Today is friday

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Chapter 7

Today is Friday. It's been 5 days since I've seen Maximus and I believe I may be going insane. I can't sleep, can't eat, can't think, can't breathe. Today at work I put salt in a batch of cupcakes instead of sugar and almond extract instead of vanilla. I haven't done something like that since I was 15. My mind is a wreck and even my wolf seems to acting abnormal. She won't come out and take runs. I can't feel her walking around or growling behind the veil like I usually can. All I feel is silence and an occasional whimper. I was such a mess that Liz sent me home early after I burnt a batch of macaroons. they're kind of a headache to make so when you ruin sucks. The walk home was a blur and before I knew it, I was inside my apartment: sitting on a bar stool with a cup of tea. I rested my head in my left while I sipped with my right. I couldn't stop thinking about the ridiculous story Maximus told me. Claiming himself to be a thousand and something year old man, the first werewolf alpha. psh! as if! cursed to live forever until he found his mate- which obviously happened. Of course I normally wouldn't believe such a story but I can't help but wonder...if it's true how did I not know about it? The McCabe's are the keepers of werewolf history and lore. We know everything and I spent all of my childhood surrounded by books and the stories and knowledge that they carried. I've read just about every book there is and I've never once heard of the the first alpha. According to the texts, the moon goddess created werewolves by blending wolves and human souls together. we rose from the ground and the eventually created packs to live in. There was no 'first alpha' or 'first pack' there just...was. I keep running through everything that I know in my head and none of it resembles what my mate told me. Pathological liar? Confused? Insane? A comedian? I keep going in circles and circles until my phone eventually rings. It's my mother.
"Hey ma" I speak into the phone, trying not to show how tired I truly am.
"Madeleine!'re still coming for dinner aren't you?" She says timidly into the phone. I know my mother is absolutely terrified that I will suddenly disappear and decide to completely leave the pack. I won't but that doesn't ease her worry.
"Of course! Am I late or something? It's only 5 o'clock."
"No but your grandparents decided to stop by- Something about checking out the new genetics section of the library, but they keep asking about you and it's a bit...aggravating?" She questions, looking for a non-offensive word. I nod before answering,
"Alright, Madeleine to the rescue! Be there in an hour and some change."
"Thank you sweetie! Love you! See you soon." I click the 'end call' button before getting up and setting my now empty cup into the sink. Making my way to my bedroom I strip down into my undies before going to the bathroom for a 10 minute wash-up. After my shower I spend a while considering my clothing options. Usually I would opt for jeans and t-shirt but my grandparents are on the more traditional side and i don't want to be under-dressed. It's like I can imagine my mom yelling for my siblings to get into their good clothing as soon as their car pulled into the driveway. I decide to go with black leggings, a long sleeve cream colored sweater that just covers my butt before grabbing a pair of black suede chunk heeled booties and slipping them on. I rush through the kitchen; Grabbing my purse, phone, and keys before dashing out of the door. The elevator ride to the car garage is terribly slow and I begin to fear that it'll give me time to think about Maximus. My mate. Just as I begin to materialize his face in my mind- the doors ding open and I rush to my car. I pretend not to notice the dent in the hood from the 'I wanna kill Maximus' arrow. It feels weird being in my car considering I rarely use it. It was a gift from my parents strictly because they didn't want me to have an excuse to not visit. As you can see, it worked. I quickly speed out of the underground garage and onto the busy New York streets. The traffic today is unusually not busy and I cruise through easily. My wolf stirs behind the veil and begins to sniff, the action in itself causes me to crack open the window and taking a long whiff of the air. I'm immediately hit with hundreds of different scents but it's not hard to notice the distinct cinnamon and fire smell causes me to curl my bottom lip into my mouth and naw on it with my teeth. He's here. I don't stop the car and prepare a speech for when I find him. I keep driving, farther away. A speech not prepared simply because I have nothing to say.

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