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Seokjin was exhausted after a whole day of work. He had an extended shift because his co-worker had "accidentally" spilled coffee on his pile of files. He had to reprint everything again and the printer just had to malfunction. Ergo, a work that could be done within an hour extended to few hours.

He paid for the taxi fare when they reached his shared apartment with his boyfriend. Well, the apartment was technically his since he was the one paying for everything.

The lift has broken down. Sorry for the inconvenience, please use the stairs.

And his unit happened to be on the tenth floor.

By the time he had reach the tenth floor, his back was already drenched and sweats were trickling down his forehead. Wearily walking to his unit, he unlocked the door.

Thank god, he didn't forget the key at his work place or drop it by the roadside.

He could swear his heart had sunk almost immediately when he saw a pair of red heels, following by a series of loud moans. He knew what was going on and yet he couldn't stop himself from moving towards the living room.

The living room had quite a sight. Clothes were scattered everywhere and there on the pricey sofa that Seokjin had bought with his salary were two people entangling with each other, making out hungrily as if they were the only ones left in this world.

Seokjin stood in front of them. However, they didn't notice him at all as they were too busy sucking on each other's lips. He bit his lower lips angrily and went to the kitchen.

He came out with an carton of milk, uncapped and showered the duo with it.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Screamed the woman with overly thick makeup.

"Seriously, Kim Seokjin?! What the fuck are you doing?" His boyfriend raged and glared at him, "Can't you see that I'm having a great time here?!"

Seokjin scoffed and threw the carton at his boyfriend. No, he was no longer his boyfriend. He angrily stomped into their shared room and rummaged through their stuffs, picking up his ex's belongings. "Get out." He said coldly as he rudely threw his ex's belongings on the floor.

His ex was obviously stunned because Seokjin had never once snapped at him. Even when he had cheated before, Seokjin never scolded him.
"Jinnie, I'm sorry. I'm just drunk and this slut followed me home and forced herself on me!"

The woman looked offended and retorted, "Are you fucking serious?! You told me that you're not taken and single! Fuck you, I'm out!"

After the woman left, Seokjin didn't spare a glance at his ex. If he could, he would've killed his ex a long time ago for lying, hitting and forced himself to submit to his sexual needs. He had surely had given that scumbag a lot of chances and he had reached his limits.

"Are you deaf? I told you to get out."

His ex immediately had a change in his expression. He yanked forward and gave the pretty man a hard punch at the face. Seokjin stumbled backwards and fell on the floor.

"All you ever do is your goddamn work! I told you to quit your current job because I want to spend time with you and you fucking just won't do it!"

Seokjin laughed. His ex had probably gone nuts. Who would pay for the bills if he quit his job? That scumbag didn't even work!

"A cheater will always find ways to make the cheated feel guilty."

Seokjin stood up and kicked his ex's belongings, sending them flying to the front door. He flickered his arms and smiled, "You can either leave now or, I'll call the police."

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