I sat frozen

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FIRST chapter 7 part 2

I sat frozen.
Slowly taking in the information. We had barely begun and I was already shaking in my seat. Maximus Healy. That's his name. I was quite sure if I should be shaking in terror or jumping for joy. With an ounce of dedication, I looked back at grandpa james, set my jaw and sharply nodded, a sign to continue.
"In the beginning, the moon goddess had created 10 werewolves because she saw how the humans flourished on earth and how they praised they're own gods with gifts and prayer. The moon goddess craved that same love and devotion for herself, so, one day as she watched the woods, she came across a roaming pack of wild wolves, 10 of them. The goddess saw how loyal and brave they were, how they searched for their soulmate until they found that wolf and seemed to be truly connected to that soul. She found it beautiful and thought that there was no better subjects than the loyal, loving, brave warriors that the wolves had showed themselves to be as they howled towards the full moon. The moon goddess looked into their souls and found 10 humans who mirrored the wolf's and merged the two, body and mind. they could communicate with each other and live like the humans for who she had first admired and given her the idea for her own species but then transform and fight in the form of their equal, their wolf. She also blessed them with the gift of soulmates in form of other werewolves so the souls could rest peacefully and continue to be grateful for her gift. She also bestowed them with gifts of speed, strength, enhanced senses, and lastly, the gift of immortality to keep them as an example of a superior species over the humans. the first 10 were strong unlike any other werewolf's that would eventually be created. They could take down entire villages within the hour and they quickly became blood thirsty for power, wanting to exterminate humans and make the world a utopia filled with immortal beings who ran at incredible speeds and lifted with strength unknown.
After 15 years of the blood and anguish that plagued the world. The moon goddess could no longer sit around and watch the once happy, serine people for who she still admired be killed by those of her own creation. She, for the first time since the creation came down from her thrown and stood tall on the earths grass. The moon goddess stopped the fighting and called forth the 10. She belted out their crimes against humanity and against her. She was as loud as Zeus's thunderbolt and not even an ocean could drown out her anger, if there was one thing the moon goddess could not stand it was disrespect. she looked upon them all and decided a punishment silently. She struck death upon 9 of them. Keeping the lone Alpha alive. She spoke of what only could be considered of a curse of time for the man. An eternity of life. Never aging or changing. The moon goddess granted one sliver of mercy to the alpha. If he found his mate, her punishment would be lifted and he would lose eternal life, able to grow old and die with his mate. She spoke of the this blessing, before promising to hold back his mates spirit for as long as she possibly can. The moon goddess then, disappeared back into her throne in the sky. A hundred years past and the moon goddess decided to try again. This time, she got to the human and wolf souls and combined them before they came into the world. They rose from the ground, thousands of them. While the alpha watched from afar, witnessing it. These wolves were significantly weaker than that of her original species. Alpha Maximus tells of how she whispered in his ear, torturing him, teasing him. She told him to find the scholar who would one day, hold all the keys, and tell him the story. Letting the rumor of the eternal alpha bask for centuries until he is all but forgotten."

Grandpa james lightly shut the book, careful with its pages before putting it back in the climate controlled case and watching me with a confused face.
"Madeleine?" He called.
"Hmm?" I hummed back.
"May I ask why you wanted to know about the first ten?"
"It's not really about the pack, mostly about the alpha" I spoke, my words not registering as I blurted them out.
"Alpha Maximus? Do you reckon he's still alive? I'm sure he must've found his mate centuries ago" The old man chuckled to himself.
"I think he may still be breathing" I could barely keep it in any longer, someone had to know and I needed to find him. I needed to apologize.
"How do you figure?" Grandpa james grinned, tilting his head to the side in question.
"Cause he's my soulmate and I met him" I could see grandpa james stiffen out of the corner of my eye before he pulled me up quickly.
"YOU MUST BE JOKING" I shake my head in a 'no'. He continues, "but-b-but, how-i-uh, oh my goddess Madeleine!" Grandpa james seems to be more awe struck than me. Slipping and fumbling all over his words. "well how did he look? How did he speak?! Did he tell you? oh well he must've-" he muttered. "-how did you take it?- oh well not good if you're here" he mumbled under his breath, gripping at his chin.
"Amazing, Heavenly, correct, and correct" I spoke.
"And now I must go find the man before he jumps off a cliff with his new found ability to die. I need to apologize and hug him and accept him and do everything that I should've done the first time around instead of kicking him out!" I spit out in a rush, standing up and speak walking to the door.
"you- y-you KICKED HIM OUT?!" I ignored grandpa james as he punched in the code and let me out of the vault. I ran as fast as I could to my car, throwing out goodbyes on my way out. checking my phone for the time as I hopped in the car. I realized it was nearly 10 o'clock and I wouldn't get back to the city until 11. Slamming my hands on the wheel in frustration, I reversed on the road and hit the gas as soon as I hit the straight shot to the city.
I barely glanced at the '50mph' sign as I hit 80. I made it to the city in record time, shaving 20 minutes off of the drive.
Damn straight I was going to get my man. Damn straight.

I didn't know where to start looking exactly considering the thought to exchange numbers never crossed our minds. My first stop was my apartment just in case he stopped by or I caught his scent. I practically ran up the stairs, ignoring the elevator, by the time I get into my apartment it's been seconds and I start pacing, thinking of all the ways to find Maximus. I couldn't exactly just shout "MAXIMUS" out into the New York's street and hope he came.
I wonder if he's in the phone book..
I shake my head, he's not in the phone book and even if he was, I haven't owned or seen a phone book since 2005. My heels make an annoying clicking sound as I pace the length of my apartment, running my fingers through my curls. just as I decide to go back out, a heavy knock rings throughout my apartment. I pause, it doesn't smell like maximus...it doesn't smell like anything. just as I make a move towards the door, the person knocks again. Although it resembles a violent bang with a fist. The door shakes on its hinges and I freeze. whoever is there must really want to get in. I'm waiting for my wolf to tell me something, anything, but she just sleeps behind the veil. Oblivious to the commotion and possible danger that lurks on the other side of my door. The pounding happens again and just as I'm about to take a step to check the peep hole, the door is ripped open and men wearing black suits with an odd insignia on their chests storm in. There's 6 of them and the biggest of them comes straight at me. he blocks my view of the others with his large chest in my face but I can hear them breaking my things and going through my drawers. I see a man with a crossbow walk past my peripheral and he snarls in my ear. I flinch, feigning fear as I through on my human 'oh my god I'm getting robbed' face.
"P-p-please d-don't hurt m-me" I stutter, batting my eyelashes up at the man before me
"Where is he" the man grumbles, grabbing my hair and yanking on it painfully. I let out a yelp.
"Where is w-who? p-please just let me go and I won't t-tell anyone" I 'cry'.
"The alpha" he yanks on my hair again before wrapping his large hand around my neck, slamming me against the nearest wall. I hear a slight crack in the wall but I'm too focused on his hand cutting off my hair supply to really notice it. I know they're talking about Maximus and even if I knew where he was, I'd never tell them so it's a lose-lose situation. My wolf begins to stir but stays asleep, it's like she's being held down into her slumber. I muster up as much strength as I can as I pull my legs up to my chest and kick the man in his chest- throwing him off of me. He lays on the ground, recovering from the hit as he breathes. Another man comes at me, I duck just as he's about to punch me and swipe at his ankles, grabbing them and giving a hard pull to throw him on the ground. He fights as I land on top of him, throwing punch after punch at his face. I can feel my knuckles splitting open and he lays unconscious below me. I whip my head up, my hair flying all around me as I stare at the remaining 4 men. My eyes glow a vibrant gold as I snarl at them. I can't fully turn or do really anything without my wolf so the gold is just from the anger bubbling inside of me. I launch myself at the man closest, he wields a gun but seems like he isn't quite sure how to use it. I take him down easily. Just as I go to stand up and go for the other 3; I feel a burning pain coming from my abdomen. I look down and see a large arrow sticking out of me. The pain is too overwhelming and I choke on my own blood as I give a ear-splitting scream. Another arrow is launched into my shoulder and imbeds itself in me. The pain is so overwhelming, I don't know what to do or how to deal with this. It feels as if my entire body is being painfully electrocuted and my skin is on fire. I scream out again and just as I feel myself about to fall, another arrow is shot into my thigh and I immediately crumble to the ground on my back. Coughing and choking on my own blood. I lay there for what feels like forever, swimming in my own blood and silently sobbing. I hear a man chuckle and say:
"That should bring the old bat out of his cave" I know he's talking about getting Maximus to come out of hiding to help me because we are mates but I pray he doesn't. They've already laid me on my death bed and I don't want to leave this earth knowing he died because of me. I'm going in and out of conscious when I hear the most deadliest growl. I know who it belongs too. It screams in pain and the need to protect me. I'm paralyzed with the pain but I don't miss the snapping of necks and the sound of blood splatter against my apartment walls. Heavy footsteps make their way towards me and I'm calm as I see him lean over me, assessing the damage. Maximus looks in pain as tears well in his eyes. I choke as I try to find the words that he needs to hear before I go.
"M-m-max..imus, i-I'm sor...ry" More tears leak out of my eyes and I'm surprised when his eyes harden and he angrily shakes his head.
"No I'm sorry, because you're not dying today, I don't accept that" I don't understand why he's apologizing until he rips out the arrow in my shoulder and I scream loudly, and then the one in my thigh, and then the one in my abdominal. I would say what happens next but I black out from all the pain. The last thing I remember is him slipping his hands beneath me and lifting me, carrying me to my bedroom and shutting the door behind us.

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