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This took place before Kirito and Yuuki got married.


Such a fine morning. Clear sky with no hint of rainy clouds. I'm sitting at the dining table drinking hot milk while looking through the window. Kirito is having breakfast across from me. Just from a glance, you can tell he's enjoying every single bite. "The weather sure is amazing today." I said a conversation. "It's pretty rare for the weather to be this optimal. We're pretty lucky i guess." I nodded. I sip my last bit of milk and cleaned up. Just then, an idea popped up. "Kirito Kirito, let's have a picnic together! We can invite the others as well." I said excited. He looked at me with a mouth full of pancakes which looked kinda cute. He chewed for a bit then swallowed. "Sorry for waiting, but yeah. A picnic would be nice with the others." We then planned out the picnic. Kirito went to the living room and messaged everybody while i started preparing some ingredients in the kitchen. Kirito came back a few minute later. "Everyone is in on it. They should arrive here around 2 o'clock." "That's great to hear. Give me an hour to make the food." After about an hour of making food, we played around for a bit while time flew by. In what it felt like a short moment, 2 o'clock passed by and a ring can be heard from the door. "Looks like someone they're here." Kirito went to the door with me following behind me. He opened the door and was greeted by Lizbeth and everybody else behind her. Starting from the left, Klein stood there with his hand waving at us. Next to him is Agil, standing there like a giant rock. Finally there's Silica, with her blue dragon Pina standing on her shoulder. "Hey guys, you're all ready to go?" "Yeah we are!" Lisbeth said with excitement. "Never got the chance to enjoy a day off so this is gonna be great." Agil said. "It's been along time Kirito. Let's use this time to catch up." Klein said. Silica smiled at the back. "Alright let's head on out. We found the perfect place to picnic." I said leading the group.

15 minutes later


"How did you find this place?" Lisbeth said in awe. We're standing on top of a hill with a big tree at the top shading us from the sun. In the distance are a beautiful lake and a cliff. "We found it by accident a couple weeks ago." I said. Yuuki pulled out a blanket that is just big enough for all of us and placed it on the ground. We all sat on top of it. "All right everyone, i hope you all washed your hands, cause this is going to be a feast!" Yuuki said, smiling wide. She opened her window and suddenly a lot of food appeared in the middle of us. There is a plate full of sandwiches. Then there's a bowl of rice near it. There's a mountain of cup next to a jar of what it looks to be orange juice. And in the middle of the food pile, there's a hotpot. "Wow, so many foods!" Klein said while drooling. "This is amazing Yuuki." Silica said. "The food is amazing, but i think sandwiches aren't suppose to go with hotpot." I said laughing a little. "Haha, sorry. I was so excited that i just made them out of habit, since you really like it." Yuuki's reply made me blush.

5 minutes later

We're  all enjoying the food while relaxing and chatting. Suddenly, Lisbeth gasped, getting all of our attentions. "What, what is it?!" Yuuki said while looking everywhere in a slight panic. "I have a great idea. Let's play truth or dare!" We all fell down like in one of those animes. "Judging by your reaction, i seriously thought a floor boss appeared or something." Yuuki said, sighing in relieve. "But don't you think truth or dare is a game for when we have a sleep over or something?" I said. "Says who? We can play it whenever we want." Lisbeth said. We all gathered around and put the food aside. Out of nowhere, Lisbeth took out a glass bottle and laid it in the middle of us. She then spun it. When it stopped spinning, it landed on Silica. "Okay Silica, truth or dare?" "Uhm.. I choose, truth." "Truth you say? Then, what do you think of Kirito?" That caught me by surprised. I looked at Silica and she's blushing. "Kirito? Well, uhh.. I guess he's someone that i looked up to. Or to be more specific, i see him as a big brother i guess?" I got embarrassed after hearing that and scratch my cheek while blushing. I can feel Yuuki glaring at me from the side. We continued to the next game. This time it landed on Klein. "So Klein, truth or dare?" "Dare! Give me a good one." He said with confidence. "I dare you to... get a girlfriend." "Lisbeth, don't dare him to do the impossible." I said. We all laughed while Klein looked down in disappointment. The game continues on and on. Some of us was forced to tell embarrassing stories, while others got absurd dares. Weirdly enough, i've never got a turn yet. Although i am glad, i kinda feel left out. Finally after few more games, the bottle landed on me. "Kirito, truth or dare?" Lisbeth instantly asked. I was getting a little bored, so i chose dare. "I dare you... to propose to Yuuki!" Although it was kinda cliche, everyone's attention is all on me. Seriously?! is what is going through my mind as i regret picking dare. I looked at Yuuki hoping she would protest or something of the kind, but she just looked down while blushing like crazy. F*ck it i thought and went on one knee in one smooth motion. I grabbed Yuuki's hand, which caught her by surprise. Even though my heart's racing like crazy, it's too late to go back. "Become mine, Yuuki." I looked at her eyes while saying those words. I looked behind me and everyone cheered as if we really got married. All of a sudden they're face distraught in an instant as a thud sound was heard. I looked at Yuuki again, only to see her fainted on the ground. Although i was worried, she smiled while still having her eyes closed. She's fine... i thought.

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