chapter 2

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Camila stirred the food in the pan, glancing at the clock hanging on the wall before going back to reading the book she had on the counter. She loved reading, it was one of her greater passions, after painting, but the strict working routine she was imposing herself lately, left her with very little time for reading.

Shawn was late. After taking Michelle and Camila to the hospital for Michelle's check up, he had excused himself for an important meeting. He refused to tell her anything about it, but if the grin he had all day on his lips was any indication, she supposed he was meeting with a possible investor for his agency.

So Camila just enjoyed her time. She took Michelle back to her flat and chatted with her over a cup of coffee. She then went to the gallery and sorted out some things.

She invited Shawn over for dinner with a text – she was curious to know about his meeting – and without waiting for his answer she went shopping for the ingredients of his favorite risotto. She knew he would pass by anyway, even if only to kiss her goodnight before going back home.

If someone was willing to invest in his agency, they should celebrate.


Camila jumped, she didn't hear the door open, she was too deep into reading.

“In the kitchen.” She shouted. “Hope you're hungry, dinner is almost ready!”

She turned off the stove, just in time to meet Shawn's tired gaze. It was a long day for him, she could tell by the loose tie, the wrinkled shirt and his messy hair, but he was still smiling.

“Long day?” She asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“You can't even imagine.” he said, approaching to kiss her lips. “Can I help you?”

“Can you please put the glasses and wine on the table?” she asked, snaking her arms around him. “Are you hungry?”

Shawn nodded, leaning in to kiss her deeply, Camila could tell the he was hinting at a different kind of appetite. She had to admit that with all the errands they both had lately, they barely had the quality time for their relationship. When his hand reached her lower back, she pushed away.

“Dinner first…” she whispered against his lips.

“Can I stay tonight?” He asked softly.

They weren't living together, even though they've been together for four years and Shawn had her keys, they've never discussed moving in together, and she was ok with it like that. She loved her independence and even if Shawn spent the night with her, she preferred that he left the next day.

“Maybe, if you play your cards right.” She teased, twisting his tie around her finger. “But dinner first, I'm starving.”

Shawn smiled letting her go and stepped to the fridge. “My favorite wine? Do we have something to celebrate?” He asked smiling, whilst getting two glasses from the cupboard.

“I don't know, you should tell me.” She answered. “What happened at your meeting today? Something came up?” She asked, serving the food.

“You would be amazed.”

He stepped out to the living room, poured wine for them both and threw his jacket on the couch. Camila followed him close, setting the plates on the coffee table.

He looked pleased and Camila was excited to hear about the reason of his good mood. He sat next to her, and they started eating in silence.

“So, are you gonna tell me what happened or should I beat it out of you?” She asked, sipping her wine.

“You're right, sorry, I was starving, I skipped both breakfast and lunch today.”

“I never would have guessed, with what was happening before, back in the kitchen.” Camila teased licking her lips.

Shawn stared intently at her over his glass. “I had a very important meeting this afternoon, I spent hours talking about all the problems the agency has, and ended up showing my plans to overcome them and to take them back to the top, but there's a big chance that everything will turn out fine. I'll have my answer tomorrow, after a meeting with their lawyer and an uncle - or was it a cousin? - involved with the company.”

“Well, it's great!” Camila agreed. “So tell me, who is the sponsor?” She asked interested.

“Y/N Y/L/N.”

Camila was speechless, and found that she wasn’t hungry anymore. She moved the plate away from her.

“Y/N Y/L/N.” she repeated softly, downing all her wine in one gulp.

“She called me all of a sudden this morning to arrange a meeting.” He explained. “She seems very interested in my company. I'm sure she'll be a great team member, even only as sponsor since I'll be making all of the decisions.”

Camila's jaw tightened. “I don't like that woman, Shawn. I'm not sure it's a good idea.” She finally said. “What makes you think that she'll stay out of the decisions? It's your agency, you shouldn't allow a stranger, someone like Y/N Y/L/N to interfere!”

Shawn's frowned, he had noticed a strange tension between the two women, and he couldn't understand it.

“Don't tell me you're jealous.” He said, amused. “Cause, from what the papers say, I'm really not her type and there are also rumors that she has a wife.

Camila took a deep breath, she wished she could tell him the truth about the identity of the Y/L/N Corporation CEO's mysterious wife.

She would have told him that she married her just to get the control over the company, disappearing just as fast as she came, without the slightest concern of what that meant.

She wanted to tell him that, just as promised, every month came a cheque and with that money she was able to pay for her college and create the future she had stopped dreaming of after her father's death.

She wanted to tell him that, while he was struggling to save his family agency, his new sponsor had already asked her out for dinner, more than once, shamelessly flirting with her, maybe hoping to jump in her bed for a night of passion that she definitely didn't want to give to her.

“Don't be ridiculous.” She scoffed, gulping down her wine. “But I know her kind. She'll give you the money, but she'll ask for something in return, I bet my gallery on it.”

“She has already invested in many other companies, why should it be different for me?” He asked, confused.

Because she wants to sleep with me.

She wanted to say, but she didn't. She stood up, taking her plate with shaky hands and stepped into the kitchen. She needed to calm down: she was sure that if he kept asking questions, she would let something slip. And even though she was sure that Y/N was up to something, Shawn really needed her help.

She jumped, feeling his chest against her back. His strong hands relaxing her almost immediately.

“It will be fine, Camila.” He said reassuringly, resting his head on her shoulder. “She'll speak with her lawyer, I will speak with mine, you know that I won't sign anything that will allow her to get my company.”

Camila closed her eyes. She knew it would be harder than Shawn thought, but she tried not to think about it. Not now that Shawn's lips were brushing softly over her neck, sending shivers down her back. Shawn's hands stroked her stomach, reaching for the button of her pants, Camila bit her lower lip, she turned to face him, closing his lips with hers.

Y/N Y/L/N who?

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