Chapter 7: The fight begins

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As the scene goes Ash and the others are eating breakfast at the royal table

Lady Isara: Brother and your friends when you are done with your meal meet me in the meeting room we have much to discuss

Ash: Right away sis!

Ash and the others headed to the meeting room and each took a seat

Lady Emily: What I wanted to discuss was the vision I had last night when I was talking to mother

Ash: Vision?

Lady Isara: Yes... a dark figure was next to me when I was just a infant its a faint memory but I remember

Bavleria: So the Lord of Death was next to you at birth

The others then turn around to see Bavleria by the door

Bavleria: Im sorry for eavesdropping but I couldnt help but listen

Lady Isara: The Lord of Death himself was with me when I was baby?

Bavleria: It would sound as so, the Lord of Death would try to hunt down the child who would one day foretold to bring him and down and kill that child before he reaches his destiny, but the Lord of Death was mistaken my lady your not the child of the prophecy

Lady Isara: If Im not the hero who is? there is only one family mem-

Just then everyone turns their eyes towards Ash

Ash: M- me?!

Bavleria: Yes, my lord when I first met you I knew you were someone special

Ash: It can't be me it just can-

Lady Isara: Ash please... it is you who will defeat the Lord of Death

Ash: How do you know im the hero it could be any one of the Ketchum family members

Bavleria: I know because of this

Bavleria then proceeds to unravel a painting, when looked at the painting of the figure looked competley like Ash

Ash: !!!!! wha- who...why am I in a painting

Lady Isara: Because thats the portrait of the First King, the one that defeated the Lord of Death he and his trusted partner Pikachu and their friends defeated the Dark Lord and saved the world

Bavleria: Ash when did you meet Pikachu?

Ash: Pikachu was my very first Pokemon we met when I started my journey

Bavleria: I suspected as much it was not a coincidence that Pikachu was your first partner it was destiny that you 2 had met

Ash: ....... I don't really know what to say

Serena: Ash....

Clemont: So Ash really is the hero huh..

Bonnie: Wow...

Lady Isara: Ash you alone will need help to defeat the Dark Lord call upon your friends and allies to aid you and I will ready my troops... but first

Lady Isara then brings out a golden chest, she then opens it and brings out a bracelet

Lady Isara: Here Ash put this on

Ash: Um what is it?

Lady Isara: Push the orb in the center

Ash the proceeds to push the orb when he did the bracelet then transformed in to a large shield

Ash: What....?

Lady Isara: That is Elight the legendnary shield used by the first king to defeat the Dark Lord

Ash: Wow.....

Clemont: Bavleria told us that you had a way to vanquish the Lord of Death forever what is it?

Lady Isara: Self sacrafice

Ash: !!!!!!

Well thats all I have for today Ill write more later :DDDDDD

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