Chapter 6: A truth revealed

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Serena: Ash I think you and Lady Emily might be related after all

Ash: Well, I.... I don't

Lady Emily: I know this is a lot to take in, for both of us

Clemont: Ash are you okay?

Ash: I just can't believe we are realted... mom never told me about you

Lady Emily: You mean you know our real mother?!, please I need to talk to her 

Ash: Well I suppose we can contact her through the PC at the Pokemon Center

Lady Emily: Thank you Ash.. I mean brother for doing this for me

Meanwhile... Ash and the others reached the Pokemon center and had contacted Delia

Delia: Oh Ash its good to see you call your old Mother after traveling in the new region for so long

Ash: Yeah nice to see you to mom um... there is someone here who would like to see

Delia: Oh?

Lady Emily: Mother is that you?

Delia: !!!!!!!!

Lady Emily: Um mother are you ok?

Delia then starts to burst into tears 

Delia: Oh..... my dear girl! I just can't believe I I....

Lady Emily: Mother....

Ash: ..........

Delia: Oh my dear Isara are you doing ok?

Lady Emily: Isara is my true name huh, so why did you do it mother?

Delia: What do you mean?

Lady Emily: Why did you abandon me? was I not special enough to you? I...I

Delia: Oh my poor girl of course you were, you were taken from me and your father

Lady Emily: Taken?

Delia: Yes... on the day of your birth a dark figure appeared and threaten to destroy the entire hospital if we didn't hand you over.. , of course your father was sworn to protect you so he refused to give you up, but then he took you anyways and fled the hospital we were devastated....

Lady Emily: I....I...

Just then Lady Emily had a vision of the past she saw the dark figure smiling and her on a ritual table just then a band of knights arrive with their pokemon and fighting ensues

Lady Emily: !!!! tss...

Ash: Are you ok sister?

Lady Emily: Huh? Oh im fine

Delia: Im glad your ok my girl, you've grown up to be such a strong, kind, and beautiful women Im so proud

Lady Emily: Mother....., um where is Father I would like to speak to him

Delia: Oh your father is on his own Pokemon journey who knows where he is now but knowing him he'll be overjoyed to know that you've been found

Lady Emily: Oh what I would give to speak to him... well farewell for now Mother

Delia: Ill see you and Ash again soon!

Ash: ......... well then 

Ash then goes up to hug his sister

Lady Emily: Its good to know I have a family and a sibling haha

Unknown Person: There you are!, Lady Emily where are you been dinner is ready and you are away from the castle at this time!

Lady Emily: Oh sorry! oh all of you I would like to introduce you to Bavleria she was a dear riend and advisor to my adoptive parents

Bavleria: What do you mean by adoptive?

Lady Emily: I should explain to you

After Lady Emily had explained to Bavleria about ther actual origins

Bavleria: I see....., then that means.... Prince Ash! please come to dinner at the castle and bring your friends too!

Ash: Well.. Im not use to the title Prince and all I-

Bavleria: Come on all of you time is going by quickly!

After dinner everyone was shown to their rooms and Lady Emily or rather Lady Isara went to her chambers

Bavleria: Its quite a suprise to see a new royal family member my lord Ash

Ash: Look you can just call me Ash ok I don't really like titles

Serena(thought): Oh but I do sigh.... a prince in love with me...(blushing)

Bonnie: Wow! Im friends with a Prince how cool!

Clemont: haha... yeah

Ash: It looks like sis has a lot of stress everyday huh

Bavleria: Well after the King and Queen died they left her quite the legacy she has to put up with a lot everyday please understand her

Ash: How did the King and Queen pass?

Bavleria: You see the King and Queen sacraficed themselves in a battle with the Lord of Death

Ash: !!!!!! Lord of Death? Bavleria can you tell who that is

Bavleria: The Lord of Death was a ancient Pokemon made of complete Darkness and Fear

Ash: A Pokemon of Darkness?

Clemont: A Pokemon that is made from dark sources is that even possible?

Bavleria: So legend says long ago the first of King of Kalos and his allies defeated and sealed the Pokemon away but every 1000 years the Pokemon would break free from the seal and threaten the world again not only with his powers but his ability to raise the dead Pokemon and use them as his army, ancients called the undead Pokemon, the Risen... the last hero 1000 years ago sealed the Pokemon away once more but he is come back again however recently Lady Isara has discovered a way to end the Pokemon's life permanetly

Ash: How?

Bavleria: Its best you not know that until the time comes because you are- .... oh dear Ive told enough for tonight please go to your chambers now

Ash: Wait!

Bavleria: Good Night my Lord!

Ash: Sighh....

Serena: Ash you alright?

Ash: Its just so many questions unanswered...

Clemont: We'll ask them again tommorow but for now lets get soome shut eye

As the gang goes to their chambers to sleep a figure from the outside watches them

Revan: So he has found out the story huh... I must keep a closer eye on him now everything is coming closer and closer....

Well guys thats all for this time but I'll have a juicier chapter next time until then please like this story! <3 :D

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