Chapter 1- Fragile World

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Fragile World- Alberto Rosende

Starts on May 29th (2019)

Birthdays of the main characters-

Edmund Mark Pevensie: 5th September 1928 (16, almost 17)

Sanya Reza: 20th January 2003 (16)

Susan Lorraine Pevensie: 16th December 1926 (18)
[She was born early, only after 6 months of her mother's pregnancy and 8 months after Peter was born. She was a very weak baby, as a result]

Peter Tristan Pevensie: 27th April 1926 (19)

Lucille Rae Pevensie: 9th July 1930 (14, nearly 15)

Caspian X- 20th August (20, almost 21)


Sanya packed her books in and looked around the sparsely decorated room of the orphanage which had housed her ever since her parents, little brother, aunt, uncle and little cousin had died the previous month.

She didn't know why they couldn't let her stay at her house, but in a way, that was probably good. She might not have been able to cope.

Not a single relative, blood related or not, had accepted the offer to keep her, at least till she was 18.

Not that that would keep her from leaving. She could quite easily leave this, this place and hop on a train to Kolkata. If she showed up at one of her aunts' place, they couldn't very well turn her out.

Which is what she was doing. She pulled her three large suitcases- containing books, clothes, medicines, pads among others- out of the main gate and walked along the road which led to the train station. She hoped she had enough money for a train ticket.

A deep, gnawing ache seemed to grow larger and larger inside Sanya, as was the norm now, and tears prickled her eyelids. She wished she hadn't gone to see Avengers: Endgame with her friends that fateful day. Maybe that would've meant her family would live, or that she would die with them. Either option was better than what had happened.

Her phone kept buzzing as she bought a ticket- she was sure it was condolences from people she never talked to, and actual meaningful messages from people she did. But she couldn't think of the ones she loved- she was leaving them behind, after all.

A feeling of utter despair came over her, and her lips trembled. She had lost her family and now would be leaving her friends behind. Even if she did stay at the orphanage, what guarantee was there that she'd stay here?

Her feet ached as she stared down at the train tracks and wondered what would happen if she jumped. There was no one to miss her, after all- and if there was someone, they would forget soon enough.

Sanya took a step closer to the edge, until a loud sound, like air being sucked into a vacuum cleaner, made her turn back.

She found that the wall next to where the ticket counter was, was peeling away, and the bricks flying into a kind of vortex. Looking around at the few people on the platform, she saw that no one else had noticed.

Either she had been drugged, or she had finally snapped and was hallucinating, or she had jumped and that was the pathway to heaven (which she actually doubted she could get into). Because surely, despite a part of her really wanting it to be real, this kind of Harry Potter esque things never happened.

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