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Jungkook's POV

"Come on, let's eat before the noodles become soggy." Yuna says while turning away from me as I take the towel that was covering my face off of my face. She was putting some noodles into her bowl and started eating.

The gears in my head began to turn as I questioned why I leaned in. Was it to tease Yuna? That really crossed the line if that was to tease her.

My grumbling stomach snapped me from my thoughts as I shook my head. I shouldn't worry too much about it. I should eat.

But before I turned to grab a bowl, I noticed that Yuna's hair was still wet. Aish.. telling me to dry my hair when she doesn't even dry her own.

I positioned myself behind Yuna and grabbed her towel, gently beginning to dry her hair. She flinches at the sudden action, almost choking on her noodles.

When she carefully swallows the noodles she had in her mouth, she turns to me.

"What are you doing?" She asked, giving me an unusual look.

"I'm drying your hair." I respond, glancing back and forth from her eyes to her hair.

"Well, I get that! It's just.. it's disparity!" Yuna explains as I give a slow, questionable nod.

"Are you saying that I can't dry your hair because I'm a guy?" She shakes her head, denying.

"That's not it!" She uncontrollably raises her tone.

"Then what is it?" I persist with another question.

"You're just.. soft." She murmurs, my ears failing to hear her audible words.

"Could you say that again? I couldn't hear you." I stopped rubbing her hair against the towel, focusing all of my attention to her.

"Aish.. just forget it." Yuna tries to shrug it off.

"No tell me, what is it? I can stop drying your hair if it makes you uncomfortable—"

"I said that you're soft!" She raises her voice, startling me. "Your everything is soft! Your hair, your touch.. what else is soft, your lips?"

Blinking furiously as I slowly was connecting the pieces together, she quickly covers her mouth. My hands slowly fall from her hair as I gulped, scratching the back of my head.

"Then.. do you want to try and see if they're soft? My lips?" I asked jokingly as she pushes me away.

"I've lost my appetite!" She slams her bowl of noodles on the table, standing up. "I'll be in the guest room."

Before she could leave, I grasp her arm, making her flinch.

"About that.. I don't have a guest room. You can sleep in my room while I sleep on the couch." I offer as she nods with no objections.

"Sounds good, I'll get the whole bed to myself!" She quickly brushes me off, making her way to my room and slamming the door shut.

"Wah, not even a 'thank you'?" I chuckle to myself, picking up the bowl full of uneaten noodles.

Did she really mean what she said though?

At the time, my mind just went blank. Was she saying that to get me to stop drying her hair? Did she.. really want to ki— No way. I won't even finish that thought.

Not only did I try to attempt it once, I teased her for another one. How ignorant of me.

Why did I just brush off her comment and take it as a joke?

Even with that question asked, I knew the answer to it.

I stopped because of Jimin.

I already spoiled his plan of confessing today. I can't be selfish anymore.

But will.. Yuna ever come to.. like me?

My heart jumped at the thought, almost making me choke like Yuna did earlier.

It can't. My heart can't hurt like this.

I have to accept that..

It'll never happen.


With the darkening sky arriving, the storm in the sky began to form. Thunder was clashing loudly, and ever since I've heard those striking noises, Yuna hasn't come out of my room.

I don't know whether she usually falls asleep this early, if what happened earlier flustered her, or what the deal is, but it makes me worried. I probably shouldn't tease her like that anymore.

Glancing from the clock to the door of my room, I've concluded that she was probably fast asleep. There are people who sleep early after all.

I blew my bangs from my face with a sigh, turning off the lights and plopping myself onto the couch. Well, there's nothing like a good night's sleep that won't solve anything.

I rolled myself over, positioning myself comfortably before beginning to doze off.

Shutting my eyes without knowing I was falling asleep, in that instant, another booming sound was heard from the thunder, along with a muffled scream.


As if it was a wake-up call, I jumped out from my about-to-be slumber, and dashed to my room, tripping along the way out of hurry.

In arrival, I turned the door knob, but it was unfortunately locked. Banging against the door, I called out to her.

"Yuna! Gwenchana? Let me in!"

"I.." Thunder interrupted her as she yelped. "can't!!"

Is Yuna.. scared of thunder?

"You can do it, I promise I'm here!" I cried out, silence holding onto the other end.

"Please, Yuna.." I softened my tone. "Let me help you."

Leaning my head against the door with my hands placed on the doorknob, I couldn't help but lose hope that she wouldn't be able to open the door.

I have to do something about this.

Stepping away from the door, and with my feet beginning to take me away, the door flew open. Before I could turn around, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Don't leave me." Yuna trembled, managing to whisper audibly.

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