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Jungkook's POV

Why did I say that? Why did I open my mouth? Geez Jungkook, aren't you the charmer. I bury my face into my arms as Jimin snaps me out of my contemplation.

"Yah! Did you hear anything that I told you?"


Jimin sighs as he rubs his chin. "What is bothering you now?"

"And if you say nothing, you will seriously die." He interrupts me, reading my mind.

I paused before asking, "Hyung, what would you do if you told someone that they're beautiful, but you don't know that person that well?"

"Wae, did you tell this to Yuna? Because if you did—" He spoke, already interrogating me.

"Aish, hyung!" I interrupted. "Can you not question who it is and answer me?"

"Hmph! Someone's acting rude." Jimin scoffs.

I sigh before speaking up, "Mianhae, it's just that I don't know what to do, and I feel like I made things awkward."

Jimin chuckles, "Well of course, you'd have no experience, so you've came to the right person!" He winks as I grimace.

"Yah, if you're going to make a sour expression, I won't help you!" I immediately put out a fake bright smile. "That's the spirit. Now what was I saying?"

He pauses before talking again, "Ah, well.. it kind of depends on the situation. In your case, just don't say anything about it. It's a compliment, and girls like compliments, so let them have it."

"What if they take it the wrong way? What if I just made things awkward?"

"I highly doubt it. Not unless you said those words in a way that makes you seem uncertain, or awkward. Just remember, it's only awkward if you consider it awkward."

"I guess.." I cover my face as I shut my eyes into the darkness.


"You were really beautiful."

As the chilly air blew against her silky hair, her eyes were staring straight into mine. Those dark orbs were unreadable from the distance that was barricading us.

The street lights were all that I had that carried out some source of light for me to at least see her dim-lit face. Her shadow extended to the pit of darkness, matching with her curved body, standing still with no motion.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, I decided to speak up, clearing my throat.

"I'm sorry if I startled you, I didn't mean to. Just ignore what I said about you being beautiful.. I'm not saying that you aren't.. you are, but aghhh... I just meant to tell you that you did amazing." I rub my head as she finally showed a face of reaction.

"So you're admitting from earlier that my performance was amazing?" She smirked, a gleam appearing in her eyes as I sigh under my breath.

There's something in the corner of my mind that speaks to me; I wanted to say more than just her performance being amazing and that she just simply didn't get it.

"You know what? Sure. That's what I meant." Her smile slowly disperses, going back into the expression that was first displayed as I begin to walk backwards. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I waved at her as I turned around to head home.


"Aish.. falling asleep on me now? I even gave you advice, and you do this to your hyung? Disgraceful." He kicks my desk, causing it to move against my head as I mentally groan.

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