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Jimin was dressed in a navy blue suit with thin gold laces around the sleeves for Remi's birthday celebration. His bangs were parted, showing a little of his fair forehead. He kept giggling here and there because the thought of seeing Seokjin made him super excited. He was beyond happy.

And he just had to bump into the infamous cucumber as said by Seokjin, Min Yoongi.

Yoongi had dyed his hair all black and any traces of green highlights had vanished. He really did mind what hyung said! Jimin bit his lower lips to stop his chuckles from escaping. However, Yoongi noticed how Jimin's lips were itching to curl upwards and glared at him.

"Hey, stop glaring at my student."

Namjoon lightly smacked Yoongi's crown, causing the shorter man to hiss at him like a venomous snake. "You look handsome today, Jimin." He dimpled.

Jimin rubbed his nape sheepishly and grinned, looking more angelic than usual. A young lady gaped at his gorgeous face and approached him.

If Seokjin know how beautiful Jimin looked, he will probably jump down the barrier even if it means injuring himself.

"Didn't Jungkook came with you?"

Yoongi shot a glare at Namjoon, "Seriously?"

Namjoon raised his arms in defeat, knowing it was no use to bicker with his best friend. He dragged Jimin away from the young lady, knowing he was feeling uncomfortable from her pushiness. Jimin gave him a thankful look and smiled.

The trio finally found Remi at the center of the crowd, surrounded by numerous young men that were swooning over her beauty. Remi looked extremely uncomfortable. Jimin called out to her and her face brightened up instantly when she saw him.

"Please excuse me." Remi said politely to the people who were surrounding her. She swiftly walked to Jimin and sighed, "You saved me."

Jimin smiled fondly and handed Remi a luxurious box, "Happy Birthday." Remi didn't look really much happy, she seemed to have something troubling her. "Remi, is something troubling you?"

Remi stared at the trio for awhile and said, "My mother locked my brother up again. I can't find his room because she had it covered up with her spell."

"What? She locked him up?" Namjoon asked, frowning. "Wait, Jimin! Where are you going?"

Jimin ignored the voices of people calling for him. He was probably going to get lost because this mansion was incredibly huge, almost resembling to a castle. But, he couldn't care less because he was worried to death about Seokjin.

Jimin had passed through the garden in order to get to Seokjin's chamber, occasionally tripping slightly due to his clumsy nature. Entering the other area of the mansion, he found himself to be quite tired. He stood by the stairs with his chin raised, gasping for some air as he took a short break.

After resting for awhile, Jimin proceeded by walking upstairs. He was about to pick his pace up by running but he clashed into something or rather, someone when he was not looking.

"Sorry, cutie." A deep baritone voice spoke and flowed smoothly into Jimin's ears like honey.

Jimin looked up almost instantly and saw a gorgeous grey-haired man smiling at him. The man was slightly taller than him and dressed in pure white. He had perfectly sculptured facial features and his light-coloured eyes were absolutely ethereal. He also had a cross-shaped earring dangling from his right ear.

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