1."Man, I said I won't give her."

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The yells for help are getting useless. No one is able to help. They're all yelling, screaming. My grandparents are holding me tightly as I watch how my parents sleep on the cold street lifeless. When the ambulance arrives they're already dead. I know they were dead. They seem dead.


I place my last book in the bookshelf and head towards my bed since it's late and tomorrow's my first day of school. Someone knocks at my door and open. Liam, my cousin pops his head in my room, searching for me.

"Come to my room for a minute." he smiles when he sees me and then disappears. I follow him to his room. We go in it together.

"Man, I said I won't give her!" black haired guy says coming out of the bathroom. So he's the one my cousin was talking about. What a cruel man! I asked him if he could get me something to ease my mind from the nightmare I lived through.

"Please." I quietly plead in hopes that he'll change his mind. He looks at me and shakes his head. Why can't he just give those damn drugs to me?

"No, darling. That won't work." he answers, "Liam, leave me alone with her, please." he asks Liam quite nicely. He nods and leaves us alone. I bite my lower lip and fidget with my fingers.

"Just a little bit! Can't you just... Help me out with a little bit of that?" I whisper to him. Right now I'm desperate. He shook his head.

"Let me help you in other ways. I'll be there when you need a hug or someone to talk to and we can do it without drugs." he suggests to be my friend. A shoulder to cry on.

"Just one time!" I whine going closer to him. He looks down at me with a sympathetic look on his face.

"I know what it feels like. And with drugs you'll get addicted! If you get addicted, you die." he answers. He pulls me in a hug. I sob as hot tears stream down my cheeks. Who is he to be there for me? No one. He has absolutely no reason to even waste his time on me, because I'm a complete stranger to him.

"Why would you be there for me? I'm nothing to you, just some whiny bitch pleading for drugs!" I cry out. It's weird, because nobody ever hugs me like that and holds me when I'm breaking down. He hugs me tighter.

"You're right, you are nothing to me. But you're not a whiny bitch." he answers, "My dad passed away two years ago and no one except Liam was there for me. I want you to have someone else besides Liam." he explains his experience, "I tried to take some drugs to get rid of my frustration, but I got addicted and once ended up in hospital bed, almost lifeless. You can't end up like that. It'll hurt those who are close to you. Including Liam." he tries to talk me out of it. Okay, his dad passed away.

"I'm sorry about your dad." I whisper. He just laughs in response. He freaking laughed about it! Why would he do that?

"Don't be." he answers like it's okay that his dad died. But no, it's not okay! It must hurt him, it can't be that easy on him.

"But your dad.. It's something you can't replace.." I say getting out of his grip to look in his eyes. I expect to see at least shiny eyes, but there's nothing. It's like he really doesn't care.

"Trust me, I'll be alright. By the way, my name's Zayn. I know you're Kayla, right?" he smiles. I nod wiping my tears away.

"But I still want those dru-"

"I'm not giving you any drugs, okay?" he shakes his head at me. I frown. Is it really that hard for him?

"But I want to!" I insist. He can't do this to me! That's torturing!

"You just can't." he answers and with that he's gone. I storm back to my room and lock in. Fall in my bed. I scream in my pillows to get the pain out of me, because it's getting unbearable. But it doesn't really work. My pillow is already wet from tears. Someone knocks at my door again.

"What?" I yelled since I am too lazy to open them. And I don't want anyone to come in as well.

"Is everything alright, love? Heard you screaming." my grandma asks behind the door. I get up and open the doors to face her.

"It's fine. I'm fine. Thanks for everything." I say hugging her tightly. She's been there for me for my whole life. She hugs me back. Behind her I see Zayn and Liam. I let her go. She turns around, seeing that I'm looking at them.

"What is he doing here, Liam? I thought you promised me something!" grandma sounds angry with them. Liam looks sad.

"He was just helping. He's a good person, 'ma." Liam defends Zayn pointing at me. Grandma looks at Zayn and then at me.

"You gave her drugs? You little shit, C'mere! I'll! You'll see what I'll do!" grandma yells, now running to him meanwhile his eyes widen and he goes for the run. He really ran away. Me and Liam run to his room and carefully watch how Zayn runs out of the house and grandma chases after him. Jeez, she's fast! She catches him.

"Ouch. Look away." he whispered. I don't though. She takes him by his ear. Ouch. He says something. Doesn't look like she buys it. She slaps him. My mouth falls agape from what I've just seen. She fucking slapped him for nothing! She scolds him and comes inside. He looks down but then at us. Liam nods at him. He nods as well and goes away. I look at Liam.

"Why's that? Can you give me his number?" I ask. He hums taking his phone out. I take mine as well and dial Zayn's number from his phone. I save him as 'Zayn' and then call. I go to my room while I'm waiting for him to pick up.

"Yeah?" he sounds like nothing happened. Like 'ma didn't just embarrass and slap him. It gives me an impression that he's emotionless.

"Hey, uh.. Are you alright?" I ask not knowing what to say. He goes silent for a bit but then sighs.

"Yeah, I am. Why's the question?" he asks. Is he for real? He even has to ask why?

"You literally got chased by my and Liam's grandma, dragged by your ear till the gates and slapped by her! How can you ask me something like that?" I ask. He chuckles.

"Sorry, didn't know you were Kayla. But yeah, the answer's still I'm fine. 's that all you wanted?" he asks. I bet he's smiling right now. It sounds like he's smiling.

"Uh, kind of. I was just worried what that was about." I sigh, confused about it all. He hums.

"Ask Liam, he'll tell you. But don't get it wrong, I'll tell you my version later, when we'll meet again." he answers. I smile, now knowing that we'll meet again sometime.

"Okay. Talk to you later?" I ask. I bet he just nods, because he chuckles, then mumbles 'sure, I got you'. I hang up and turn around to go to Liam but he's already here.

"Is everything alright?" he asks. I nod and smile a bit. But then my smile fades.

"Mind telling me why grandma hates Zayn so much?" I ask. He bites his lip.

"Did he agree?" he asks. I frown and nod. Why would he need to agree anyway?

"He was the one to tell me to ask you first. Then he'll tell me in person himself." I say smiling. He nods closing the door behind him and locking, of course. We sit in my bed.

"So, the thing is-" he gets cut of by loud banging. What is it now?

"Liam, boy, we need to talk about that boy you took here again!" grandma shouts and loudly stomps her feet as she goes away. Liam looks scared now.

"Let's go out." I whisper to him.

"Once I step out the door I'm dead!" he insists on staying here. I smile.

"We don't have to leave out the door." I whisper while opening my window. Shit, it's high from up here. Let's hope we don't break any bones.

Cold Comfort »Z.M.« ✔️Where stories live. Discover now