Chapter 16

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I actually got news about my dog Jake

He went to the vet last week and got a spot removed, and yesterday, we found out it was a cancerous spot.

I also was really tired~ sorry!

I guess none of those things are an excuse but, know I truly am sorry.

Oh and weather you celebrate it or not happy Easter!


This will also take place a little bit before last chapter~




This chapters a bit cheesy, it's for any young audiences and for the normals who read this as well

Jungkook smirked as he set a whole bunch of candies, toys, etc, in Elldas Easter basket.

It was really early in the morning and Jungkook wanted to make sure she had things from him as well.
He sighed as he went to bed knowing that the Easter bunny would give her lots more.

That morning when Jungkook woke up, it was by elllyda. She was super excited about all her gifts, by both him and the Easter bunny.

Jungkook giggled at his daughters reaction knowing he and the Easter bunny did a good job at what they had bought.
It was really adorable honestly.

Ellyda spent a lot of her day eating candy and amaizng dishes.

These were the times Though...Jungkook really missed Kwan.
He wanted to have the Easter bunny and himself give him gifts, he wanted him to eat amazing foods, and amazing candies.

But he couldn't and that made Jungkook relatively sad, he had to stay strong for Ellyda, he couldn't be sad on a holiday because it would make Ellyda sad, and Jungkook didn't want that for her.

Taehyung and Ellyda were close now too, She kept sharing her candies with him, it was adorable.


Jungkook sighed as he sat on the bedrooms bed.

His tears were now flowing.

He really missed Kwan now, as if now he couldn't hold back.
He just sat on his and Taehyungs bed, his tears flowing endlessly, small sniffles escaping his mouth as he remembered Kwan, and wished he could give him the world right now.

"Kook?" A voice asked causing Jungkoo to turn, it was taehyung, and he was worried "Oh hey.." Jungkook spoke, watching as taehyung sat next to him wiping his tears "Baby, why are you crying?" taehyung asked "I miss Kwan Taehyung....I really miss him today" Jungkook  spoke, letting out more cries as he spoke about all his feelings to Taehyung.

The younger was soon pulled into a tight hug "baby...Kwans in a better place now, I know it's hard but we'll get through it" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled "Thanks Taehyung"  Jungkook spoke "I love you" Jungkook spoke "I love you too"


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