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Jimin's POV

"Yuna I'm so sorry. I am so, so sorry. This wouldn't of happened if I wasn't such a pain to deal with." I hold her hands as she lays in the hospital bed, gently gazing at me.

"Jimin, you know that it's not your fault." Yuna reassures me, patting my head. "And did you really have to bring me back here? It brings me bad memories."

"It was my fault that I made you pass out Yuna. And of course I had to bring you back here, your condition is getting worse day by day, and I was freaking out."

I stressfully rub my forehead, glancing to my phone.

"I'm going to call Jungkook. He's much better than me and—"

"Don't call Jungkook." Yuna expresses with a fallen demeanor. "I don't need him to see me like this."

"Yuna, if he doesn't know, then later he'll be devastated." I state with reasoning. "This time I'm not saying he should know because of breaking his heart. I'm saying he should know so he can make his last farewells to you."

"Jimin. Promise me that you won't tell him." She completely ignores my reasoning, staring back at me with an intense glare.

"Yuna it's not right—"

"Jimin, please." Yuna pleads as I grimace with this bearing pain.

"..Fine." I respond bitterly.

"And there's one more favor I need you to do." Yuna smiles bitterly as she hands me a letter.


Jungkook's POV

It's been a few weeks hasn't it?

I packed all of my things and I'm ready to go back to Busan.

I should probably say goodbye to Yuna before I leave.

Although it may be a bit awkward, I just hope we can just say our farewells even as friends.

Should I call in advance?

I doubt she'd pick up anyways.

I was pacing the halls in front of her door as these thoughts fled to my mind.

Just man up Jungkook. Why is it so hard for you to say goodbye to her? Is it because you'll miss her smile? Miss her laugh? Her blush?

I quickly shake my head as my hand hovered over the door. Knocking a few times, I knew Yuna was going to answer the door. Usually when I knock, she opens the door, but it was to no avail this time.

Instead of a door flying open, there was a silence that was answered for me.

That's.. odd.

After knocking a few more times, I rang the doorbell, but again, there was no answer.

"Yuna, it's me, Jungkook! Can you open up?" I finally called out. But yet again, there was no answer.

What was even more scary for me was when I tried to call her cell, and her phone number, 'no longer exists'. Did she loathe me to the extent of changing her phone number?

I sighed of discontent, ruffling my hair out of frustration.

No, Jungkook. You can't jump to any conclusions. Yuna would never do that.

Maybe the landlady knows where she is. I mustered up the courage amongst all the doubt I had inside me, and went to the landlady to ask her where Yuna was.

And her answer made my heart plummet.

"Ah.. the Choi family? They left yesterday evening." The lady responds as I barge into the household of which used to be the Choi's.

"It can't be." My steps, thumping against the quiet floors, echo into Yuna's old room. "Yuna! You're here right?"

You told me you'd be here. Why is the room empty? Unoccupied? Cold? You told me you'd stay with me no matter what so why did you leave?

"Stop scaring me. It's not funny. This is not the time to be playing games!" I yell, as my heavy breathing fills the room.

Footsteps occur from behind me as I angrily turn around with tears painfully rising to my eyes. "It's him, sir. He's been making a fuss about some girl that never lived here." The lady that I talked to from before lies to the two men.

The two men were dressed in police's uniforms; light blue button shirts and black pants. They were fully armed with their guns, handcuffs, and tasers.

"What do you mean? Yuna did live here! Stop lying!" I shout with a hoarse voice as one of the police officers forcefully takes one of my arms.

I shriek in terror, as I pull my arm away. "I'm not crazy! Why are you accusing me?" My tears flow down my cheeks as both of the officers went towards me.

"Get Jimin-hyung! He knows Yuna!" I hear a click as both of my arms were restricted to move with handcuffs.

"We have to take him to the hospital. He has gone completely insane." One of the officers say.

"We might have to use the tranquilizer." The other officer replies.

I tried struggling against the officers, "Stop this! What if Yuna comes back and sees that I'm not here! What if—!" I get cut off by a small, sharp pain that strikes my arm.

Yuna please.. come back.

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