CHAPTER 22 : Hope She Remembers

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It's been 3 weeks since the sports event. I and Gray have gotten quite close in terms of friendship and understanding which I feel very happy about.

Soon Levy-San's birthday is going to come for which Gajeel-kun is trying his best to pull a surprise birthday party at the beach resort.

I'm really happy that finally my brother has found happiness in his life in her form. 

And the gift which he was planning to give her was a proposal for which he is trying to memorize some cheesy lines.

He is going to various laborious jobs to collect some money to book the beach resort. 

I felt pity seeing him work this hard, so I decided to lend him some savings of mine.

Even though he refused, I insisted on him as it's my share of doing for my future sister in law. He had no other option, so he accepted my offer.

Basically, for the past 3 weeks, I have been working continuously without taking my day off, also I'm doing extra orders. 

Seeing me work this laborious, Ur and Gray scolded me telling that I will break down if I keep doing this.

I assured them I would be fine and took a promise from Gray to maintain this as a secret from my brothers and friends.

After the part time, on the way home I saw Bora standing near a lamp post waiting for me. I didn't give him care and ignored him.

He chased and pulled my arms. "Juvia, why are you ignoring me? I thought okay you were angry with me because I left you in the middle of the night. I'm sorry for that. Please accept my apologies."

I remained silent and didn't speak anything. I made sure he doesn't know the truth about his intentions that I know.

Because while confronting him with the truths I need Gajeel-kun's assistance, who knows that jerk might pull some dirty acts.

"Let go of me Bora-kun. I'm disappointed in you. I don't think we can continue with this type of relationship, let's break up."

"Juvia, please I did tell you that day I had some important job that's why I left you. I'm sorry. Come let's not speak about this matter in the middle of the road."

I felt this point was valid and followed him to the nearby bar. I informed Gray that I'm on a date with Bora, he still doesn't know the issues I'm having with this jerk.

Bora convinced me with all the damn excuses he could sprout out.

At one point, I lost the cool and yelled at him how he was inconsiderate in our relationship and spent less time with me. 

Again he started to tell a few lies, I excused myself to go to the restroom.

There I tried to cool my mind by spraying cold water on my face.

Then I went to the seat and drank the water which was there on the table.

I guess, that's where I made the mistake as the water tasted bitter.

I suddenly started to feel dizzy and light. He smirked at me, "Juvia, please let me make up for all the time and issues which caused you dissatisfaction. Please come with me."

I shouted at him and unconsciously blurted out all the information regarding his intentions. 

The color of his face changed while the audience around us were looking at us.

He convinced them that I was drunk and created some scenes and he pulled me out. 

"So now, you know my secret, this makes my job easier. You bitch, come with me and taste the pain in a worst way so that your brother learns not to mess with me." He laughed devilishly.

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