Chapter 10: Despair and regret

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Brock: Crap! Ash we need to move now more Risen's are coming!

Ash: ...........

Serena: Ash! Come on!

Ash: Coming....

Tracy: They have us surrounded!

Brock: We have no choice we have to fight back!

Dawn: There is a lot of them! Piplup blast them with a ice beam!

May: Blaziken use Blaze kick now!

Tracy: Hey! over there, that must be the leader of this horde

Brock: Then we have to get to him if we want to stop these countless attacks

Just then the Horde Leader was suddenly penetrated in the back with sword

Horde Leader: GwahhhH!!!!!!!!!

Dust clears to reveal that it is Ash

Ash: ..........................

Serena: Ash you-

Brock: That shield can turn into a sword!

The horde then vanquishes and Ash slowly walks on

Ash: Hurry up... we need to press on

Serena: Oh Ash.....I wish I can do something

Brock: Its alright he just needs some time to heal

The group makes a fire for the night and Brock heads over to the Pokemon Center PC to inform Bavleria of Lady Isara's death

Serena: ? whats Ash doing?

Ash: ........

Serena is right behind Ash and she sees a gravestone written on it was In Loving Memory of Isara Lucia Ketchum

Ash: Im sorry sis Im sorry I couldn't save you and that I was so helpless I couldn't do anything to stop from doing this to yourself I-

Just then Ash feels someone arms come around him he immedatley knows its Serena's

Serena: Ash.... You need to move on she did what she believed was right you have to respect that

Ash: I couldn't save my sis I'm so useless I just-

Ash then gets a suprise kiss on the lips from Serena which lasts 8 seconds then she lets go

Serena: I'll be waiting for you at camp ok?

Ash: Yeah......

Lucia: Dad... Are you alright

Ash: Oh! of course sweetie Im-Im fine....

Lucia: I know how hard it was for you to take this, you told me of your sister great sacrafice when I was just a little kid and you told me how proud you were of her and how much you loved an respected her

Ash: Heh... well I guess the future me is much more mature and brave than I am isn't he

Lucia: Daddy.... I think your brave and strong no matter what age you are

Ash: Thanks Lucia I appreciate it, you grew up to be so strong and beautiful like your mother and we even have the same species of Pokemon haha

Lucia: ......., dad this is not my Pikachu its yours....

Ash: !!!! what... then-

Pikachu then jumps on to Ash and cries

Pikachu: pikaa...pikaaa...

Lucia: It misses you so much....

Ash: How exactly did I... you know die?

Lucia: On the night of the assassination attempt on you, you were terribly injured by the assassin and they took your shield you couldn't fight as well against the Dark Lord not only because you were injured but without that shield we were all helpless agains the Dark Lord so you and all your friends...., I dont want to talk anymore it brings back bad memories

Ash: Don't worry Lucia you stopped the assassination remember you saved my life we will defeat Gralak no matter the cost! SMILES

Lucia: Yeah...(I sure hope so.....)

Dawn: Hey! someone just stole our desserts!

Lucia: what?

Lucia: ..... there you are!, GOTCHA!, !!!!!! you!

Well that ends it for now Ill write more chapters soon one every night promised :))))))

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