Chapter 16: Preperation for the final battle

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Ash: Hey! who ar-...... Bavleria?

Bavleria: I've finally caught up with you Ash!

Ash: Whats wrong Bavleria you seemed worried

Bavleria: I am... Gralak is gaining power you must prepare your fight against him now!

Ash: Why can't I face him right now? is there something I need to do?

Bavleria: Yes! Near hear is a place called Awakening Mountain there you must climb to the top and wake up the Guardian Trayla then she will take you to the shrine where you will judged by the One

Serena: The One? who is that?

Bavleria: The very being who created the Universe....Arceus

Ash: !!!! I haven't seen Arceus since my Sinnoh travels you sure he will approve?

Bavleria: You are the descendant of the Hero King I'm sure you'll be fine

Ash: Thanks Bavleria! Me and the gang won't let you down I promise!

Bavleria: Becareful young man! and good luck! I'll be waiting for you back in the castle for your return!

Ash: (Smiles) Will do!

Ash: Ok so we need to head towards Awakening Mountain where is that?

Brock: Well according to this map if we head to the right there is a pathway up the mountain

Ash: Lets go!

As Ash and co start up the pathway towards the elevation gets higher and higher they've almost reached the end when...

Ash: Wait! what is that?

Iris: It looks like some kind of protective shield to me, probably something to prevent treaspassers from entering

Ash: The Emblem on the top of the shield though....

Ash then takes out his shield and the gems in Ash's shield and the entrance gem starts glowing the protective shield then goes down allowing Ash and co to pass

Ash: Huh... no wonder no one else could get pass it...

Serena: Ash look there is someone by that tree!

Ash: Hm... Hey!!!! Who are you!!!

Ash then walks up to the figure who appears fast asleep Ash's shield then glows and the figure slowly starts awakening

Trayla: YAWNNN..... huh? where am I.... GASP! Revy?

Trayla then runs up to hug Ash much to everyone's suprise and Serena's jealousy

Ash: Huh? Revy?

Trayla: Wait that is your name right? Stop acting stupid

Ash: I'm not! My name is Ash Ketchum not this Revy person you keep referring to

Trayla: Huh?! but you look exactly like my dear Revan I...I

Ash: Revan? Um..Lucia is she looking for you?

Lucia: No.. I've never met her before but I think I know who she is referring too

Lucia: Miss... how long have you been asleep for?

Trayla: I..I don't know it only seemed like a few days

Lucia: You see Ash when we first met I used a fake name Revan to go by but it wasn't just any fake name Revan was the name of the First King of Kalos the Hero King

Ash: !!!!!

Lucia: Which means Miss Trayla right? I think you may have been asleep for over 3000 years

Trayla: What! No... its not possible I...I Oh I'll never see my dear Revan again I never even got to say goodbye...

Lucia: Ash here is the reincarnation of the Hero King he has his spirit and looks apparently

Trayla: So... Revy is gone now... Ash! You are now the hero! I see you have the shield you must be here for the Awakening Ritual right? I have also sensed Gralak's presence he has returned oh noo.... but nevermind that for now again you are here for the ritual am I correct?

Ash: Um yeah! a friend of mine told me you would lead to where I need to go

Trayla: Yes of course it is my duty please follow me

Trayla then leads Ash and Co to a huge stone table with mysterious letters written on it

Trayla: All of you stay back the Hero has to do this by himself, Hero! Proceed and Place your shield on the table!

Ash then walks forward slowly and places his shield on the table as told

Trayla: Now Ash I want to sit down and meditate for me please

Ash: Huh? Oh! um yes Trayla

Ash then sits down and peacefully meditates

Trayla: Arceus! Hear my plea! Gralak the Dark Lord the Lord of Death has returned! Please give the Hero power once more as you did so long ago..Please give the Hero the Power to vanquish the Darkness!

A huge beam of light comes out and shines all over Ash

Ash: AHH!!!!!

Serena: ASH!!!!!!

Ash: ??? huh Im..Im alright....

Arceus: Trayla you have summoned me?

Trayla: Yes sir! The hero must defeat Gralak once more this young man right here shall do it!

Arceus: So we meet again huh dear hero... Greetings Ash

Ash: Its good to see you too Arceus can you really give the power to defear Gralak

Arceus: I can.... the hero must fullfill his destiny

Arceus then levitates the shield up and the shield then shines a bright light after the light had disappeared the Shield looked new and furmished it had changed to a blue color and had levitated itself back to Ash

Arceus: The shield is now fully charged and ready to aid you, but before I go I sense that Gralak is near the ocean of Anistar City he is planning to use the Sundials energy to power himseld stop him before its too late the Sundial contains energy that even I can't comprehend hurry my friend hurry...

Arceus then disappears in a flash of light...

Brock: Anistar City isn't far from here lets head there right away!

Trayla: I'll come with you Ash its time for me to aid the hero once more

Ash: Right! guys lets head out!!

Well guys thats all for today hope you enjoyed this chapter As always see you next time :D

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