43."You gotta be careful with a gem like her."

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   I'm spending the night with them all and early in the morning me, Zayn and Rodger go back to Zayn's place. I sleep for a little more while Rodger unpacks in his room and Zayn helps him.

   I wake up with... Let's say, they wanted to prank me, so I'm trying to prank them. They both are hugging me, peacefully sleeping. And, of course, I began to panic at the beginning. So I let them both sleep together. Shortly after I get out of their grips they both cuddle together and honestly, they look so cute together. I take a picture of them and put it as my lockscreen and homescreen. After that I go downstairs. Make myself two sandwiches. After I do that I get scared when two arms wrap around me.

"Now, you did a really bad thing, naughty little girl." either Zayn or Rodger says. I giggle and bite into my sandwich.

"Let go of me, Rodger." I mumble with sandwich still in my mouth.

"Ah, how did you know?" he groans and lets me go. He sits at the table and messes up his own hair.

"Zayn would never call me a naughty little girl." I smirk. He smirks back what makes me roll my eyes. "Or maybe would. Whatever, stop messing with me or else I'll mess you two up even before you both will notice that." I mumble. He licks his lips.

"Try us." he chuckles. I wiggle my eyebrows and sit in front of him.

"The game's on, hun." I whisper. And exactly Zayn comes in. Or Rodger, I don't know anymore.

"Hey, babe, hi, Rodg." he mumbles rubbing his eyes. I giggle as I look in Rodger's eyes.

"Zayn, how would you call her if she had left us to sleep alone and cuddle?" Rodger asks. Zayn looks at him confused.

"Little sneaky girl." he answers and looks at me, "You did it, didn't you?" he smirks and comes to me, hugs me.

"Yeah. And he called me a little naughty girl." I answer. Zayn rolls his eyes and mumbles something like 'close enough'. I sigh and turn to Zayn. Place my lips on his. He answers the kiss with the same.

"Zayn, I gotta talk to you." Rodger speaks up suddenly. It sounds more like he has to tell him something important not like prank me with something or god knows what. I pull away from him and motion for him to go and talk with Rodger.

"You'll listen." Zayn chuckles. I shake my head.

"You can even go out. I promise, I won't." I answer. He raises his hand and shows me his pinky finger. I raise one eyebrow. "Pinky promise? Are you okay?" I ask as i tangle my little pinky finger with his big one. Yeah, my hand is really small comparing to his.

"I am." he smiles and kisses my forehead. After that they both walk away. I put on some music and finish eating my sandwiches. Then I decide to make them some coffee. They both are the same so they both probably-

"I don't drink coffee, little. Zayn does, but not me. Yuck." someone behind me says. Rodger. Uh huh. Now that's what I'll use against them.

   I make Rodger a tea and a coffee for Zayn. But he hasn't come back yet so I'm getting a bit worried. My eyes meet Rodger's. He's been watching me the entire time.

"He's angry at me so he won't come down." he finally tells me. I nod and take the coffee with me as I go upstairs. In his room. I knock before though. When he says 'come in' I open the doors and go in. He shakes his head and chuckles a bit.

"Babe, you know you don't have to knock, right?" he says with a small smile. I shrug and pass him the coffee.

"Rodger told me you're angry. Why so?" I ask. He shakes his head as he takes a sip from his coffee.

"Turns out he has been here, in this town and when I wasn't around you he used to sneak up to you and have moments with you that I didn't know about." he answers what makes me freeze.

"What? What moments? When?" I ask starting to panic. He places the cup down on the table and hugs me.

"Calm down. Did you ever notice me acting weird?" he asks. I frown. And then nod.

"Once when we had a small fight you came to me and we made up for it and then the next day you seemed... still angry with me..." I answer. He hums.

"Exactly. It was him who went to you, not me. And I thought that I was so high up in my drugs that I began to forget moments of my life." he whispers. I gulp. We had sex. A tear rolls down my cheek, because I'm scared Zayn's not going to like what I'm about to tell him. I hug him really tight.

"I... I think that we had... had sex... More than once..." I whisper to him. He slowly rubs my back.

"It's okay. He promised he'd never touch you like that again. He'll get over it." he mumbles while peacefully he plays with my hair. My vision blurs so I close my eyes. Someone knocks at the door and they open. Must be Rodger.

"It's Liam. He's waiting downstairs." he says and probably leaves the room. I open my eyes and let go of Zayn. He wipes my tears away with his soft hands and sighs.

"Little, it's okay." he whispers. I just nod and we both go downstairs. He takes his cup of coffee with him. When I see Liam I hug him immediately. He hugs me back, probably confused about me crying.

"What happened, little? Did they go too far?" Liam asks. I shake my head. He hums.

"Nothing really. Uh, just emotional." I answer. He scoffs.

"Uh huh, I really believe you. Girl, you're like a sister to me, I know you too well. Tell me, which one of them needs to be beaten up?" Liam asks. I let him go and was about to speak up, but Zayn interrupts me,

"Probably me. I told her some mean stuff, but I apologised and promised her that I would make up for it somewhere like... SPA or just beach, some restaurant." he says. I nod in agreement even though I don't understand why he hides the truth. Liam shakes his head at Zayn.

"You gotta be careful with a gem like her." he scolds pointing at me. I feel special, because no one has ever really called me a gem. That means I'm really worthy, doesn't it?

"I know. The rarest gem to find, gotta be careful." he whispers back. I look at Zayn and smile a bit. And his lips curl into a smile as well.

Cold Comfort »Z.M.« ✔️Where stories live. Discover now