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Book Legend

-Story of the first ten

The moon goddess created the first 10 because she saw how the humans flourished and were happy where they resided and how they praised they're own gods with gifts and prayer and she wanted that for herself and one day she came across a roaming pack of wild wolves - 10 of them and saw how loyal and brave they were, how they searched for their soulmate until they found that wolf and seemed to be truly connected to that soul. she found it beautiful and thought that there was no better subjects than the loyal, loving, brave warriors that the wolves had showed themselves to be as they howled towards the full moon so she looked into their souls and found 10 humans who mirrored the wolf's and merged the two, body and mind. they could communicate with each other and live like the humans for who she had first admired and given her the idea for her own species but then transform and fight in the form of their equal, their wolf. She also blessed them with the gift of soulmates in form of other werewolves so the souls could rest peacefully and continue to be grateful for her gift. She also bestowed them with gifts of speed, strength, enhanced senses, and the gift of immortality to keep them as an example of a superior species over the humans. the first 10 were strong unlike any other werewolf's that would eventually be created. They could take down entire villages within the hour and they quickly became blood thirsty for power, wanting to exterminate humans and make the world a utopia filled with immortal beings who ran at incredible speeds and lifted with strength unknown.
After 15 years of the blood and anguish that plagued the world. The moon goddess could no longer sit around and watch the once happy, serine people for who she still admired be killed by those of her own creation. She for the first time since the creation came down from her thrown and stood tall on the earths grass. The moon goddess stopped the fighting and called forth the 10. She belted out their crimes against humanity and against her. She was as loud as Zeus's thunderbolt and not even an ocean could drown out her anger, if there was one thing the moon goddess could not stand it was disrespect. she looked upon them all and decided a punishment silently. The moon goddess looked towards the man standing in the middle, slightly in front of the others. The alpha, Maximus. stood tall, covered in the blood of his victims. His skin was stained dark with mud and dirt that they had fought in for the last decade and a half. She brought him forward, told him to look out to his pack members and announced in a loud voice. "All of you have been a failure. a creation that went awry the second any of you thought that you were as powerful enough to become more than what you were intended to be. You are all strong, but never as strong as I. Without me, you would all be canines lying on the ground, licking your paws or humans standing on stone, breaking your bones for a slice of food. WITHOUT ME YOU WOULD BE NOTHING. I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY YOUR MAKER? SHAME. For your crimes against humanity and your blatant disrespect and disregard for the life you were blessed with. I strike you down, with all the power I carry in a single wave of my hand. Don't fret, for in a 100 years when the world has been rebuilt, I will let thousands upon thousands of werewolves rise from the ashes of their predecessors, a better strain of the stain you all have left on this land. Those without immortality, slower, lesser, strong as individuals but they will need a pack to become strong. They will have no choice but surrender under their goddess for the gift of life. I, the moon goddess of this here earth, revoke my blessing of life and banish you all the depths of hell where you will never rest. Your sentence is eternal." And with a flick of her wrist, the wolves fell to the ground, dead. All except one. Maximus stood rigid in front of the goddess, staring at the place where his pack members once stood. She slowly laid her hand upon his shoulder and turned him around to look into her eyes. then she spoke, "and for you, Maximus, leader of this great crusade to power. You do not deserve the release of death. You my son, will live. Forever. You will roam the earth until the end of time. Never knowing peace, never able to grow, or change. You will never know love. Without a pack you are weak, you are nothing, for the next 100 years you will be the only werewolf left on this mortal plane. When my new creations rise in a century, you will tell only one person of your story. The story will travel through the generations until eventually the great Maximus, Alpha of the first ten is only but a legend, a myth. And that my dear boy, is your eternal punishment." She finished speaking and stood silent. She folded her hands together before she began to materialize before Maximus's eyes. Then he spoke- "if I am never to die, to suffer for an eternity, what for that of my soulmate? Will she never exist..?" His eyes widened in fear of his realization. The moon goddess saw the fear that cascaded his face before she said, loud in clear. "Your mate will be born and live. Not even my power can stop the meeting of two soulmates while one exists in this world and the other waits in another" Maximus let out a breath before she continued "But- I do have the power to hold her back for some time" Maximus's eyes snapped to hers before snarling "what are you saying". The moon goddess spoke calmly and almost in torment of the man in front of her. "You will find your mate...eventually. I will hold her soul back from you for as long as I possibly can until it overpowers me. Only then, when you have earned the love of your soulmate will you be without your immortality and be granted the ability to age, change, love, live, procreate if that's what you so choose. Now goodbye Maximus, I'll be watching you" and with that, the moon goddess disappeared. Maximus stood still for hours, watching the fires he created burn out from rain and then blood wash from his body. This was day one of forever.

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