I woke up reluctantly

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I woke up reluctantly. My alarm clock shook me from my bliss filled dreams and screamed and screamed until i dragged myself out of bed. When i pulled back my curtains the morning sun shocked me at it's intensity. The only way i could describe the morning sky seemed to be that it was almost like the universe knew i had found my soulmate, soulmate, it's still so weird to be saying. The moon goddess had given me a blessing by giving me my mate so early in life. The world was gigantic and most wolves are lucky if they come across their other half before it's too late. I quickly showered and drank a glass of milk before leaving for work. I only worked half a day today and so as i strolled from sidewalk to sidewalk and dodged people on the streets my mind wandered to Maximus. Would i see him again today? Do i want to? Of course i want to! I couldn't help but feel a little queasy when i thought of being around him. It wasn't because i disliked him; it was because of the sheer power that radiated off of him. When he told me he wasn't an Alpha i couldn't help but know that as a lie. No male walks around with that type of aura without being important. I almost shuttered at the utter dominance he held over me. Female wolves are in no way shape or form weak but i was specifically bread to read books and use my mind to solve problems. Not my fists. I grew up training with the other warriors like everyone else but i was never as good or as strong, as fast, as agile as they were. My strongest asset is my mind and i believe i could talk my way out of fight long before it was even started. My family was never meant to be warriors and we never will be. That's just the way it is. My brother used to try to convince my dad to let him leave and be a pack warrior but once my dad read him the family origins he was on board. I wish i could get on board. I'll have to go back eventually...i just need more time. The power that rolls off of Maximus is the most alluring thing about him and i could feel him before he even walked into the room. I don't know what he's hiding but i need it know. I need to see him again.
When i got into work it was abnormally quiet. Usually people are running around making noise, yelling, being frantic. There was no one in the kitchen bakery or the bakery itself, it was just as clean as it was the night before and i nearly thought i came too early but we i checked the digital clock on my phone, it read 8:05am. i'm right on time so where is everyone? I cross the kitchen threshold into Kensington's main dining area to see an abundance of men gathered around 3 tables pushed together. The men all wore black tailored suits, gelled hair and all sat quietly as the man at the head of the table spoke. his voice was loud and my wolf perked up at his energy. werewolf. An alpha. I quietly turned on my heels and backed out of the room and into the kitchen. I found 3 chefs and the bartender hanging out around a deck of cards.
I cleared my throat loudly, gaining there attention
"What's the deal with them?" i ask, jabbing a thumb in the direction of the men.
"Some big shot business tycoons from over seas are here for some contracts and decided to rent out the restaurant for the morning. Like they couldn't do this in a board room or something" One of the chefs, Angela, rolled her eyes before slapping a queen of hearts onto the table.
"They weren't even eating, why are you all here?"
Sam, the bartender speaks first "They've been ordering hourly rounds of wine and bourbon so i'm stuck until they leave"
Angela snorts a laugh "Leave it to rich guys to get morning drunk during a business meeting"
I laughing loudly and quickly cover my mouth.
"We're here cause they ordered some fancy steaks for lunch and they have to broil for hours" Lowell explains. He's 39 and one of the best cooks i've ever met, plus i babysit his daughters occasionally in exchange for left overs.
"So why didn't i get a call off?" I frown, if i knew i didn't have work then Maximus could've stayed.
"We got the email this morning at 5am. We sent out a mass text message. didn't you get it?"
"um-" i rummage through my purse until i find my cellphone "-yup, there is is. my bad, i was in quite the rush" I explain to the group. Since i'm already here i tell them to deal me into the next game as i skip to the bakery and dig out some vanilla ice cream from the deep freezer and 5 spoons. When i return to the kitchen i join in the game and as promised, Sam leaves for 5 minutes every hour to pour drinks.
Once 12pm hits i tap out. The men's meeting comes to a close and i'm only meant to work half a day so the rest of the day is up to me. I exit out the half door after waving goodbye to my co-workers and round the building until i come to the front. The streets are extra crowded during this time of the day and as i turn to walk to my apartment, i crash into the back of one of the men in the suits coming out of the restaurant. He is tall, as tall as my mate and reeks of Alpha. My head quickly snaps up and i quickly rush out an apology.
"My apologies Alpha" i slightly bow my head in submission, to not draw attention from the humans. after a moment i feel him turn around and i raise my head, meeting his eye.
"No problem, May i ask which pack you belong to?" The man questions.
"I am Madeleine McCabe of the Reagan Pack"
"Hello Madeleine, do you work at this restaurant, your scent lingered inside"
"Yes i do sir."
"Very nice, Well it was nice to meet you Madeleine."
"And you Alpha-" i pause, it's considered disrespectful to not call an alpha by his full name when face to face.
"Alpha Atlas"
"And you, Alpha Atlas"
He shuffled into the large black limousines on the curb and i finally let out a breathe of air. He felt dangerous and he stood much too close to me to be considered respectful. He spoke with an accent, his english sounded broken like he wasn't used to speaking it and not to mention the haunted look in his eye, although well hidden it wasn't something i missed. Angela did mention it was overseas business. I shake off the odd vibe i got from the Alpha and continue my way home.
I enter and welcome the breeze from the open window in front of me- wait- the open window. i didn't leave the window open this morning!
i round the corner and take cautious steps towards the window before quietly sliding it shut.
i jump when large arms slide around my waist in a hug from behind. my fight or flight mood begins to kick into high gear before i feel the fire of the mate bond seep into my skin, maximus,
"goddess maximus you scared the hell out of me!!" i scream, twisting around in his arms.
"i'm sorry, i figured you could smell me" he mumbles into my neck, nuzzling me a bit. i bite my lip in need, his head fits perfectly on my shoulder and his lips reach my sweet spot without any effort. He could mark me right now without moving a muscle. the thought makes me calmly pull out of his arms and walk over to the island, taking a seat on a stool and grabbing an apple from the basket.
"what're you doing here?" i ask, crunch
"i wasn't doing anything and i'm not going back home for a few days so i wanted to hang out...with you" maximus explains, i take another bite into my apple and chew slowly as the thought of him going home settles in my mind.
"right...you have to go home" my eyes mindless wonder to the frames that hang along the hallway that lead to my bedroom as i think.
How long will it be until i see him again when he goes home? what if he lives far away, he did say he didn't live in new york. and i can't possibly drop everything in just a few days to go with him. how do we do this?
"yes, to virgina" Maximus takes the seat next to me and grabs an apple for himself, taking a large bite out of it, crunch.
my brain calculates the miles and that's atleast a 6 hour drive, maybe longer depending on the city he lives in.
my mouth works faster than my brain as i spit out "When will i see you again?" to shut my self up i take a chunk out of the apple in my hand, chewing slowly.
Maximus coughs, surprised. "I was hoping you would be joining me"
my eyes grow wide- "Max i cant just pick up and leave- my family and my job, my apartment. i'm held by contract for another 2 years"
Maximus's eyes meet mine, he is calm. He sets his apple down on the counter before reaching over and resting a hand over mine on my jittery leg.
"i would really prefer to not be hours away from you, i don't think it would be good for the both of us" he says calmly, a fire lights behinds his eyes. my own eyes harden, frustrated that although he is probably right. he's using our mate bond to guilt me into moving. i have an either life here!
"Maximus. i can't." i add as much conviction i have in my voice as i can muster in his presence.
"Madeleine i don't think you have a choice, i'm not staying in new york. my home can protect us and it has everything you'd ever need" Maximus breathes out heavily. Upset with me for not giving in immediately. He can argue with me all he wants but it takes longer than a few days to uproot my entire life to go with him. i'd need a few months at least to negotiate out of my lease, sell my furniture, and convince my family. plus i need to put a 2 weeks notice in for my job!
"I don't see the big deal in waiting, what's the big with you staying here for a few months with me! what's waiting for you back home hm? who's there?" I sneer at him. Maximus growls at my insinuation of him having another women around.
"There is no one there, the city isn't meant for us. You are a werewolf and you can do whatever the hell you want! you're a grown women and i can pay off whatever it takes to move you out of this apartment! stop arguing with me! ITS SETTLED!" He yells in my face, we're both on our feet now, toe to toe. he could easily take me down but i won't go without a fight. He will not push me around like this, absolutely not!
"The first thing you're going to do is lower your voice when you speak to me because although i am a werewolf i am not a dog! i am not a child! i am your mate and i deserve to be spoken to with respect! The second thing you need to understand is that i built a life and you're not going to come here and mess everything up! i have an important future dedication to the pack an hour away! i can't leave without telling anyone. You can either stay here or you can go to virgina and i'll join you when i can. deal with it or go." i cross my arms over my chest, growling up at his y'all form. i mentally patted myself on the back for not raising my voice once at him. good job me. Maximus is shaking in rage, i almost think he'll shred his clothes and turn into his wolf right here in my tiny ass apartment. all through i'm scared out of my mind i keep my stance and i refuse to move. Maximus seems to trip over his words to figure out to say what he wants to say before exploding the words that would ultimately change my life forever.

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