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Seokjin had always been unlucky his whole life so, he thought that he would've been better after meeting his fictional characters like Jimin and Remi.

And he did become happier, brighter because both Jimin and Remi were kindred spirits. They were amazing as a whole and definitely, he would never meet anyone like them in his real life.

He had a quite peaceful life. Sometimes, it was entertaining and fun when Remi taught him about some spells that were easy to pick up. Furthermore, he was never much happier when Jimin came to visit him with the sweetest smile ever.

However, life wasn't always that smooth sailing. He met a really grumpy Yoongi and a slightly perverted Namjoon and well... they weren't so bad if he were to compare them with these two trespassers in front him.

V and Hoseok.

These two names screamed terror to Seokjin and he could already felt his poor, unlucky soul clinging to his non-existent braincells, trying to figure out how to escape from them.

After learning that the Taehyung he met at the celebration was not the real one. He freaked the hell out because it didn't make any sense to him. Like heck, that wasn't even important because this gorgeous man who introduced himself as V had called him out as the author and the creator of this fictional world.

Another thing that had Seokjin all freaked out was their attempt to murder him.

"We'll give you a quick death so that you won't be in pain." V smiled innocently as if he didn't want to kill Seokjin but, his grey eyes were saying otherwise.

"V, just let me do it. I'm sick of you dragging this useless conversation." Hoseok hissed and snatched the dagger away from V's hand.

Seokjin straightened his back in alert and thought, should I screamed?

Well, it doesn't hurt to try.

Seokjin quickly took a deep breathe and belted out his highest-pitched scream, almost like a wailing banshee. "SOMEONE HELP! THERE ARE TWO MALE STRIPPERS IN MY ROOM TRYING TO HOOK ME UP!"

Hoseok had an incredulous look on his face. He frowned and turned to glance at V, who was extremely amused. He groaned and walked closer to Seokjin, "No use screaming, cutie. They won't hear you."

Seokjin had invisible tears falling from his eyes as he prayed for his life.

I don't want to die before seeing Jimin's abs.

Unbelievable. Seokjin really wanted to slap himself for having a perverted thought when his life was in grave danger as Hoseok swung the dagger at him.

Seokjin managed to avoid getting sliced by the dagger due to his fast reflex. Hoseok continued swinging his dagger as Seokjin avoided them swiftly. He was delighted to be able to dodge the attacks but, he was far too early to be celebrating.

Seokjin had almost forgotten that V was standing at a corner. The moment when he was being drove into the corner, V took the chance to apprehend him.

V interlocked his arms with Seokjin's and whispered to Seokjin, "Have you really forgotten about me?"

Seokjin groaned and stomped on V's foot, giving him a chance to slip away when V was wincing in pain. "I don't even know you!"

V looked surprised for a second and then, he chuckled. He held his hand out, telling Hoseok to stop attacking Seokjin when he saw the red head trying to launch another attack. He took a few steps closer as he shortened the distance between him and Seokjin.

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