The ground shakes

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Chapter 13

Maximus POV

The ground shakes as my paws pounds against it. my strong legs push me faster and faster through the dense forest behind my estate. my breathing comes out in angry loud huffs through my wolfs nose.
'mate doesn't want our mark' my wolf growls out in my head.
'why doesn't she want our mark' over and over again the questions run through our mind as we circle the perimeter. never going far enough away where i lose the sound of her calm heart beat. the rational part of my brain understands why, maybe she isn't ready, maybe she is afraid. But the animal in me is furious and frustrated with her constant pushing us away. it seems as though every chance she gets she must remind us that she can't stay. I understand her responsibilities but being what i am, i would never be able to just be some regular run of the mill pack mate. i'm an alpha, i'm the alpha and madeleine is so much more then some philosopher. her potential as a luna is untapped and the beast inside of me is itching to show her all she can be. But i can't be an alpha of a pack, my guilt for my past still to this day eats at me. i let all of my pack members down the second they put all their trust in me.
'find a way to make mate stay' my wolf says to me. if only it was that easy. madeleine is not one to be pushed into things, i've only known her for 2 weeks barely and i know that if she plans to leave, she will. Considering that fact, it doesn't sway me from thinking
'That doesn't mean i cant try' Madeleine wouldn't be able to live without me for long but if i can avoid her trying at all, i will. She's my soulmate for fucks sake.
The run back to the house is a slow one, this time jogging over the land with quiet and graceful steps. the evening light shines down on me as i break the tree line. Quickly shifting back to my skin i walk into the house and up to our bedroom. completely disregarding the fact that i'm indeed stark naked as i pass madeleine seated on the couch. her cheeks blaze as she takes in my form, from out of my peripheral i see her eyes widen and mouth drop. i take a deep in take of breathe from the feeling of my mate being so obviously attracted to me naked. the scent of her arousal almost makes turn back and have my way with her with or without permission. but i resist, digging my nails into my hands which no doubt leave little crescent marks on my palms. I go straight to the shower to wash off the dirt and nature smell that comes with running in wolf form. the warm water rushes over my body as i scrub at the skin, tearing off the crusted mud and stray leafs in my hair. once i'm done i quickly dry off and wrap the black towel around my waist before retreating to my room, madeleines still down stairs when i reach so i take my time in dressing, deciding what i will say to her. where would i even begin? we would just end up arguing again and it won't change her mind. stubborn...just like me. we need to be a united front to face these hunters, the mating conversations can wait because once our enemies are taken care of then we will have years to make up. atleast that's what i keep telling myself, i only have one condition. Descending the stairs quickly, i see her sitting at the kitchen island, her long luscious legs dangle off the edge of the seat and my eyes can't help but admire her from the doorway. they travel up her light brown skin, past her athletic shorts, past my obviously large t-shirt, catching on the way her hair twists and turns all the way down her back and back up to her scalp, her face is down turned as she absentmindedly stirs a bowl of yogurt. breaking out of my stupor, i approach her. resting a hand next to her on the counter, i begin laying out my case
"i will agree with holding off marking and mating with you until you say the words. under one condition," i breathe out, her body swivels towards mine on the chair quietly and like the angel she is, madeleine simply rests her head against my chest- right above my heart as she listens to me name my terms, a nod for me to continue.
"if anything happens, and i mean anything- that means even one misplaced hair on your head or one clutch to me in fear for your safety. you will let me mark you simply for the sake of letting us mindlink and so i can feel your emotions, i so i can know if you are ever in any immediate danger" by now my free hand has found itself tangled in her curls at the back of her head, tilting her face up to mine.
madeleine stares at me with a blank face, no emotion radiating from her for a second before her eyes soften and she just barely, gives me a nod before speaking.
"your condition is understandable and in those circumstances, yes you can mark me" she softly whispers as if we weren't the only two people in the room. in relief my arms wrap around her tightly, squashing her body to my chest as i kiss her forehead.
"i promise i will do everything in my power to keep you safe, you know that don't you?" i ask
"yes, i do know." Madeleine says back to me, clutching to my body just as tightly.

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