27."Can't call him an ex though."

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*Liam's POV*

   It's been a month without her. Feels like she just disappeared. She haven't texted me since she left even though she said she would. And the closer the summer gets the more I lose hope that she'll remember that she promised me to come see me. I stopped contacting with Zayn as well and he got even worse. He's doing even more drugs, drinking alcohol. Once he even threw up on teacher after getting drunk as hell. He told me it wasn't because of Kayla, but I actually have a gut feeling that it is because of her. I finally got myself together to go out to meet my friends yesterday, but now I feel like shit, because they made jokes about Kayla leaving just because she's weak and can't bare one messed up guy. Everyone were messed up around her and I thought I could save her. Now I see in her Instagram that she's happy with other guys, another people. Right now I'm at the dining room at school. Trying to get used to being alone. My phone vibrates. She posted a picture. Again. I open it. Holy shit... Kayla posted a picture of her in a bikini... She's changed. A lot. She has some hickeys on her neck. I look over at Zayn. Yup, he sees it too. It looks like he began to cry. He looks at me, but I turn back and look in my phone.

"Damn is that Kayla? Such a hoe." a guy shouts and literally ninety percent of students here begin to laugh. I get my bag and head to the exit. Why are they laughing about her? I scroll a bit so I'd see the caption. Sweeties, I can't decide where to go for summer with my cousins. I close my eyes. Of course it was a lie just so I'd have some hope. I open them and keep going to the class. Somehow I feels like I should move on. My phone vibrates. A message from Zayn? I open it.

Zayn- Hey.. I know I'm a complete mess after this all but can you do me a little favor?

I think for a while before answering,

Me- What kind of favor? And why me? So suddenly?

Zayn- Because it's about Kayla, text her from me that she's a hoe. I'll text her later tho ;)

Me- I'm definitely not going to text her that.. Wtf is wrong with you? So suddenly you're against her because apparently she moved on from you and got a boyfriend who is better than you? Who's not tearing her apart and comforts her when you would be throwing her in the dirt..?

   It takes me a while to send him this, but I am so done with this bullshit. He doesn't respond. I get in the class. Place my bag on my seat and look at my phone. I open mine and Kayla's conversation and send 'hey, how are you?'. But it doesn't reach her. The message isn't recieved. Did she block me? No, it can't be true.. She didn't.. I can't believe that she actually blocked me. I throw my phone in the bag and take out my notebook and placed it on the table. I sigh. Only two months left until summer, feels like she betrayed me. I had planned to go to the beach with her, go see a movie. Damn I even reserved two tickets to go to the rare show for students and it cost me five hundred for both. Guess I'll just have to sell them on June and get some money since it'll be harder to get the tickets then and more expensive. At least I'll be able to buy myself something cool. Won't have to ask mom for money.

*Kayla's POV*

   I watched as my followers like the picture. Smile at Zack. I look back down to see that Zayn commented on it. I roll my eyes.

"What?" Zack laughs when he collapses next to me. I open the comment.

"My ex commented," I say and stop as I read the comment, "Still missing you.. Looks like you've moved on." I read out loud. He raises his eyebrows. I yawn. It's only four and I'm already tired. We were at the beach today. Me, Zack and my new boyfriend Christopher. I call him Crissy.

'You were the first one who found another one to fuck xx' I answer and put the phone in my pocket.

"Slay your exes, babe, slay them." Chris laughs what makes me laugh as well. He sits beside me and tightly hugs me. And of course Zack has to take a picture of us. He takes my phone and begins to tap on it. I stand up. Zack smiles.

"Hi, everyone." he says after a while. I go to the kitchen. Chris follows me. I turn to him and smile. He takes me and places on the counter. How cheeky.

"My baby, I'm sorry about your ex. I want you to know that I'd never do that to you." he whispers and places his lips on mine. All of a sudden I want to feel Zayn's lips, Zayn's hug. I realise I haven't texted Liam. But I won't, I'll surprise him by going to Wolverhampton. I hope he hasn't forgotten me or something...

"HEY, LOVEBIRDS!" Zack runs in the kitchen yelling. Me and Chris laugh, because I jump a bit.

"Dork. Leave us alone." Chris laughs getting me off the counter.

"Oh no, Kay, your ex is watching." Zack laughs. I smile.

"Can't call him an ex though." I answer. They know we were never together.

"Whoa, throwing some shades, eh? Bro, fly over and tell that to her face. She ain't no hoe, she has a boyfriend and she hasn't cheated on him ever. Besides, she doesn't let anyone fuck her, not even her boyfriend." Zack fires back. I make myself a tea while guys talk to people in live.

"Kay, have you had flashbacks about your ex? That you want him back?" Chris asks. I look at him. I thought we talked through it.

"I told you everything and you promised me one thing." I answer. He nods and shows me that he'll be quiet.

"Aye! Kayla! Stuck with guys?" Teresa, my best friend enters the kitchen. I smile and hug her.

"Hi. Yes. Kind of." I answer. She giggles hugging me tightly. We let go of each other and look at boys. She's Zack's girlfriend. She goes to him and kisses him. Although we're school's popular kids I still feel like we're just normal kids who enjoy their lives with passion.

"Hey, baby." Zack greets her when they pull away. I always adore them, because they have absolutely perfect couple goals.

"Okay, guys, let's decide what we'll do tomorrow. I heard Jimmy is throwing a party at his house." I suggest. They all look at me. Nod.

"Oh, remember our plan?" Zack whispers. They both nod what makes me questioningly look at them for any info.

"It's okay, Kayla, everything will be fine." Chris says. I smile, because I trust him.

Cold Comfort »Z.M.« ✔️Where stories live. Discover now