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"Okay, I will meet up in the mall. So everyone is coming right." 

I was talking to Erza on the mobile. She came up with an idea of watching a movie which just got released last week.

"For now, don't know whether Juvia is coming or not as she didn't pick up the call. But don't worry, everyone else is coming. Bye good night." She hung the call.

I took a look at the clock. It's quarter past nine. I called Juvia to know where she was, not that I cared about her. But that girl has the worst sense of direction.

So I was willing to help her out if she got lost somewhere. But she didn't pick the call.

I went out looking for her. As I was passing by an alley which was quite dark but had a dim street light so we can see.

I heard someone shouting for help. I ran towards the direction of voice but the voice became more like whimpering. 

That's when I saw Juvia was being assaulted by a drunkard. He tore her top and now making his way to her inners.

My blood boiled seeing this. I instantly slammed his head to the wall and kicked him on his butt forcefully.

That's when Juvia opened her eyes and saw me. She began to cry hard. I went up to her, opened her hand tie and removed the cloth from her mouth.

She instantly hugged me and began crying. I consoled her by patting her back.

'Man!! She looks traumatized.'

The drunkard once again stood on his feet and charged on us. Without removing my hands from her shoulders, I kicked him and luckily he passed out.

"Juvia, relax. It's alright. Nothing happened. Listen, calm down. It's okay. Relax........ I'm here with you. Fine don't worry. I'm there for you, Juvia."

I removed my shirt and wore it around her shoulder to cover her up.

She was hugging me very tightly and crying on my chest.

I slowly led her to our apartment. The neighbours were giving me a weird look as what was going on. I didn't care and made my way inside.

I made her sit on the couch and went to grab some water to make her relax. Still now, her crying didn't stop but whimpering had.

After drinking, she looked a little better. I sat next to her and wiped the tears with my fingers. Again, she hugged me.

"Thank you Gray. If it wasn't for your help, then who knows what would have happened. Thank you, I'm really thankful for your help."

I patted her back and kissed her forehead to make her relax. 

After staying in this position for sometime, she fell asleep on my shoulders. 

I carried and placed her on the bed. I decided tonight, I will sleep on the couch.


I got up earlier than usual. After getting freshened up, I decided to make breakfast. So once she wakes up, it will make her feel comfortable.

Once breakfast was ready, I went to wake her up. But she didn't wake up. Then I placed my hands on her forehead, it was damn hot. 

She was running fever which was preventing her from even opening her eyes.

I don't know what to do. I was running around the house thinking of some way to bring down her fever.

Just then Erza called me. It was unusual for her to call this early in the morning.

FROM STRANGERS TO SOULMATES  (RE-EDITED) Where stories live. Discover now