chapter 6

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The big windows were open, letting in the night wind, ruffling up the curtains and matching the ending of the melody from the iphone. When the next song started to fill the apartment, Y/N, her wet hair tied in a towel, came out of the bathroom with her underwear in one hand and the hair drier in the other.

She stepped through the living room moving her hips to the music, and moving to the minibar to pour herself a glass of wine. She poured the wine and took a long sip.

With the glass in her hand she went to the open window to look at the city, letting the wind caress her, like the best of her lovers. She smiled and threw the towel on her head, onto the floor. She unwrapped herself from the towel around her body, slipping inside her underwear in a quick move. 

She hummed along the music moving around the living room, unconcerned of the open window and of the fact that she was wearing only her underwear.

She jumped when she heard door bell rang, and her eyes immediately scanned the clock on the wall.

“He's early.” She mumbled, wrapping herself back in the towel, while gripping the money she had prepared on the table. 

She opened the door, not even bothering to check who it was, she gazed at the delivery guy, who was staring at her, his mouth agape. She gazed critically at the bag he was carrying, snatching it from his hands and throwing him a fifty dollars note. 

“Keep the change.” she said closing the door on his face.

Waving her hips to the beat of music, she went back to the table, laying the bag on it and gripping the glass to get more wine. She took a sip and threw her head back, licking her lips.

“If that's not the best thing I've ever seen, I really don't know what else can be."

Cara's voice overcame the music, Y/N quickly turned around, covering her naked chest with a hand, she stared at her, confused, while turning the hair-dryer off.

“Cara, wh-what are you doing here?”

Cara showed her the spare key as if it was an explanation. As she approached, Y/n could see that she was holding a folder.

“Ariana phoned you a couple of times, now I understand why she didn't get an answer.” She started, amused. “She had other paperwork to finish off before heading home, but she was sure you would have wanted this documents as soon as possible, so, since I was heading this way…” She suggested resting the folder on the table.

Y/n gave it a glance and her lips curled up. “Thank you for that, Ariana was right, this paperwork is very important...”

“Happy to help.” She answered, waving her hand dismissively, while looking around curious. Her gaze stopped on the bag of delivered Chinese food. “So... the great Y/F/N has a hidden side and organises parties filled with music, karaoke and Chinese food and no one is invited?” She asked amused, lifting an eyebrow.

Y/n stared intently at her for a long moment. “If you promise that what you just saw won't get out of here, I'll let you have all the chicken.”

Cara stayed silent for a moment, then extended a hand to her, smiling. “Deal.”


From the moment she had stepped into the office that morning, Ariana had known that it was going to be one hell of a day. Hearing one of the assistants trying to stop what seemed to be an hurricane, she knew she had been right.

She got up, ready to intervene, but she stopped when the door open in front of her.

“Mrs. Grande I-I've tried to stop her, but she-"

When she met those angry brown eyes, Ariana lifted her hand, cutting the assistant’s words off, giving her a reassuring smile.

“It’s okay, Caroline, everything’s alright.” She assured. “You can go. And please, close the door.”

The girl nodded, she closed the door behind her, leaving the office in a thick, tense silence. Ariana watched Camila for a long moment, offering her a seat, while rounding back her desk to sit herself down. 

“You ignored all of my calls.” Camila began, her jaw clenched. “And since you never called back, I decided to come in person.” She growled, throwing a folder of documents on the desk.

Ariana stared at them for a long moment before turning to her with a surprised expression. “You’ve signed it?!”

“I didn’t sign for her” She clarified.

They stared at each other and Ariana Camila's cold mask didn’t budge, she had no intention to show how nervous she really was about spending an entire week in Y/n's company.

“I’m sorry for not returning your calls, I was very bu-”

“Bullshit.” Camila growled. “I’m not an idiot, Ariana, so don't treat me like one.”

Ariana sighed. “I know you’re not.”

“I know lawyers have a twisted sense of morale, but Jesus Christ, Ariana, don’t you think this is too much?” She exclaimed pointing the documents on her desk. “I can’t believe you would indulge in this filth."

The lawyer rested against her chair, smiling with unconcealed irony. “I’m quite used to filth, Camila, especially considering that some of the things I do with my wife in bed are against the laws of at least five States.” She explained amused. “And not only in bed, actually, but even against the door, the walls-”

“I’m not interested in what you do with your wife, Ariana!” Camila exclaimed, slamming a hand on her desk. “That thing is disgusting, I hope you and Y/N are aware of that.”

Without further words, she turned around and walked to the door, only to be stopped by Ariana's voice as soon as her hand gripped the doorknob.

“I know her methods are...” She began. ”Unorthodox, but she doesn’t know any other way. And it’s not an excuse, Camila, it’s just the way she is."

Camila closed her eyes, biting down her lip and clenching her hand over the doorknob until her knuckles turned white. Ariana's words had hit ten harder than she wanted to show, because in the end, the thought that Y/n could be more than she appeared scared her more than anything.

“I know that it’s an absurd situation, but it’s done now.” Ariana went on, giving her no escape. “Use that week to get to know her, really know her. I promise you, you won’t regret it.”

Camila swallowed and without a word she pushed the door with a deep sigh. She reached the elevator, trying not to bump into anyone. She didn’t want to let Ariana's words get to her, but she had to admit that they had already hit the mark.

She had agreed to spend a week with Lexa, but she had no intention in giving her anything but her time. She had no desire to know her.

“Use that week to get to know her, really know her. I promise you, you won’t regret it.”

She shook her head, frantically pushing the elevator button, her heart pumping furiously in her chest. She had to get out before fate decided to play a joke on her and made Y/n appear. She didn’t want to meet her, not now.

“Come on!” She growled staring at the number changing way too slowly on the elevator display. 

She didn’t notice the y/e/c eyes staring at her intently from the bottom of the hallway.

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