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A long time ago, angels descended from the heavens and blessed the first few humans with wings. For years, the place was populated with winged humans. Owning a pair of wings had just made everything easier for transportation.

It was really peaceful until a demon ascended from hell. The demon disguised and hid himself among the humans. Soon, he had his first victim. Wings were chopped off one by one and that was when the distrust between humans started. They slaughtered one another until wings no longer existed.

"However, there is a possibility for people to still have wings because it runs in the blood."

Jungkook blankly stared at the professor, face resting on his palm so that his head wouldn't bop downwards as he was mentally asleep. He didn't even know why had he chosen history when he could go for alchemy or whatever that involves actions.

"Mr. Jeon, what is the name of the first angel who had descended?"


The class ended up with Jungkook getting a bump on his forehead because the professor had thrown a chalk at him. He yawned and rubbed his cheeks tiredly as he took out his schedule and he had another history class in the afternoon.

And so he skipped his class.

Being the prodigy he was, Jungkook wondered why had his foster parents enrolled him in the Academy. He put on his hoodie and went to the busy streets, hiding himself in the crowd so that no one would catch him skipping class.

He bought snacks and stuffed them in his mouth hungrily. He also went to join an archery event and winning it effortlessly. He continued to stroll along the busy streets.

"Let go of me!"

Jungkook perked up at the piercing shriek coming from a spooky and narrow street around the corner. Due to the fact that this was a cliche scenario, no one could hear the scream except for Jungkook.

Jungkook immediately dashed into the corner and saw few thugs surrounding a beautiful girl. No joke, that girl was gorgeous like a literal goddess. Mindless thoughts aside, Jungkook made his grand heroic entrance by kicking one of the thugs.

After a one-sided match, Jungkook defeated them and the beautiful girl was staring at him, her eyes widened as she was totally awestruck. Out of no where, the world became slow motioned and the both of them only had eyes for each other.

"Thank you, umm..." Her voice was just as magical as her beauty.

"Jungkook." He answered. "How about you?"

She smiled sweetly, "Remi."


Seokjin's POV
The moment I found Remi, she was cheerily giggling and her cheeks were pink. I curiously asked her what happened and she refused to tell me.

You think I'm dumb enough to not know that you must've meet the protagonist? I created everything so, touché.

We went back to the mansion shortly and Remi immediately ran to her room. I literally had no idea what was she going to do since I had written the story in Jungkook's point of view and basically, they wouldn't meet each other until her birthday party which was still pretty long.

I also went back to my room after locating it precisely from Remi. I sat in front of a really exquisite table and grabbed few papers and a feather pen on the side. I had decided to draft out the upcoming events so that I would be fully prepared.

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