16."It'll depend on my mood."

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He shakes his head.

"Shut it, don't test me." he mumbles and begins to walk away.

"Oh, I've already tested you, it wouldn't be nothing new." I say what makes him stop and turn to me. Everyone looks scared. Probably because he'd already blow up if I wasn't Liam's cousin. He points at me and shows me to keep my mouth shut. And goes away. I roll my eyes. Wow, such an idiot.

"You've tested him? What does it mean?" Cheryl turns around asking. I look at her.

"I've pushed him to be angry. He got angry and told me something unnecessary and now he's telling me not to say it all to Liam." I explain. She smiles.

"You should tell Liam. He's your cousin. He always is there to hold you. He loves you." she quietly says.

"I will. Not because he's my cousin or he loves me, but because it partly is about him." I answer. She nods.

"Well then, it's okay." she smiles. I nod. It has to be okay. I hope.

   After the lessons I wait for Liam at the gym, because he has two sports  and I want to see what they have to do. Actually it's pretty hot to watch him and Zayn, because whenever they have to do something in pairs they both do it together. They're like brothers. And I don't ever want to separate them. Now Liam is doing push ups while Zayn is sitting on his back and drinking water. He looks at me. I fold my arms over my chest. He looks at Liam and stands up. They change. Now Zayn's doing push ups. Liam shows me to go to them. I stand up and go to them.

"I'll let you take the piss of him, sit on his back, I have to go to the restroom." Liam tells me and points at Zayn. He looks up at us.

"Sad that you didn't say just 'sit on him'. Usually you say that." Zayn scoffs what makes me giggle.

"Piss off." Liam mumbles and goes away. I sit on Zayn's back.

"Ugh, why can't you be a bit heavier?" he groans. I giggle sitting fully on him, so that my feet aren't on the ground, "That's a bit better. But still, I've gotten used to Liam's heaviness. He's heavy as fuck." he mumbles while doing push ups. I smile about him saying that I'm not heavy. I always thought I am heavy as hell.

"So, what should I say to Liam so that he doesn't think that I'm lying or something?" I ask. He hums.

"I mean, you can tell him everything except that part where I said that Liam is as dangerous as I am." he answers. Well, of course.

"Without that part he'll obviously think that I'm lying." I answer. Liam comes in the gym.

"Think of something." he mumbles. Liam approaches us.

"How hard is it, Zayn?" Liam teases Zayn.

"If you're talking about her sitting on me then it's not that hard." he answers what makes my eyes widen. Liam laughs. I get off of him and hide behind Liam.

"You scared her, Zayn." Liam laughs like crazy. Now it's Zayn's time to join in Liam's laughter. They both are laughing because he scared me? How nice. I mean, he didn't really scare me, but he did make me uncomfortable.

"Boys, back to work. Kayla? Aren't you a class lower?" teacher comes up to us.

"I am, yes. But Liam had to go to the restroom and Zayn needed someone to sit on him." I answer passing on the joke.

"Yeah, these two are so sporty that they think that what we do is pretty easy meanwhile others can't even do five push ups. And girls? They yell at me, apparently because I make them do too much and their nails will suffer." teacher answers. I look at my nails.

"Thank god I have no problems with that. And looks like they are just trying to get fat." I say looking at girls. They're all looking at us. Well, Zayn, who's still doing push ups.

"Yeah. Probably. By the way, tomorrow you'll have sports together because I'll have to go to the seminar. Think I'll put Liam and Zayn as teachers." teacher tells me. I nod.

"Yeah, I'll make those little girls cry-"

"No, not that harsh, Zayn." teacher disagrees with him immediately. Zayn sits on the floor and looks up at us.

"It'll depend on my mood." he smiles with his teeth. Teacher nods.

"Great, you better not make those girls weak because they'll tell it to the headmaster and I'll be dead." he puts his trust on him. Zayn nods and looks at me. Oh please, he'll torture me!

"Uh, can I... Kind of... Not come to school tomorrow?" I ask looking at Liam. He probably saw Zayn's look at me, because he's already grinning.

"No, you'll have to come. It'll be fun. I won't let him touch you, you'll be by my side." Liam answers. I look at Zayn who has a smirk on his lips. Why is he so cold and soft at the same time? Before he got arrested he was all soft against me, but now he's just so... Cold and careless. Actually I want him to be my sports teacher. It would be hot.

   After their lessons end Liam changes and we go home. Partly I'm happy, because he isn't asking any questions about what happened with Zayn, but partly I'm sad, because I know he's going to ask when we get home.

   And when we're home he actually asks about it. I tell him everything except the thing that Zayn said to hide. Looks like Liam is buying it. I do my homework and then just have some rest, because I'm tired of everything. Tired of being bullied, tired of being controlled. I hear Liam's voice downstairs. He's arguing with his mom. I feel bad, because he always defends me even if I'm wrong and for that he argues with his family more often. I wouldn't want to argue with my family. But I would if it was for him. I know that he cares about me and it was a big change for him to accept me in their family. He had to get used to it. I still remember how we played in his garden when we were younger. Someone storms in my room what gets me out of my thoughts.

"You little shit, I'm gonna end your life!" Zayn yells. Liam pushes him away from me. I sit up. What did I do?

"Zayn, she didn't do anything! She wasn't there!" Liam yells at him. Zayn looks at him. Oh, so he wasn't arguing with his mom or sisters, or 'ma! He was arguing with Zayn!

"Wasn't she? I bet she was. Now, let me go!" Zayn yells back. What the fuck is happening?

Cold Comfort »Z.M.« ✔️Where stories live. Discover now