40."Just be yourself, baby."

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   It all happened really fast. And the truth is, I think I am emotionally ready to marry him.

"Are you rethinking your answer?" I hear Zayn ask. He gets in the bed and hovers over me.

"No. I am happy that I said yes. And I think I am emotionally ready for that." I answer. He smiles.

"I'm ready for everything when it comes to you." he says and places a kiss on my lips. I answer the kiss with the same.

"Even ready to be a dad?" I giggle as I pull back from him. He hums.

"Even to be a daddy for a precious baby." he answers. I smile. That is cute. And I'm surprised about all of this. He seems so grown up now, doesn't even sound like a teenager who thinks he can be everything or something.

"But you know that we can't get married without..."

"We won't have any problems with that. I can get documents for us and two others can sign for this, we only have to find someone who would sign them for us. Only if you agree." he says. I think he's kidding for a moment, but he's super serious right now. I just nod.

"What is the point of being married anyway?" I ask rolling us both over so I'd lie on him.

"I don't know. But what I do know is that you are mine now and I'm happy." he answers. I sigh.

"I am yours indeed. And you are mine." I whisper. He places a kiss on my forehead.

"Will always be." he murmurs. I close my eyes trying to fall asleep.


   I hate the feeling of betrayl, I hate the feeling of finding out that someone is lying about something so important.

   I wake up from a nightmare. Zayn isn't next to me. I dreamt about our relationship, that it was fake. I heard him say that it was just because of his work. I breathe in deeply. I get up as I blow out the air. He better not be faking this. I dress up in my previous clothes and go downstairs. I hear Zayn talking with someone.

"Yeah, sunshine?" a woman's voice appears. What the fu-

"Mum, I proposed to her, just like you told me to if I fall in love." Zayn says. HIS MOM IS ALIVE! Well, he didn't really say she's dead either. I know only about his dad.

"What? Oh my... Son, you're joking right?" woman asks.

"No, and-" he stops when I enter the kitchen. He smiles at me. "And I want you to sign the papers for marriage." he answers to his mum. I frown as I see a black haired woman in his computer looking shocked.

"I want to meet her first, sunshine. Can you arrange that?" she asks. Zayn nods. Pulls me in his hug.

"This is Kayla, my soon-to-be wife. Kay, this is my mum, Patricia." Zayn introduces us. I smile at his mom.

"Hello." I greet her. She seems nice and caring.

"Hi. Call me Trisha, it will be easier. So, I'll wait you two tonight then?" his mom asks. Zayn chuckles.

"Are you free, Kay?" Zayn asks me. I nod.

"Just have to text Liam about it." I answer.

"Uhm, if it's not a secret or anything personal, who is Liam to you, hun?" Trisha asks. I look at her.

"Cousin. He introduced me to Zee and I'm really thankful that he did." I answer her question without hesitation. She nods.

"Mum, she's not lying." Zayn chuckling. I smile at him.

"It's okay, I'd want my son a loyal wife as well. Our son." I whisper to him. He smiles.

"So, we'll have a son now?" he asks and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Not yet. But I want one. One who looks just like you and is just as stubborn and cute as you." I giggle. He rolls his eyes.

"Nice way you're seeing me in." he chuckles. I laugh and let him go.

"Have you eaten anything? What time is it?" I ask.

"Five pm, and no, I haven't eaten, darling." he answers. I smile to myself. I begin to make something for us to eat.

   I make an omelette for both of us while Zayn talks to his mom. I also text Liam that I will be with Zayn tonight. He agrees, tells his mom and grandma. They also are okay with that. When we eat the omelette, we immediately begin our journey to his mom's house. He's happy and a bit nervous what makes me super nervous about it.


   When we are at his mom's house I can't stop admiring the beauty of the territory. It's big, they have their own garden, pool, big house. More like a mansion. Zayn holds my hand while we slowly walk to the doors. He knocks.

"Just be yourself, baby." he whispers. I smile.

"Always am." I say at the same time when the doors open. His mom greets us both. Hugs him. When she hugs me, I accept the hug and hug her back. After our little moment, she invites us in. We take off our shoes and jackets, but then follow his mom in the kitchen.

"So, me and your dad decided that we will let you marry her if you really love her." his mom says. Wait what? His mum AND dad considered that?

"Stepdad." Zayn quietly corrects for me. I sigh and nod.

"Understood." I say as I take the seat next to him at the table. I'm feeling nervous, I don't know how to act around his parents. But his words fly around in my mind. Be yourself.

"By the way, Safaa really missed you. She didn't know you were coming so she went to meet her friend, they're coming home now." his mom tells Zayn. Wait, he has siblings as well?

"I missed her too." Zayn smiles what makes me smile as well. I'm about to speak, but then I hear doors open and close, after that a fit of laughter belonging to a girl.

*Zayn's POV*

"Safaa! Can you come in here?" mum yells for Safaa. I turn to the door. Kayla has a smile on her lips. I place a kiss on her lips, but then pull away, before it gets heated.

"Why? I have homeworks!" she yells back.

"Just come here." mum answers. She groans loudly and comes in the kitchen. Her back is now facing me. I stand up and hug her from her behind. Instantly she tries to fight back, but I know her moves so I hold her and begin to laugh watching her struggle. She must've recognised my laughter or something, because now she's hugging me really tight.

"Zee! I missed you!" she quietly tells me. I kiss her forehead. She lets me go and her eyes travel to Kayla.

"Hi! My name's Kayla." she introduces herself. Safaa looks at me with a serious look.

"A new girl? Again?" she giggles.

"Oh, stop. Safaa, we're engaged." I smile. Her eyes widen. "We're together for a long time, I promise." I promise her. She smiles at Kayla.

"Sorry. I'm Safaa. Just making sure he doesn't get played or the girl." she shrugs. I weakly push her arm and frown.

"Little shit, that hurt!" I mumbles. Kayla giggles. As long as she's happy I'm happy too.

"How much more of you are there?" Kayla asks.

"Seriously? Together for a long time and she doesn't even know we're five kids?" Safaa asks me. I shake my head.

"Didn't tell her. Wanted to surprise her." I smirk. She laughs.

"Five?" Kayla shockingly asks. I nod. Well, this will be fun when she learns the best part.

Cold Comfort »Z.M.« ✔️Where stories live. Discover now