Chapter 9: A unavoidable tragedy

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Lucia: Dad, Mom should we tell everyone else?

Ash and Serena looked at each other then they looked at their daughter

Ash: Lets tell them together ok?

Serena: Yup!

The 3 then went to tell their friends and others about Revans or should I say Lucia's secret

Dawn: So you have friends huh don't worry we'll find them together!

May: I'm with you all the way Lucia

Lucia: Alright then lets go!

Brock: Now hold on there Lucia we still to pack up

Serena: Teehee she gets her impatience from her father haha

Ash and Lucia: Hey.....

Others: Hahahahaha

Lucia: One more thing these aren't just regular friends of mine they are your future children too all of you guys 

Dawn: Wow! I hope mine is a boy

Misty: Oh!!!! I cant wait to meet mine

Lucia: I wouldn't get your hopes up they may be different then how you imagined haha

Just then a knight walks in

Knight: Milady the Lord of Death has been spotted near Crystal Edge by the graveyard of the fallen!

Lady Isara: Then we must head there right away

Ash: No! this could be a trap

Lucia: Dad we have to, I know what happens but we need to face him right there its the perfect opportunity to end him

Lady Isara: I couldn't agree more I'll get my staff and we'll head there right away

After everyone has packed up they head towards Crystal Cliff there they get attacked by a horde of Risen but everyone managed to defeat them

Lucia: Dark Lord its over your overnumbered

Gralak: .........., hahahaha you are a fool aren't you girl you think just becuase I'm surrounded you have me beat? you are terribly mistaken

Lucia: I won't lose to you this time you monster!

Gralak: Hahaha.... brag all you want you don't even have power close to mine YAHHHHH!!!!!!

Gralak fires a beam at Lucia but Isara managed to deflect it with her staff

Lady Isara: Enough! it is time I come in

Gralak: Hahaha.. I remember you girl I took you away as a infant and now you will face me splendid when I kill you it will be the start of my reign to bring complete darkness to this world, now..... 

Gralak then charges his energy to maximum and is about to fire it at the group

Lady Isara: No... You wont be able to beat us because with this staff I vow to take away a huge portion of your power

Gralak: Hahaha you fool we both know that if you do that you will die.....

Ash: !!!!! SIS dont!!!!!!

Lady Isara: ...... So be it then..., Azara Mutheis Synzo!!!!!!!!!!

Gralak: WHAT!!????


Just then a bright light flashed and in the dust Isara is on the ground and Gralak is on his knees terribly weakened

Gralak: DAMN YOUU!!!!

Ash: Sis!!!!! 

Lady Isara: Ash.... I have done my duty you must finish him off its up to you now....

Ash: No sis please NOOOO!!!!!!

Just then Lady Isara smiles then closes her eyes she then disappears in a flash of light

Ash: ..... DAMN YOU DARK LORD!!!!!

Gralak: hahaa..... she was a fool, don't worry I'll kill you soon enough hahaha I'll see you next time until then hahaha


It was too late Gralak disappears in a dark portal with Ash on his knees in despair of his sister death

Ash: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! SIS!!!!!!!!!!!(crying)

Serena: Oh Ash....

Serena then hugs and Ash and the scenes goes out

Well guys thats all for today a couple more chapters and this book will be complete thanks for reading :))))))))

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