the soul within// tony

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Nobody expected you to be found.

Avengers were raiding another Hydra base, to find Loki's scepter that Hydra took away. This one was placed on Greenland, half of the base craved in ice. Beautiful blue corridors hid terrifying secrets in its depths.

Frozen water also revealed something that Hydra was probably looking for. Metal capsule, which was made with some unknown mineral. After the raid was finished, they got out of the ice the capsule and took it to the Tower. Tony and Bruce were supposed to check it, however, Ultron was faster. Then civil war. Bruce disappeared.

Tony wanted, no, needed a distraction. So he dug the mysterious metal ball out of many trash stacked in the lab.

After placing it on the table with the help of his suit, the weird thing was waiting on his table. Ready to be examined.

After two hours and countless scanning, Iron Man was laying flat on the floor screaming his frustration out. Scans couldn't do anything more than tell him, that it was just some metal blurb.

He felt that it was wrong, that there was something weird with it's smooth, dark surface. That couldn't be just metal ball.

He looked in frustration and finally noticed something. Small dent, visible just enough at the angle he was laying at.

Standing up, he carefully eyed the dent, to not lose it again. Quickly touching it, he was surprised to feel it deepen. And then it started glowing.

He squeaked and jumped back, as the light from the dent started spreading, creating various shapes on the surface of the ball. And then it started changing form.

Tony screamed and called his armour, quickly taking a defensive stance.

Weird, metallic pieces started forming a human silhouette. It stopped and mixed a few times, as he watched in wonder.

Finally, the form was complete, and on the smooth surface that resembled the head, holographic face and hair showed, adding to this mechanical wonder more personality. It landed smoothly on the floor, hovering few centimetres above it.

"Greetings. I am Cato, model C7-259. Please, identify yourself" the thing said with a soulless, computer voice.

"Tony" he decided to be cautious, but that's not the reason to be a dick.

"Hello, Tony. Do you have any customisation propositions that you would like me to implement in both physical appearance and personality?"

"What... What are you?"

"Oh, I see. I am a Cato. Cato is a personal assistant and companion that was produced by Hassavi Corporation, in Hexa system. You can choose from a vast amount of options what your companion is supposed to be like. So please answer what custom traits would you like to implement?" Again, a soulless voice answered him.

Tony was stunned. What is this supposed to be? Some personal slave?

"I don't know, use basic options...?" the man answered in a shaky voice.

"Basic model is chosen. Base name - (y/n). If customization would be chosen later, please inform."

The metal body shifted, changing form once again. It stopped after achieving 5'2  (160 cm) height and (your body type) figure. Height was small because this was supposed to be a slave, he thought.

"Hello. What can I do for you?"

This time, AI asked with the almost human voice. It reminded him of Vision, but with less wisdom and more excitement. Which was probably programmed anyway.

"Friday? Can you... can you analyze this?" he asked quietly.

"It seems that you have found yourself a friend, boss" 



It turned out differently than he thought. (Y/n) was fun to have around.

Yes, she was a little weird with the way she lived and after he allowed her to ask questions, they came constantly. It also took a while to help her realise, that she is a free person with her free will. It took Vision and Friday interventions to help her understand that. After all, they were all AIs of some sort.

After the whole slavery problem got out of the way, Tony started slowly developing feelings for her. Without guilt that she didn't have free will, he maybe could have a normal relationship with her. Just like Wanda.

With that in mind, he came to her, to ask the question.

She was sitting on the countertop with some book that she was holding upside down. It didn't bother him at all. She scanned them anyway, so he often saw her reading in another language or a few meters away from the book. 

"Hey, (y/n). Can I ask you something?" he was a little nervous, but she was often oblivious to others and their emotions.

She quickly closed a book and jumped off of the countertop, standing in front of him.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Would you like to go out sometimes?"

He cringed at his question. Despite being a playboy, he acted like a middle schooler. And she probably didn't get what he was suggesting anyway.

"I know that you are expecting me to say that we already go out and that way you can spare your feelings of rejection, but I am not an idiot" he wanted to say that he didn't, but she didn't let him "I am aware that I am not perfect and have problems with human relationships, but please, treat me like a normal person. And yes, I would really like to go out with you." she finished with a tiny smile on her holographic lips.

He was a little stunned by her forwardness but also happy that she accepted him.

"See you at six then?" she asked and floated out of the room.

"That escalated quickly."

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