battle cry

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On novo

Back in full armour alexis patrolled the halls of the novirain base. Nefarious wasn't happy that some serum was stolen. So he did what he did best. Taking it out on others. Unfortunately this met alexis had bruises in many places and was pretty sore. She groaned a bath would help but no one was letting her sit down for more than 2 seconds. Something just snapped as she heard her basically sisters again. She missed them already. "Azimuth." Nefarious said alexis spun around and faced him "go to the generator room. We are expecting a certain lombax and defect."
"Sir, with all due respect I've been going for 6 hours straight. I've been aching-"
"Enough! Go or you can deal with hurting more." He ordered through her helmet her tired eyes and legs began to make her tired feeling even more known. Alexis sighed and went to her next post.

"We going the right way pal?" Ratchet asked "yes we are. But should we not wait for the ranger forces." He asked "they'll catch up. The more time we wait the more time lex is stuck with the psycho known as nefarious." Ratchet replied as he rocketed over a pit. What was this feeling that he had he'd somewhat gotten to know alexis within the week that they had together. She did bring back some memories from when they were kids. In her words "oh keif. We were weird kids."

"How close to the generator room?" Ratchet asked clank "down the hall 3 doors down." Clank responded ratchet threw a smile over his shoulder. Ratchet tried to sneak in but was pounced on by alexis "you really don't know when to quit!" She shouted her voice distorter making her sound robotic "snap out of it alexis! If not for me then Charlotte and Robecca! Or alister!" Ratchet countered alexis growled and shoved ratchet against the wall omnistaff at his neck. Ratchet assumed alister had taught her the move. Like father like daughter. "Don't you ever talk about them! You don't deserve to!"
"Oho hold alexis." Someone called alexis immediately dropped to one knee her staff resting on her left "Nefarious." Ratchet spat "it's good to see your still in one piece. Who knows depending on how I feel. I might let your dear lex-"
"Don't call her that!" Then ratchet was electrocuted he screamed and dropped "don't talk to the doctor that way." Alexis stood over him then clank lunged at her she warped at the last second almost taking clank with her. She slid a little as she landed earning a disapproving look from nefarious even through ratchet couldn't see her face he could feel the pain. What else had he do to her? "Well ratch? We gonna fight or you gonna come on your own?" She asked tail swaying "nefarious! Stop using her and fight me like a man!" Ratchet growled as he got up "but it's so fun watching you two. You thought you could save her. Just like that? Ha! Its pathetic! I wouldn't let her go that easily. You should have heard her as we worked on her. Priceless!" Nefarious taunted and then started to cackle "azimuth kill them both." He ordered as he turned on his heel beginning to leave alexis didn't move she was clearly fighting something "you can do it alexis. Try a little more." Ratchet encouraged "azimuth. I said kill them both." Nefarious said getting impatient alexis bit her bottom lip under her helmet.

"I...I....I WON'T!" She yelled as she pulled off her helmet.

Ratchet sucked in a breath. She had a really bad black eye. Though her eyes flashed back and forth from blue to green. She was beginning to lose. "Ratchet! We must-" clank started "I know pal. I know. I hope alister his watching. We will help her nefarious." Ratchet said one hand held his omniwrench the other held a combuster.

The green won. But not before a single tear slid down alexis's cheek.

Nefarious smirked "you know your job azimuth." He said as he backed up a hand resting on the generator "yes sir." alexis responded numbly drawing her own weapons. Ratchet looked up and shot the lights because she had said it herself "I can only teleport to where I can see." Ratchet could still see her thanks to the green light coming from her armour. Shots were exchanged blows from punches and kicks were given and received. Until finally when alexis shot the lights and caused them to turn back on. Dis she make her move. She warped up and stole the generator right. In. Front. Of. Nefarious. Like a boss. Alexis started laughing

"They say I'm sweet as sugar, just as hard as ice, cross me once, I'll shoot you twice!" And living up to her promise, she shot nefarious twice. But this got him mad so he jumped down trying to get the generator "ratchet go long!" She shouted and hit the generator with her staff. Which ratchet caught.

It kinda turned into a really violent game of keep away😂.

But just as it was ending ratchet was stunned. And he was about to receive a killing blow. But alexis warped in front of him giving nefarious one last hit and getting one last reminder of there time together. Nefarious retreated while swearing revenge. Ratchet looked up in horror alexis gave a nervous chuckle "I'll be ok ratchet. I'll be-" then she collapsed right into his arms. Her eyes half open.

"no no no no! Alexis stay with me!" Ratchet screamed then he hugged her "I just got back." He whispered against her neck.

Just gonna leave that there. Gotta go guys sorry about not updating. Plz forgive me.


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