A Chaotic Sacrifice

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*in Canterlot Castle*

Twilight: *nearly monotone* I'm sorry we couldn't help our friends, but we didn't know what else to do.

Sunset/Glare- *looks at them* They're gonna be ok. We know it.

*the others nod and Twilight and Dusk start to perk up*

Applejack/AJ: *nods* At least we're inside.

Pinkie/Bubble: [unconvinced] Yeah! All we have to do now is defeat King Sombra and Queen Oscura! [nervous laugh]

Twilight/Dusk: *worried* We...

[the two get green liquid on them and they look to see Discord and Eris chewing on pickles]

Discord: [chewing] Oh, my. No Elements? No royals?

Eris- *holds up the pickle* Seems like you're in a bit of a pickle! Or are you in... [snaps and shows them of jam] ...more of a jam? [chewing] Mmm!

Twilight/Dusk: Discord! Eris! What are you two doing here?!

Discord: [swallows and holds up posters] Well, we were going to hang these up all over the castle to celebrate your coronation, but apparently it's a bit premature.

[Eris puts the posters back]

Sunset/Glare- *about to say something*

Twilight: *relieved* We're so glad to see you two!

Dusk- *relieved* We could really use some all-powerful Lord and Lady of Chaos help right now!

Discord/Eris: *smirks* Moi? Oh, we couldn't possibly. *they walk away*

[the others trot by them but they see the guards that are hypnotized]

Pinkie/Bubble: *worried* Oh, poodles!

*the Mane and Colt 6 and Sunset and Glare get into fighting stances*

Twilight/Dusk: *begging* Discord, Eris, please!

Discord/Eris: *unamused* Oh, fine. [looks at them] Just to be clear, we were really rooting for you to do this on your own and parlay that confidence boost into being the best protectors of Equestria you can be.

Sunset/Glare- *thinks*

*the guards charge at them*

Rainbow/Blitz: *to them* A little less talking and a little more helping?!

Discord/Eris: [snaps]

*two of the guards get caught in a spiderweb*

[one of the guards falls down the stairs]

[two of the guards get covered in big scoops of ice cream]

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: [gasps] Thank you, Discord and Eris!

Twilight/Dusk: *relieved* We don't know what we'd do without you two!

*they all move on*

Discord/Eris- *looks in concern* *thinks and follows the others*

*in the throne room they all enter to see Sombra and Oscura*

Rainbow/Blitz: *serious* Okay, "King" Sombra and "Queen" Oscura! Time to give up the crowns!

Sombra: [laughs] Here to fight the good fight with nothing but your wits?

Oscura- *admits* Admirable, but foolish!

*the two blast dark magic in their direction*

Discord/Eris- *comes in front of the ponies and snaps their fingers turning the blast into custard*

*the pairs keep going at it*

Discord: *to them* Well, I guess it's on me and Eris to be the MVP's today. We were betting on you, and we do hate being wrong.

Eris- *while looking at them* Although if you think about it, we are your friends, so maybe you win because friendship wins?

Both- *smiles* Although Fluttershy and Butterscotch should get most of the credit for that. They're our favorites.

*the others smile while Fluttershy and Butterscotch blush*

Sombra/Oscura: *grins darkly and blasts a dark magic beam at Fluttershy and Butterscotch*

*everyone looks in shock*

Discord/Eris: *takes the hit for them and gets flown back and are knocked on the floor*

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: [gasps with tears in their eyes] Discord! Eris!

Rest of Mane Six, Colt Six, Sunset, and Glare: [gasps in worry]

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