with warm water. When you were done with your current task, you helped him to get there.

He moaned when warm water mantled his body and stopped shivering. At least he will feel better for a while.

Taking the soap and sponge, you started to wash your boyfriend, while he relaxed. And after you finished, you noticed that he fell asleep. In the bathtub. With water that was cooling down.

Despite his need for sleep you didn't want to explain to the press that the infamous Iron Man drowned in his own bathroom. It would be awkward. So you shook him awake.

"I wanna go back to the Titanic" he whined, completely out of context.

Jeez, sick geniuses surely become more stupid the longer sickness lasts.

"Sure Leonardo, sure" you mumbled while helping him to get out and dry.

After he returned to bed, he immediately curled up and fell asleep. You slowly petted his now fluffy hair and laid right next to him, allowing to be entangled by his arms and legs. And sheets.

Tony let out a happy sigh and nuzzled your neck.

"Thank you"

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