13| King of All

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So... I have gotten one or two requests to make Pyramids and Diamonds into a book, but I wanted to try this one first. I really like this concept. I will eventually do both, but it's a matter of which will come first. I have a feeling which one will take precedence, though.

The translations are in the comments. Hopefully they are right. If you speak Swahili please feel free to correct me!

"Father, no. He will not have me. I refuse."

Chibuzo sighed. "Mtoto wangu, please. Your mother and I have discussed this. You knew it was coming."

"No, Baba. It is in me to fight. Not to sit around and be waited on hand and foot as queen. My name is Ashanti. I am a warrior, set to serve the people."

The king walked forward towards his pacing child, gently grabbing her face. He looked into her face, sensing the stress and frustration in her eyes.

"And you will, my dear. Ashanti Ayomide. Happiness is coming. And it will be through you. You will carry the legacy of the crown."

"I want to carry the legacy of my brother," she whispered. Her father dropped his head. "His fate was not on your shoulders. Had he not found you--"

"Had he not found me he would have still been alive! He would have been king and commander of the armies and navies. So yes, his death is --and will always be-- on me."

"Had you read the journals he left before he ventured to find you, then you would have some of the sense your father is trying to tell you, child."

Ashanti whirled around, facing the voice. "Mother, I--"

Holding her hand up, Queen Akachi looked at her child. "I wanted to name you Ayo, but your father was adamant on Ashanti. Although you were full of joy, the warrior and defiance in you cannot be denied. I couldn't see it then, but I see now."

Handing Ashanti the journal of her late son, Akachi beckoned her husband. "Next year will be the matrimony of two great nations into one. This is not only the joining of power, but of families as well. It is time we restored the peace as it once was. It is time that you, my dear, find peace."

The next week...

Walking into her soon to be palace with her parents, Ashanti clutched the bracelet her brother brought for her before his death.

When they entered the presence of the reigning King Amare and Queen Adebowale, Ashanti appropriately greeted them with a bowed head.

"No need for that. You are soon to be family, eh? I will inherit a daughter this time next year. Come. The prince will be in soon. For now, let's go to the garden."

"May I be excused for a moment?"

Adebowale looked over her shoulder, calling the attention of a young man. "Of course. Talib will show you around."

Nodding her head, Ashanti followed behind the servant. After he showed her to the restroom, she closed the door turned on the faucet. Rinsing her face with cool water, she grabbed on the countertop and let out a deep breath.

"Talib, I'm ready," she called, opening the door and turning off the light.

"Malkia," replied a deep voice.

"Prince Abioye," she said. "I am not a queen."

"Yet. You are not a queen yet," he spoke smoothly. She could not contest to this, so she stayed silent.

"Talib," he called without breaking eye contact. "Utgång, please. My... guest and I have some things that need to be discussed privately."

Talib bowed out, leaving them as requested.

"How have you been, princess?"

"I've been."

He chuckled. "I heard about your brother. Samahani kusikia hivyo. I know you were close with him."

Ashanti cleared her throat. "Thank you. What business is there to discuss of us without our parents?"

"Well, we will be married soon." She winced. "We will, yes."

"Why are you so... against this? Do you not wish to be married?"

She walked around him to the chaise. "It's not that I don't want to be married. I just want to do it my way. I want to live life first. Become the warrior I was destined to be, for me and my brother."

"Why can't you do that as queen?"

"It's different. I want to rise to ranks, not immediately be promoted because of my title. I wanted to be the protection. Now I am forced to be protected. No one will want to honestly train me and it is 'too dangerous' for me now. No one will allow me."

The young prince faced the mirror, placing his hands in his pockets. "Where do you want to go?"

"Excuse me?"

Abioye looked at her through the mirror. "You said you want to be a warrior. To fight. So, where would you go first?"

She stilled in movement, having been caught off-guard by the question. Although it had never been posed before, she knew exactly where she would deploy and tour first. "Sudan," she spoke darkly.

Having heard the change in her voice, Abioye turned and stared at her, trying to decrypt her countenance. "Why Sudan? It is extremely dangerous over there. No place for a man or woman, especially one of your beauty."

She looked at him, but he could tell that her focus wasn't on him. It was as if she looked through him, and here he saw the weakness in her demeanor.

"No place for men or women, yet there are thousands there. In trouble. There is nothing but danger in Sudan. It is a place where nightmares come to life and never rest. Even in daylight darkness has no fear, and the worst wahalifu tremble."

He kneeled in front of her, recapturing her attention. "I see this is important to you," he spoke cautiously. "Very," she replied.

Before he could continue prodding, the king and queen of each respective nation entered the room.

"I see our children have made the acquaintance of one another, Chibuzo."

Ashanti's father agreed with Amare. "Yes, it seems that they are fond of each other." Abioye rose and dusted his pants before properly greeting Akachi and her husband.

"My apologies for keeping you waiting. I didn't expect my... business to go over time. Hopefully you you were not here long."

Akachi shoo'ed it off. "Have no worries, young prince. We arrived here only a short while before you came in. Your mother told me you helped... children, is it?"

He coughed. "Yes. I occasionally help children with their training and sometimes take them on our cattle grounds so they can ride."

Ashanti looked over at Abioye who quickly averted his gaze. Her eyebrow rose, but she quickly brushed her curiousness aside.

"Come. We have lunch prepared. After, we can discuss the politics and we will finalize it all tomorrow. The bridegroom and his soon to be wife will finalize the orders of the food and her fitting as well as their guests of honor. For now, we eat."

Holding his forearm out, Abioye offered it to Ashanti. Peering at his arm then him, she accepted it hesitantly.

"Cheer up, simba jike. Soon enough you will become the warrior you wish to be."

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