My heart thudded in my ears

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Chapter 15

My heart thudded in my ears. my entire family- missing. right under the noses of a town full of werewolves. supernatural creatures. How? i couldn't begin to fathom a thought. I knew that man and that organization must be the reason but still. my mind shut down in awe; i didn't feel my body lower onto the couch and i didn't feel my mates electric shock on my arm, i didn't notice my heart break. This was all my fault. If i had never been on that road, been living in the city, i never would have met Maximus. i never would have become a target which in turn; made my family targets. They were good people, they were important. what would happen to the werewolf community if we were wiped off the face of the world. All that we know; gone. our indestructible library of precious knowledge would be lost. The man from outside told us we would know when to hand ourselves over. i knew Maximus would never let me go, no matter what but he couldn't stop me on this. this was my famous. what was one lost girl compared to a whole family. These things didn't make sense and i didn't understand why my mate was being targeted so much. How could anyone even remember someone like him? Something in this mess just didn't add up.
"Madeleine...i know how you must fee-"
"You have no idea how i feel" my voice was rough and strained from all of my screaming and crying. my eyes i'm sure we're red and puffy as i looked next to me at my gorgeous soulmate. who i would have to say goodbye to.
He frowned at me, sadness seeping into his eyes.
"We can figure this out, i promise you we will get them back" He grabbed both my hands in his large ones, pulling them to his mouth and placing soft kisses on my knuckles. i pulled them away, tucking them into my body.
"b-but how" my voice broke.
"My family, i won't allow them to suffer any longer. We're not going to go to war with these monsters. this is my blood, maximus." i huffed. "there is no situation where i am willing to risk their life. not even if it means saving myself." the tears came back at full speed. Rushing down my cheeks as i came to terms with the reality of my situation.
"Maximus, i'm going to die" He snarled, fangs on full display. this eyes blazed golden and hair sprouted from his hands as his nails grew into claws before quickly reverting back to his human hands.
"Don't say that to me ever again!" he yelled, jumping up and running his hands through his hair.
"You can't say that to me Madeleine! You have no idea how long i've waited for this and you can't even begin to consider that before we even- before i even-" He cut himself off, instead smashing his boot clad foot into the glass coffee table in front of us. it shattered around us.
"before we what?" i asked. Maximus just shook his head muttering curse words.
"before you what! Maximus!!" I shouted at him. His head whipped up at me and with misty eyes he opened his mouth and yelled;
"before i could fall in love with you damnit!!" The room around us quieted and my anger diminished. We've barely had anytime and i'm already offering myself up for the slaughter. way to be a martyr.
"We haven't had any time to do the things i've spent a milliuem dreaming up for us" Maximus let out a breathe. Deflating as he sat back down on the couch. The 'i'm sorry' was on the tip of my tongue but still, i couldn't say it. what was i to be sorry for? this was my family, my blood. Maximus would be fine without me, he's done it for an eternity before me. with that thought in mind..i make my decision. There's nothing i wouldn't give for my family. Nothing.

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