Chapter 9

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Jungkook ran.

His legs just took him where he needed to go, and that's what happened.
It was nothing but bitter, the wind blowing right passed his ears, Tears flying in the wind.
The youngers legs never once gave out, he wasn't tired, all that was on his mind was kids kids

He found himself at the building where his children were, their loud cries for help echoing in his ears "KWAN! ELLYDA!" he yelled "IM COMING!" Jungkook yelled as he dashed into the flame filled building.


Taehyung didn't know what to do, all his mind, body...limp.
He quickly grabbed his phone sending his dad the location and the call 'Get an ambulance and a fire truck now'

As soon as he sent that message he ran to his car, and raced to the place where his Jungkook was.


Jungkook coughed loudly, the smells of blistering smoke filling his lungs, the feeling in the buildings heat radiating off of him.
The younger soon saw a figure, Kwan.
The younger raced to his passed out child, picking him up and racing outside, setting him on the grass, far enough away he wouldn't get hurt, before running back inside for Ellyda.

The younger couldn't find her, his heart was racing, breaking. "APPA!" A voice cried, it was Ellyda. She was upstairs.
Jungkook ran up the stairs, his lungs in unbearable pain, but he had to save Ellyda, he'd sacrifice everything to do so.

He soon saw her, his daughter, the one he'd been missing for so long now. Right before his eyes.
Jungkook quickly ran to her, the flames so close. He picked her up, not even bothering himself for the massive burns he was receiving.
Blood dripping down his arm onto the Smokey floor "A-Appa...." Ellyda spoke weakly "Shh, sweetie. I'm here" Jungkook spoke getting ready to run, but there were too many flames.
The younger ran to the window, opening it, hearing the sounds of sirens.

Then he saw Taehyung worriedly looking at him "Take Ellyda!" Jungkook yelled, his voice raspy, sick like.
Taehyung looked terrified, but Jungkook just nodded, telling him I would be okay.

That when Taehyungs arms opened, Ellyda was in his arms now.
Jungkook smiled, getting ready to go out of the window.

But the flames roared, the floor collapsing behind Jungkook...

The tall building.....collapsed




Just kidding

Let's continue

Taehyungs eyes widened as the building fell, the site of Jungkook, falling out of the window. His body slamming onto the ground.

Taehyung gasped and ran to the younger picking him up and racing from the building before it collapsed completely.

Taehyung felt tears sting his eyes as he laid the injured Jungkook down. His body burned at parts, pale.
Jungkook coughed loudly, his body feeling so hurt, broken "Tae..." Jungkook spoke with a raspy voice "My kids..." Jungkook spoke "They're Okay, going to the hospital now..." Taehyung spoke, tears spilling down his face "Hey...D-Don't cry" Jungkook spoke "Taehyung I c-can't bear to see you cry" Jungkook spoke, soon letting out harsh coughs "Shh, baby, please stay awake, please..." Taehyung spoke "I Love you jungkook...I love you so much, I can't lose you" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled using his arm to pull Taehyung close

He kissed him....

Then He went Limp..... 

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