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Jimin's POV

Where is Yuna? I've been waiting in front of her apartment playing around with Yuna's present with my fingers gliding against it.

She has a massive fear of thunder, and she happens to be gone. She's not even at her apartment, so I can't be there to comfort her.

Yesterday was going to be the day I confessed to her, but it didn't work out. When I arrived at her classroom, she was already gone.

I sighed with a gloominess arising to show on my face. Luck hasn't been on my side. It's as if whatever I hope for ends up being the complete opposite.

I couldn't even tell Jungkook because he had somewhere urgent to be. But I can be independent and do this myself!

But then again.. it's also a mystery that he disappeared too. I wonder where he went?

In a crouched position, I lowered my head, hearing footsteps coming towards my way.

It's probably her neighbor again..

"Jiminie?" A familiar voice called out as I jolted my head upwards.

"Yuna!!" I yelled, couldn't contain the worry I had piling up in me.

Without a thought, I ran up to her, giving her the biggest hug as she steps back, almost falling backwards.

"I was worried sick for you! When you weren't here, I didn't know what to do." I talk in a soft, broken tone.

Yuna pulls me back and stares straight into my eyes, worried.

"Don't tell me you waited since last night for me." She searches my eyes and reads them without me saying anything. "Ah.. really? What if someone did something to you? I wouldn't want anything happening to you and—"

"That's the thing, Yuna. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. That's why I came here. I would risk anything for you, even if that means something would happen to me."

Completely speechless, she furrows her eyebrows.

"Where were—" I trailed off when I noticed her attire. "you?"

She was wearing Jungkook's hoodie— no.. she was wearing his clothes. It has to be a coincidence. There is no way Jungkook took Yuna to his house when he knew that I'd confess yesterday.. right?

"I was.." Yuna began.

"At Jungkook's house?" I answered and read her expression instantly.

In a second, I felt taken aback, my heart feeling stabbed and my body growing numb.

Jungkook he..

He betrayed me.

My own childhood friend.. just like that.

My head was clouded with thoughts, and my walls came up around me. Without hearing her story, due to the fact that I was too hurt to hear, I took her hands in mine and gazed into Yuna's eyes.

"You don't have to say where.." My voice trails off.

"Jimin.." She bites her lip and gives my hands a worried squeeze.

"But there's just one thing I want to say, and I've wanted to say it yesterday— no, I've been wanting to say it for the longest time now." I sharply breathed, confidence filling my words.

"I like you, Yuna— no, scratch that, I love you, Yuna."

All was still at that moment. She stopped squeezing my hand, and didn't give a blink to me.

"I love the way you make my heart flutter when I'm around you. Your warm presence rejuvenates me in ways that are just inexplicable." I pause, feeling my heart beat out of my chest as I'm saying this.

"I love how you hug me, give me reassurance, or how you can read me without any words being said. You understand me so well, and I'm genuinely happy for that. With that being said, I wanted to give you this."

I pull out her present and hand it to her, opening it.

"Will you.. accept me?" I ask, letting my feelings finally out.

With silence filling the air once more, she speaks after a few moments.

"I'm sorry." My heart plummets at those words.

"Despite knowing who I like, you still confess. I really don't want to hurt you more than I already have." Yuna answers quietly.

"But why.. why does it have to be Jungkook?"

Yuna doesn't answer, but locks gazes with me in silence.

"Couldn't you give me a chance?"

"Jimin.. I liked you before." She starts to explain. "We talked about anything. We bonded, got closer. And I finally got the courage to tell you about my illness."

"In a way, me telling you about it made me push you away. I realized that I'd hurt you if we got any closer. That's why I can't accept it."

"Yuna, I can endure the pain. I can help you live the happiest memories with me." She closes the box containing the bracelet and hands it back to me.

"Jimin.." She mumbles as I take her hands again.

"If you would just trust me. Please, let me."

"I can't Jimin.. I'm..."

"I'm going to be gone in several months."

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