chapter 7

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Hadn't it been unfeminine and not her style, Camila would've probably screamed at the sky with all her might, even if it was useless. So, she just threw her clothes in the suitcase on her bed, muttering in frustration.

A week had passed since she'd signed that stupid contract, without a single word from Y/N, until that morning. Ariana had called her to tell her that her obligations would start that night. Ariana told her to bring just enough clothes for the whole week.

Camila had tried to get some information from her, but the lawyer had just laughed and ended the call. Camila was so flustered that she just couldn’t concentrate on her work, so at midday, she had decided to get back home.

“Damn woman!” She growled shoving her bra in the suitcase. “She doesn't even have the decency to call me herself. Who does she think she is?!” She asked rhetorically, while throwing clothes around. “How am I gonna survive this week? How?”

Her frustration was sky high and her jaw clenched when she finished packing her suitcase, she grabbed her beauty case and entered the bathroom to get her toiletries, hairbrush and make-up bag.

Her phone was ringing in her bedroom, she sighed in relief at the sight of Michelle's  name on the screen. She answered the call, putting it on speaker whilst mentally checking her list to make sure she had everything she needed.

“Good morning, miss Cabello.” Michelle called. “You took a day off? I came to the gallery and it was empty.”

“Morning to you too, Watson.” She greeted. “Yeah, I left early.”

“Early? It’s only midday!”

Camila bit her lip, trying not to vent her frustration on her innocent friend, “I had something to do.” She said, vaguely.

Camila walked to the kitchen, so she could have lunch and get some work done.

“Well, busy girl, I just wanted to tell you that Marcus  got back to work today.” Michelle started. “And I wanted to see you because I went to the hospital for a check-up…”

Camila opened the fridge. “Is everything okay?” She asked with apprehension. “You had a check-up just two weeks ago. Is the baby okay?”

“Breathe.” Michelle chuckled. “Everything's fine, the baby is perfectly healthy, but the last ultrasound showed that she is breech.” she quickly explained, “The doctor wants to keep her in check, if she doesn’t turn back, they’re gonna have to give me a c-section.”

“She was already in position. How the hell did she turn?” Camila asked confused, making a sandwich.

Michelle stayed silent for a moment. “I’m not sure you really wanna know, it involves my husband and our bedroo- “

“Okay! You’re right, I don’t wanna know!” The images that crossed her mind were way over her duty as a friend.

“So, I was wondering if you wanted to come and see your niece next Thursday.”

Cutting a tomato, Camila shook her head, silently cursing at Y/N. “I can’t.” She finally sighed. “I have something to do and I really can’t delay. Work duties.”

“Oh, okay, no problem.” Michelle assured.

Camila heard muffled sounds and Michelle talking with someone, so she used the silence to finish preparing her sandwich.

“Can I call you back in a couple of minutes, Camila?”

“Sure, I’ll wait here, holding my breath.” She joked.

“Talk to you later.” She said ending the call.

Camila cleaned up the counter and grabbed a beer from the fridge, then stepped in the living room. She wanted to rest a little before getting back to work, hoping that her thoughts would let her be.

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