Chapter 8: Old friends and a horrible resolution

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Ash: So I have to sacrafice myself to defeat him?

Lady Isara: ..........

Serena: Ash no.... there must be another solution! please...I-

Lady Isara: Ash doesn't have to sacrafice himself

Serena and others: phewww...

Lady Isara: Since I am blood related to Ash I will do it

Ash: No sis! I can't let you! I won't let you put your life in my line

Lady Isara: Ash dont be such a child you must let me you are the hero the only one who can defeat the Dark Lord if you die who will fight him?! , not to mention your the only one capable of using the shield

Ash: Nooo!!! there must be another way

Lady Isara: I'm sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear but this is the only solution, my sacrafice will be enough to weaken the Lord to the point where you can destroy him forever

Ash: No, I won't stand for this! there just has to be another way! I-

Lady Isara: My brother that is enough! This is the only way he can be vanquished or will you let the entire world fall into darkness because you don't want to risk it?! I have to do this is has always been my destiny I need and will do it! end of discussion

Ash: Sis... please I don't want to lose you.... I..I

Lady Isara then goes and hugs Ash 

Lady Isara: Ash my dear brother I will miss all of you

Serena: Ash......

Bavleria: Ash you must call upon your friends and allies as you will need all of their help to defeat the dark lord

Ash: Right.....I'll call them via PC

Ash then contacts all of his past friends and traveling companions to help aid in the battle

The next day all of their planes arrive

Kanto: Tracy & Misty

Johto: Brock

Hoenn: May and Drew 

Sinnoh: Dawn and Kenny

Unova: Iris

Ash: All of you have come good we have much to discuss please come inside the castle

May: Ash we came all the way from different regions and you dont have the decency to even greet us?

Brock: Now May please calm yourself Ash probably has a lot on his mind right now

Dawn: We'll follow your lead Ash

As they arrive in the castle Lady Isara greets them and explains to them all that has happened, then they were shown to their rooms meanwhile Ash is outside on the castle garden thinking to himself

Ash: .......why just why

Serena: Ash is that you? are you ok

Ash: I'm fine its just that I don't want to lose sis

Serena: I'll miss her too but you heard what she said..

Ash: Maybe I should sacrafice myself in order to weaken then you guys can finish him off right?

Serena: Ash I-

Revan: No... You must be the one to kill the Dark Lord, to kill Gralak

Ash: Its..its you!

Serena: Gralak who is that?

Revan: Gralak is the Lord of Death's true name, he told me so after he tried to kill me 

Ash: Ok we've had enough who are you really?! I'm starting to think you're not from the future at all!

Revan: Oh you want me to prove it? fine then you see that bush over there a assassin is hiding under it what happens is he attacks you and you become mortally injured but since Im here.... Pikachu! Thunderbolt!

Pikachu(future): PIKACHUUU!!!!!!

The thunderbolt stuck the bush and to Ash and Serena's suprise and man fell out of the bush knocked out

Revan: I suppose you'll believe now

Ash: Well I dont really-

Just as Ash was about to speak another assassin jumps out of a tree near him and was about to stab him

Revan: !!!!!! Dad!!! Watch Out!!!!

Revan then pushes Ash out of the way but his mask gets sliced off at the same time, Revans Pikachu then uses thunderbolt again and this time it sends the 2 killers flying off

Revan: !!!! my mask...

Ash: Wait! your a.. a woman?

Revan: Heh.. and quite the actress too, im suprised it took you this long to figure it out

Ash: And did you call me Dad?

Revan: .... I think we both need to talk in private 

Ash: Yeah thats a good idea

Revan: The truth is my name is not Revan its Lucia and Im your daughter..... here take a look

She then hands Ash the Ketchum Family Crest

Ash: How is this possible I never had a child

Lucia: But you will you and mother will...., oh yeah you should have this too

Ash then recieves and picture of him and Lucia as a baby all smiling and next to him was.... Serena?!

Ash: Wait just a sec Serena is your mother?! 

Lucia: Yes... she is I miss both of you so much and acting like I didn't know when we met it..  it was difficult

Serena: I know as much

Lucai: !! Um Serena?! oh I mean no... not Serena Mother yes you are my Mother you heard correctly

Ash: That would explain why you have such a beautiful face you have your Mothers

Serena: Yeah she has your hair though teehee\

Lucia then starts to cry

Lucia: Mom, Dad I missed you both so much I....I

Ash and Serena then proceeds to hug their daughter

Ash: I'll protect you with my life Lucia you have my word

Serena: Me as well

Lucia: But I must tell you there were others that came with me

Ash: Others?, you have allies

Lucia: Yes, and one of them is my brother Riko your son

Ash: Don't worry we'll find them all of them

Serena: Together we'll defeat Gralak

Lucia: Haha together huhI havent heard that word in some time now

Well Guys that all for today Im tired need some shuteye see you all soon <3

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