11| Never Could Imagine

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He had a gorgeous smile.

I've always had an infatuation with a man's teeth. After skin and height, it was what I looked at. There was nothing more sexy to me that a man with a deep complexion, at least two inches taller than me, and teeth

He was handsome overall, but his smile was infectious, though it was never directed at me. Not intentionally, unless he was laughing at me anyways. 

And he still is. Handsome, that is.  

I never thought bullies exceeded high school, but apparently I was wrong. He made it his mission to make sure my college experience was a living hell despite the fact that he was a year my senior. And for the first year, it was. After that, I learned to ignore him.

For the most part. 

It was now five years later and I had taken my car to the shop for a tune-up. It was there that I saw him. I cackled at his janitorial like uniform and the dark grease stains that decorated it. 

I wasn't laughing at the job he had, but him in it. He was always so confident in himself about owning an automotive engineering company, but here he was working for it. God definitely had a way of humbling people. 

When he saw me as I pulled my car in the garage, he squinted, then allowed his eyes to widen. To add insult to injury, I lifted my shades and stared directly into his eyes with a hint of a smirk lingering on my face. 

He was still gorgeous.

He now sported a fade and a trimmed goatee instead of the struggle beard and 'fro he clung to in college, making him appear more attractive and mature than before. Judging by the stubble on his cheeks, he was now capable of growing a full beard and in need of a shave. 

"Okira Greene. I'm speechless," he spoke, eyeing my figure. 

Back in college, I struggled with my weight fluctuating due to a medical issue. After going the natural route with intense diet and exercising, I was able to maintain a shape I've been proud of.

"Do I know you?" I asked, feigning confusion. He chuckled. "We went to college together. Osiris Watkins?"

I widened my eyes in mock shock. "Yeah, I remember you. Didn't you play basketball? Pysch class with me?" He shook his head. "No, that was Ostin. I hung out with him. I played football. Quarterback, number 63?" 

I squinted my eyes, then dropped my voice into disappointment and a slight trace of resentment.

"Right. The dick who wouldn't leave me alone." He held his chest, seemingly appalled. "Damn. I guess I deserved that," he muttered. 

"Well, I would love to stay and chit-chat, but I really don't like you, and you have a job to do. Here are the keys. Don't mess up my baby." 

Dropping the keys in his hand, I turned on my heel prepared to head out and call my sister Faye. "Hey, wait!" I heard behind me. "Pat, take over for me until I get back." 

"I got you, boss."


"You don't have a ride. I can take you where you want to go, if you let me change," he said, still walking. "No, thank you. I was about to call my sister. She should be getting off soon." 

"No need," Osiris continued. "I'm off the clock, anyways." I looked him up and down, eyeing his outfit. "I can change. My clothes are in the office. I just came down here to check up on some things and got... distracted." I nodded, still slightly confused. 

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