Chapter 5- Hymn 21

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Hymn 21- Colouring

For curiosity's sake, this is the dress Sanya is wearing (the photo edited so I look thinner than I am but my face still looks ugly)

For curiosity's sake, this is the dress Sanya is wearing (the photo edited so I look thinner than I am but my face still looks ugly)

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Also, direct mental thoughts will be in italics.


You would think being in a magical land with fairies and dwarfs and mermaids, there would be some fucking everlasting cure for a simple headache.

Actually, Sanya hadn't asked if there was one, so her annoyance wasn't really justified.

But who was she supposed to ask?
She never liked asking people for help but still...

Edmund? He's enjoying dinner at his lowkey (17th) birthday party (as she would have been doing as well if she didn't have. That. Frickin. Headache.)
Susan? Chatting away with Lucy somewhere.
Peter? Trying to stop Trumpkin from having a drink too many and throwing himself off the balcony because Peter was sober (which was surprising because Ed had told her he always got sopping drunk at any occasion) and had drawn the short straw at being responsible for any of the drunks.
Hotel? Trivago.

Allah, even thinking hurt.
Sanya took a breath and gently massaged the side of her head, shutting her eyes tight.
She was on the balcony, hoping that the cool night air would help.

"Oh! I am sorry to be disturbing." She heard an accented voice before her say hastily.

"You're...not disturbing anything, your Majesty." She told Caspian, trying to smile and ignore the pounding of Thor's (and Steve's) hammer inside her head.
It probably came out as a grimace.

"That's good then. I..I was just looking for Susan." He said slowly, somewhat hesitant. They had never really crossed paths or talked. Also, Sanya was a very awkward and very shy girl.

"She's talking to Lucy somewhere inside." She informed him, seeing spots in front of herself.

She blinked quickly as the man nodded, "Thank you, and please call me Caspian." He started to walk away.

"Are you going to propose to Susan now?" She called then, suddenly feeling very curious and uninhibited.

Caspian stopped dead as if he were shot and looked back at her, startled.

His whole face was red. He was blushing. Sanya's simple question had made that over-6-feet hunk of a Telmarine blush, she thought and felt immensely proud.

"Not today, my lady." He answered at long last. "But you should probably expect a proposal by the end of this year." With that, still blushing, he left.

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