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she's a little dazed,
but she's so full.
not from the minty chocolate she eats
but from these butterflies.
not the crush kind, flapping around
never resting
but the ones that feel so beautiful, gorgeous
full of happiness and buttery sunshine
like you're going to burst!
ophelia loves the caterpillars crawling on her arms
like the thick grown ones above her hazel eyes
she would never pluck them!
or the ones in between her legs, scratchy they may be but
her body made them and she will love them.
or the ones dancing down her parts for running through the meadow
she proudly displays with her overalls
or her mom jeans, cuffed up high to show ophelia's bug friends
and let the wind scurry around her knobby ankles.
serenading the birds that screech at every word
she isn't fazed.
instead ophelia sings louder
her heart practically swimming and overfilling
up up up to the very top like a glass of orange cream soda
and then it spills.
and she's okay.
the euphoria was wonderful
and the calm after the storm is also tender and sweet.
oh ophelia
that's just what she wanted to hear.
she is in love with no one other
than herself.

escapril day 11: not from your perspective

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