Taking my hand off the deadbolt...

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Taking my hand off of the deadbolt lock on my apartment door has never felt so relieving. I begin to walk to my bedroom for a shower, not before setting my cell phone and keys on the kitchen counter as i walk past it and kicking off my sneakers in the hallway. I'm just past the threshold of my bedroom door, in the mists of ripping my shirt off before i smell that scent. That amazing scent that i smelled in the middle of the street not ten minutes ago. I pull my shirt back down quickly and become like a ninja. My footsteps are inaudible as i tiptoe slowly back through the hallway that leads to the living room. I lightly sniff the air and my body follows in the direction of my nose that leads right to the window that leads out to the fire escape. I lay my back against the wall next to the window, although i am as quiet as a mouse, my heartbeat is so loud that i doubt i'm being quiet at all. I take a long deep inhale of the smell as my ears suddenly perk up and i hear an equally frantic heartbeat from the other side of the wall. My wolf is whispering to me and i understand what's being said but i'm almost too afraid to believe it. If i open this window what will happen? This could be a turning point and i don't wanna make the wrong choice but he smells so goddamn good and i'm almost going crazy being so close to him, my mate. So with a push of confidence, i slowly unlock the window before placing both my hands on the bottom and sliding it up. A fast cold rush of air blasts through the window and i'm shivering instantly. I turn back and rest against the wall in my previous position before and simply wait. A few torturous minutes later and i'm about to burst at the seems. Before i can back out, i speak.
"Are you going to sit out there all night?" I call into the night harshly.
"I know who you are" I whisper. I hear him shuffle quietly, he's nervous.
"And who am i?" His deep voice rumbles through my entire being and his words register in my brain slowly as the goosebumps on my arms rise, not from the cold.
"My Mate." I say back confidently. I hear him let out a sigh of relief but he still, doesn't move from his position. I'm being more and more scared seeing as he has yet to show himself so i again, take control.
"It would be nice to look you in the eyes ya know..." i let out light and airy.
"Ditto" He responds.
"Please?" I decide to try a route. I move in front of the window that sits low to the floor and rest my calfs on the floor as i sit on them. I slowly put one hand onto the window seal to notify him that i'm here. I nervously look down at the ground and tuck one side of my hair behind my ear with my free hand. Hearing a shuffle and a hand lightly hovering over mine, my head snaps up to meet his eyes and the world stops turning. There are absolutely no words to describe the experience of seeing your soulmate for the first time; i never believed the raw intensity that my parents told me came with the first meeting and i am frozen in my spot. He doesn't rest his large hand on top of mine but next to me on the window. I gulp nervously and close my eyes quickly before opening them again and raising my free hand to his face, looking in his eyes for the signal that what i'm doing is okay. Nothing in his eyes gives away the feeling that my curiosity is unwelcomed so i lightly graze my palm along his sharp jawline before cupping his cheek. My mate leans into my touch which makes me melt and i don't realize i'm tearing up until he wipes it away with his finger.
"Why are you crying?" He questions, confused.
"Because i'm happy...although a little overwhelmed" I admit. I'm about to ask for his name when i get i feel a gust of cold air and i quickly curse to myself for not inviting him in. he's probably getting chilly.
"Oh my god- i'm so sorry! I-i haven't invited you in! Are you cold? You're probably cold! Please come in!" I ramble on while removing my hand from his face and running it through my hair, it's a habit i do when i'm flustered. He lowly chuckles and cracks a small smile before climbing in. I stand up to give him room and as soon as he is through the window i go around him and shut the window. I whirl around to meet his chest standing very close to me, I couldn't tell his height through the window because we were both slouched to the ground but now that he is standing in front of me i can see everything so much clearly. He must be over 6'0 with long and strong legs that lead up to his wide and muscular chest. Most male wolfs are fit with muscles so this shouldn't be anything new or amazing to me but there's something powerful about the way he stands. His wide shoulders are back and his back is straight that gives off a confident aura. I continue to observe him with my eyes and as i trail over his arms, i take notice of the zero markings or tattoos that usually litter people's skin now a days. I also don't notice a wolf birthmark but then again, i haven't taken a proper look. His arms are tan and his biceps bulge through his t-shirt sleeves, not in a huge way but you still know they're there. His hands lay against his sides as he watches me watch him. Long fingers and large hands are all i can gather from my observations so i move on. I make my way back up the way i came until i reach his face and my eyes slightly widen as i can see so much better in the light. I'm standing in front of a gorgeous man, he looks as though he would have fought as a gladiator in rome or been a vicious viking. Strong and oh so intimidating and although i knew that if i had met him without the knowledge of him being my soulmate, i would have been very afraid to cross this man. His dark brown hair stops just below his ears and is tousled like it hasn't been brushed in days; his full lips are set in a relaxed line and i can't help but lick my own drying lips in reaction to him. I quickly switch my gaze to his eyes which are a striking honey color. I've never seen eyes like this. Only the normal, Browns, Blues, Greens, Blacks and occasional greys. It's only when i notice the emotion coursing through his eyes that i'm transported back to the night before...His face was mostly shadowed by the darkness and if it wasn't for my car headlights then i probably wouldn't have seen a thing. I vividly remember tan skin and dark hair that was cut just below his ears. The man's shirt was torn off at the shoulder and slouched baggily against his large figure. His eyes though; my mind could not conjure a color to match them. I could however remember the exact feeling i felt as i looked into them... I recall and then i look at him again. I slightly raise one eyebrow and look questionably at him. He furrows his brows in confusion and is about to say something before a lightbulb goes off in my head.
"I ALMOST HIT YOU WITH MY CAR!" I yell as my jaw drops and my hands shoot to my mouth in shock. "I am so so so sorry!! What if i did hit you? I mean you are a wolf and a pretty strong looking one at that so i'm sure you would've been okay eventually but i still could've injured you and then-" I ramble on before he lays his hands on my shoulders and shakes me until i pause.
"It's okay, I'm fine. See? All good" He does a little twirl to show me and i let out a breath but still squeak out a 'Sorry' anyways. As I calm down I begin to feel his warm hands seep through my t-shirt onto my shoulders and it's the most amazing feeling I've ever felt, there are no sparks or tingles but it's so much better. It's a fire touching your skin, one that you never wanna let go of. It makes your insides heat up and makes your heart beat wildly inside of your chest and is so scorching and like nothing ever felt before that you can help but gasp at the sensation.
and that's exactly what I do, gasp
"woah" I breath out and close my eyes, completely relaxed. the first time I touched him I was too in the moment to even notice the unique feeling but now it's so strong and evident. I open my eyes and look up in his eyes, which are blazing with intense emotions.
"Hi there" He smirks and I feel like I might pass out from the sexiness radiating off of him. I don't know how long we've been standing here but I don't even care. I just want to look at him and keep touching him for as long as he lets me. Eventually though he removes his hands from my shoulders and stands across from me. My mind races for something to say. I quickly blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.
"Are you hungry at all?" I ask. Stupid stupid stupid, he's never gonna say ye-
"Starved." He replies and I basically run to the kitchen in reply. I open the cabinets one by one, searching for something to eat. I spot pancake batter and my stomach rumbles at the thought of buttermilk pancakes. my mate doesn't follow me to the kitchen immediately but as I grab the unopened box of pancake mix, my ears pick up the sound of his footsteps slowly coming towards me.
"Hey um- uh..." I stop when I realize that I never got his name. how stupid am I? I turn around just in time to see him lean against the counter behind me. I lightly blush when I notice his intense stare. I look into his eyes and silently ask for his name. Hoping he won't make me say it out loud and just give it to me.
He does.
"Maximus. Max for short." My mate- Maximus says, never breaking eye contact with me. I decide to test his name out on my tongue and slowly mumble to myself, averting my eyes,
"Maximus..." I look up just in time to catch him shudder. I can't help but feel ecstatic that I can affect him by simply speaking his name. he looks at me, expecting my name in return.
"Madeleine." I can't help but smile back as I say it, I love my name. People have always claimed that it's too long and always resort to calling me 'Maddie' or 'Mads' or even the infamous 'Leine'. I personally prefer my full name but nicknames are usually easier for people I guess. My mate smiles, a small one but still a smile. He confidently repeats my name back to me and the way it curls off of his tongue makes me wanna do unspeakable things. He continues the light conversation by asking,
"Do you prefer any nicknames?" Max questions.
"I don't mind them, but I personally prefer being called my full name" I reply back before turning back to the box of mix in my hand.
"I almost forgot to ask, do you like pancakes?" He nods his head viciously and smiles.
"Love them" I can't help but grin in return. I nod my head and turn my back to Max as i pull out the correct skillet and measuring cups. I can feel his stare on my back and it slightly distracts me mostly because i want to stare at him but then again, I have a devotion to pancakes at the moment. I slightly turn my head to catch a quick glance at him but he quickly averts his eyes to his shoes.
Hm. I think.
I turn back to my pan and become consumed in what i'm doing. I use a stick of butter to grease the pan and add equal amounts of batter into two medium pancakes to start and before i know it, i've stacked 20 or so pancakes onto a plate. I'm snapped out of my cooking transe when Max says something that i barely missed.
"Im sorry, what did you say?" I don't bother turning around to look at him but it looks like i don't have too when Max steps behind me, pressing my back against his front. His hands aren't even touching me yet and i've already melted on the spot; ready to let him mark me.
I've known this man for 30 minutes and i'm already in shambles...how pathetic!
I suck in a harsh breathe as he leans down, placing his mouth next to my ear, using his right hand to lightly tuck my hair behind my ear.
"I said-" He pauses, breathing out, warm breathe tickles my ear. "-do you have any syrup?" I nearly topple over at the absurd question and swing around, looking at him as if he was insane.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS??" He looks worried and slightly regretful of his question before i lightly go on the tips of my toes, in reply he leans back, stretching to his full height, eyes never leaving each other. "OF COURSE I HAVE SYRUP!!" I break out into a wide smile and begin to laugh at his shocked face.
"I-I thought-" He stutters.
"You thought i was mad about the question?" i giggle some more before leaning against the counter.
"Well uh...yeah" Max seems to be a bit embarrassed so i turn the direction of the conversation so he doesn't feel so embarrassed about a harmless question.
"Of course i would have syrup because i'm a baker" I begin. He's already grabbed his plate (and the syrup) while using the fork i supplied to dig in to the food. He lightly moans and grumbles when the cake settles in his mouth and i have to hold myself back from jumping on him.
What is wrong with me! I have never been this horny in my life!
He looks at me, a signal to continue; "I bake cakes and all types of tasty treats for this restaurant/bakery a little walk away from here. It's called 'Kensingtons'. Really good place actually- but anyways, I've been there for a little over two years and im the assistant baker and occasional waitress if they're short staffed but i can cook dinner foods too.I can basically remember every recipe i've ever used off the top of my head. It's really useful." I finish with a proud little nod. Max has already finished his pancakes and it warms my heart that he likes my cooking.
"That's amazing" He says.
"What do you do?"
Max freezes before clearing his throat loudly, "I did some traveling for a few years and worked some odd couple business jobs and invested in stocks but since i'm back in the states, i'm not currently working"
"Are you from New York?" I question, anxious to know about my mate.
"No, I was actually born in europe; rome to be exact. I lost the accent since i moved when i was young" He explains. We keep talking through the night. Asking questions about each other and our views. The normal stuff. I find out that he defected from his pack to travel and his strong aura is just because of our mate bond; not that of an alpha. The entire night is magical; we don't cuddle or kiss but there are a few lingering stares and fleeting brushes of the skin but that's it. He seems hesitant to make much physical contact with me and i can't help but feel weird about it. It's barely dawn when he leaves and i realize that i have work in a couple of hours. Even though my wild heart races, i ignore it to grab a couple hours worth of sleep. My frantic heart translates itself into my mind and my goodbye to my maximus doesn't seem like a goodbye when i see him in my dreams.
Finished- 12/28/18 -7:43PM

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