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Thank you so much to those who had commented on my previous chapters! Love you all ❤️

The ceremony had started with Remi anxiously sitting on her seat, worried about Seokjin.

"Remi? You're Remi right?"

Remi looked up at saw the same guy who had saved her from thugs. Her facial expression softened and her anxiousness vanished.

"Hi, Jungkook!" Putting on one of her prettiest smile, she sweetly greeted Jungkook.

Jungkook blushed shyly and rubbed his neck sheepishly as he stared at Remi in awe. Remi also felt her cheeks heating because Jungkook looked really handsome with his forehead shown.

"Mr. Jeon!"

Jungkook turned to one of the emcees calling him and waved at Remi. He smiled, "It's my turn to demonstrate, see you later."

Remi watched as Jungkook confidently walked onto the stage. Most of the female students were astonished by his amazing visual. He stopped at the centre of the stage and smiled, making them swooned over him.

"Before we proceed to the demonstration by the nobles, we have our top student, Jeon Jungkook to give us a chance to witness his incredibly rare magical attribute, Light."

The audiences applauded loudly.

"Remi! I've been looking for you!" Jimin, who was sweating heavily plopped on the chair next to Remi's left.

Remi waved without looking at him because she was too immersed in Jungkook's graceful movements. Jimin did feel a little disappointed that Remi was showing interest in someone else other than him.

The man behind Jimin groaned when the audiences cheered for Jungkook. He hissed and kicked the chair in front of him, causing Jimin to jump slightly in shock.

Jimin turned around, his eyes widened when he saw Yoongi scowling.

"Yoongs, you know you shouldn't kick anything you see." Namjoon, who sat next to Yoongi said. "You scared Jimin." He said.

"Hi, professor." Jimin greeted Namjoon and the purple-haired man dimpled at him.

Yoongi grumpily slanted backwards and rolled his eyes. He was so irritated to see his foster brother on the stage, being so amazing and loved by everyone. He felt like pulling the boy down and humiliating him in front of everyone.

Namjoon shook his head, "Yoongi, you're not allowed to kill one of my students, okay?"

Yoongi crossed his legs and shot an annoyed look at Namjoon. He glared at Jimin as well when he caught him staring. Jimin hitched and sheepishly turned to face the stage.

"Thank you." Jungkook bowed with his hands in front of him like a gentleman and rewarded the cheerful audience with his charming smile.

Remi clasped her hands together tightly and blushed in awe, bitting her lower lips as she tried hard not to squeal like the other girls. Jimin looked at her sadly, his heart ached knowing that she was in love with someone else. However, it was not as painful as Jimin had thought.

After Jungkook came down from the stage, he went straight to Remi and took the empty chair on her right side.

"That was brilliant!" Remi complimented as she grinned.

Jungkook sheepishly lowered his head and thanked her. "Yoongi-hyung? You actually came here!" His doe eyes widened as he happily smiled.

Yoongi  snorted and turned his face away, ignoring Jungkook. Jungkook's smile froze and faded when he saw the hatred in Yoongi's eyes. Namjoon coughed and gave the young boy a light pat on his head.

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