Chapter 4: A birthday to rememeber

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Woman: Help!!!!!! please somebody!

Ash: Pikachu use Electro Ball!

Pika: Pikaaaaaaaachuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!

The Risen Beartic was zapped and banquished

Woman: Gasp... oh thank you kids whew that was close!

Ash: No problem, we encountered these creatures earlier

A few minutes later.......

Serena: Ok! thats enough trouble for one day lets get to the banquet hall guys!

Ash and co: Alright!

Serena and others: Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! ect.

Ash then goes to blow out his birthday cake

Serena: Make a wish Ash!

Ash: I already have most of everything I want!, you guys being at my birthday and Serena you made this cake my birthday thanks for remembering it....

Serena: Oh how could I forgot I always listen to you when your talking!(blushes)

Clemont: Alright, Birthday Boy gets the first slice

Ash: Thanks you guys!

Serena: I hope you like it Ash! I made it specifically to your tastes

15 minutes later....

Ash: Oh man that was the best cake Ive had yet!, I always love the desserts you make Serena always fresh and tasty

Serena: Well Ash thanks for your compliment...If you keep this up I may have to bake till my hands fall of haha

Ash: Its a deal then!

Ash and Co: Hahahahaha!!!

Clemont: Ash I have a present for you here open it!

Ash: Whoa... Ive never seen this kind of Pokeball before!

Clemont: Thats a Master Ball! I got it from Silph Co. when I visited Kanto with my family a few years back

Ash: Thanks Clemont!

Bonnie: Hey! Dont forget about my present! open it Ash!

Ash: Wow, that looks like the coolest hat for Pikachu

Bonnie: Let me put it on!!! Oh Pikachu you look just so CUTEEEE

Pikachu: Pikaaa?.... (embarassed)

Serena: Ash for your present I want to give it to you in private please come to balcony with me alone

Ash: uh... ok

After a few seconds they arrived at the balcony

Ash: So what di you want to give that you dont want Clemont and Bonnie to see?

Serena: Well first I want to give this good luck charm

Ash: You mean your star pendant, but thats precious to you, your late grandmother gave you it!

Serena: I want you to keep it as a momento of our friendship....

Ash: We'll thanks but...

Serena: I have one more thing to give you...

Ash: Uh what is that?

Serena: Close your eyes...

Ash: Ok

As Ash was about to ask again about the gift he felt Serena's lips touch his, it melted on his mouth and to his suprise he enjoyed the kiss

Ash: Serena.... I

Serena: Im sorry Ash... if that was so sudden Ill go away now..

Ash: Wait!

Ash grabs Serena's hand and pulls her into a hug 

Serena: !!!!

Serena then rememberes when they were both 7 at Professor Oak's Summer Camp and Ash pulled her into the hug the same way, it was also the day she fell in love with Ash Ketchum

Serena: Ash.....

They shared another kiss for a minute and broke free soon after that

Ash: Serena.. Ive liked you for a while now and I wanted this for a long time

Serena: Oh Ash I....

Ash: Please take your pendant back!

Serena: No, I cant its your present I gave it to you for our friendship

Ash then ties the pendant around Serena's neck

Ash: Heheh it looks better on you then it does on me

Serena: Ash if you give this back to me then Im the only who hasnt given a present to you...

Ash: Thats where your wrong

Serena: What do you-

Serena was cut off by Ash's kiss and put her arms around him

Ash: That was the greatest present you could of ever given me..

Serena smiles and hugs Ash another time before going back to the Pokemon Center

Clemont: So Serena what di you give Ash?

Serena: teehee

Ash: Its a secret sorry guys

Clemont: Awwww...

Bonnie: Ash you know how I dont like secrets!

Ash & Serena: Hahahaaahaa

That night Ash getse up to his hotel room balcony and looks out into the night

Ash: Today I got to tell me feelings to Serena, Im so happy but... what that Revan guy said has been bugging

(Flashback): Revan- The future will be decided on you Ash and all of your friends and past traveling compaions

Ash: ................... I wonder what will happen now...

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