Chapter 5: A fateful encounter

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The sun had just risen and everybody had gotten up and ready to travel

Clemont: Well, everything is packed up! lets get a move on

Bonnie: Wow thats a lot to hear from you considering you walk the slowest out of the 4 of us

Clemont: Hey! Im carrying a lot of weight on this backpack you know...

Ash and others: Hahahaaa

The crew began to walk on the road again....

A few hours later....

Ash: Clemont how far are we away from Anistar City, I want to challenge that gym

Clemont: We still have a few towns to stop by but we're close Ash!

Serena: Hey I know we can stop at Lisstol Town

Ash and others: Lisstol Town?

Serena: Yup! I went there as a little girl I still remember what the story my mother told me were

Ash: Story huh? sounds interesting

Serena: Lisstol Town use to be the capital of Kalos!, when Kalos was a kingdom ruled by the King and Queen a long time ago

Ash: Wow!

Serena: There is still a ruling queen there right now!

Ash and others: Who?

Serena: Her name is Lady Emily she is strong and kind woman, I listened to her speeches on TV before sigh... she is so beautiful...

Ash: Wow! I wonder if we can take a tour of the castle?

Serena: We'll I dont think their just gonna let us in haha

Serena(thought): Even though Ash can be a dunce sometimes he is still incredibly brave and cute sigh.....

Ash: Uhh.. Serena you ok?

Serena: Oh..Oh! yeah sorry kinda stared into space there haha

Clemont: We've arrived a Lisstol Town!

Bonnie: The town is so pretty!

Serena: Yeah! especially the castle where Lady Emily lives sighh its so big and it happens to be over 3000 years old

Clemont: Wow, a 3000 year old castle and it still looks new!

Serena: Well they did work on the castle over the ages so it looks good every year

Ash: Hey! who is that over there!

Serena: Good catch Ash! its Lady Emily!

Bonnie: Come on guys lets go say hi!!!

Clemont: Bonnie wait!

Ash and co then ran towards the crowd gathering around Lady Emily to listen to one of her speeches

Lady Emily: My people! please calm yourselfs I shall find out personally what those creatures that attacked our town yesterday were please.. my knights are on the case

Ash: Creatures?... could she mean the Risen?

Serena: They're spreading everywhere this is getting outta hand sigh...

Clemont: Yeah..

Lady Emily then finishes her speech and walks down the balcony

The crowd starts moving and Ash accidently gets pulled in

Ash: Hey!! watch it!

Ash then bumps into someone hard and something falls outta his backpack

Ash: Oww... Oh! sorry about that the crowd kind-

Ash then pauses as he realizes he bumped into Lday Emily herself

Ash: Your, your!

Serena: Im so sorry Lady Emily for this the crowd can get out of hand sometimes

Lady Emily: Oh no my apologies young trainers... Im sorry you got into this trouble I caused

Ash: Its fine no problem.. hey where is my crest?

Lady Emily then proceeds to pick something off the ground

Lady Emily: .......!!!!

Ash: Oh milady that would be my Crest right there can I have it back please?

Lady Emily: Oh my.... trainers please come into the castle I insist there is something I must discuss with you young trainers in private

Ash and Co: In the castle really!

Lady Emily: Yes please do come in and rest for a while, my advisor Emma shall take you inside my quarters

Emma: Please children do follow me

Ash and co then arrive inside the castle and head straight towards the Lady's quarters

Lady Emily: Please sit... Ash is it?

Ash: Um uh yes! yes milady

Lady Emily: Ash I called you and your friends in here because I have a recognition of this...

Ash: My crest!

Lady Emily then proceeds to pull something out of a box and to Ash's suprise it looks the same as this crest

Lady Emily: This crest I have is the same as yours, you see in truth I wasnt the child of the King and Queen they adopted me when they found me as a infant, when they found me this crest was on my neck

Ash: Whaa.. how is that possible?! only Ketchum family members have been known to have this crest!, unless you are-

Lady Emily then goes up to hug Ash

Lady Emily: Thank you, my dear Ash Ive found my family now because of you

Clemont: Now lets not jump to conclusions yet we dont know if your really part of Ash's Family or not

Serena: Those 2 sure do look similar though they have the same eyes and the same colored hair and their faces look similar....

Well guys that was one long chapter but Ive finished Ill write more chapters soon as soon as I get more ideas stay tune!

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