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I finally got a place to reside. But I feel bad that I'm disturbing this gentleman.

Even though he may be a pervert or who knows he could be one. But he stood up to help a complete stranger. I appreciate his kindness.

After taking a good look around the house, it was a well furnished and compact place to live.

But now the problem arises who is going to take the bed and who will take the couch.

The basic layout was a hall, a kitchen and a bedroom with an attached bathroom.

The house had the furniture like couches, dining table and a dressing table and a wardrobe, also a small LED TV in the hall.

Even he was clearly thinking about the situation. Before he spoke, I continued,

"Well Gray, I think you should take the bedroom. I will be fine on the couch.
It's the least gratitude I can show you for allowing me to stay in your place.
Moreover, it's for a couple of months. So fine by me, no more talks on that.
Wardrobe will be half divided so do the dressing table."

"No it's okay, Juvia. I don't mind sleeping on the couch.
How can I let a girl sleep in the hall while I sleep in the bedroom? It's okay, I will adjust." He let out a smile on his visage.

I was really taken aback by his gentleness. I blushed a little but quickly snapped the thought out of my mind and declined his offer.

Then I put up my cold front,
"Look Gray, just because you gave me a place to reside that doesn't mean I will listen to your every chatter.
Look I'm staying on this couch, that's final.
And this couch is way too small for your tall, muscular frame. So stay put in the bed itself, idiot."

I thought he will shout at me but he smiled and said,
"you have a tough way of expressing your reason. You could have said to me in a more calm and gentle way, fine whatever."

He left me in the hall and went to the room to unpack his things.


For a minute, I thought why she became mad at me suddenly, but her reason washed away my thoughts. She was thinking about my conditions.

As I went to the room to unpack my things, suddenly my phone vibrated. I took out from the back pocket to find who was calling me at this time. It was from my father.

"Yo dad! Yeah, I reached the place just now. Don't worry everything is fine."

"Gray, you could have called us as soon as you reached the place. You made your mom worry. Mika, come here, Gray is on the line."

"Mom, I'm fine. I'm not a kid anymore. I can take care of myself. Moreover, I'm not staying alone. I got a roommate."

"Okay Gray dear, but who is this roommate? One of your friends!! Don't say you got a girl to stay with you. I won't allow unethical cohabitation."

'Shoot, now I can't say it is a girl. Mom and dad, will screw me. Why did this big mouth of mine blurt out the info.'
I thought and then came up with an idea to convince them.

"Nah!! Mom. As I said, I still don't have any girlfriend. So just chill, he is my friend. You know Loke right?
He is the one staying with me. So just don't worry about me. Take care of yourself and Dad."

"Okay dear, if you say so. Eat well and take care. And did you open the fortune cookie which we gave you in the morning. What did it say?"

"No mom. I didn't open. As I said, I don't believe in those things. So bye for now. I'm keeping it. Goodnight"

I remembered the cookie which mom gave me in the morning. She was excited to know what I would have gotten.

But I know I have bad luck, so why to discourage yourself.

I carefully placed the cookie in a plastic wrap and put it in a drawer.

I thought, 'For now you stay here. I guess now is not the correct time for me to open you.'

And decided to take a bath before so that she can come and get changed.


"Hello Bora-kun, yeah I have reached Magnolia. So when can we move in together? I mean for now I'm staying with my friend."

"I'm sorry, Juvia. The work schedule is tight. Moreover, with what I earn, I can barely afford a 2BHK apartment.
But still give me some more time, I will search for a place just for us. Don't worry, I'm there for you. Bye take care."

"But Bora-kun...." I guess he has cut the call.

'Fine, whatever you say.'

I think I shouldn't have been cold towards Gray. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

I opened and it was Mrs.Ashley. She came in with a big tray of food, probably our dinner.

"Mrs.Ashley, it was not necessary. Sorry we disturbed you."

"It's okay dear. No problem, moreover, you guys looked tired.
So it will help you regain some energy. Don't be shy. Eat it still hot or else the taste may change."

I thanked her for the kind gesture and she left. That's when Gray entered the hall,
"Oh did Mrs.Ashley come? Wow, what a nice aroma? Come let's eat."

As I turned to face him. I saw him just wearing shorts and came straight out from shower with a towel wiping his wet hair.

For a moment, my cheeks and ears began to warm up. I stammered to form correct words.

Till now, I haven't even seen my boyfriend with this much minimal clothing but this man got the nerve to stand in this state in front of a girl.

He looked confused and asked what happened. I threw my clutch on his face and shouted,
"Pervert, go get dressed up fully. I will kill you, if I once again see you like this."

"Hey, what's the problem with this? I'm usually like this in my house as I can't bear hot weather.
Moreover, I don't have a problem if a pretty girl like you is staring at my physique with such a cute flushed face."

He smirked and teased me. I blushed instantly feeling warmed up within my body. Then he began to eat the food.

I took my luggage and went upto the room to get changed. I went in to take a cold shower to cool down my body temperature.

After what seemed like a while, I came out in my PJs and began to unpack my things.

As I said to him, he left the half rack in the dressing table and the wardrobe for my usage.

When I opened my purse, I saw there was a small fortune cookie which a little girl gave me in the morning for helping her cross the busy road.

I didn't open the cookie because this was the first thing someone gave me as a token of appreciation.

So I thought of treasuring it for some time.

'I wonder what the cookie holds for me. I guess, only time knows the answer.'

I went to the hall and ate the remaining portion of my share.

As we were tired. We decided to call it off for the day. And discuss anything else tomorrow.





FROM STRANGERS TO SOULMATES  (RE-EDITED) Where stories live. Discover now