chapter 4

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Camila looked disinterested in the lights of Washington D.C, stretched like a carpet of stars under her feet. At any other occasion she would have found the sight lovely but not tonight. Not while she sipped expensive French champagne on the balcony of the big Penthouse where her wife lived.

The same wife who did not remember her.

The same wife who does not even remember her name.

The same wife who had spent all the evening looking for her with hungry eyes all over the house. Eventually, feeling hunted, she had taken refuge in the peace and quiet of the balcony.

She sighed heavily, feeling the door behind her open. She continued to sip her champagne, refusing to turn around to face her eyes, but the voice that spoke to her did not belong to Y/n.

“You're not having fun?”

Camila turned around, recognizing the woman who had spent all evening with Ariana.

“It's not the kind of entertainment that I enjoy.” Camila responded.

“Cara Delevingne.” She said holding out her  hand.

“Camila Cabello.” Camila said shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you, how do you know who my boyfriend is?” She asked curiously.

“Spirit of observation.” Cara replied with an amused twinkle in her eyes. “And the fact that I'm married to the lawyer of the woman that your boyfriend wants to go into business with, I would say this helps.” she continued. “Ariana is an inexhaustible source of information.”

Camila looked at her sideways. She was no longer sure that Cara was referring to her relationship with Shawn and the little smirk on her lips had confirmed Camila's  assumption.

“Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.” Cara said with a smile.

“It's no secret.” Camila pointed nervously. “I'm not the one with a bad memory, but I guess that a busy person like Y/N Y/L/N has a lot in her mind, things that certainly don't include a poor waitress that she found in a dirty diner.”

Cara was surprised by the brutality and bitterness that was apparent in those words but she realized that she would probably feel the same if it had happened to her, but she knew that Y/N had made a rash decision that night.

Of course, she had taken over the family business, as she had always wanted since her father's death, but she had closed her heart and she threw herself completely into her job. She didn't care about what the girl she married had felt.

It wasn't a surprise that Camila had no kind words to say about Y/N.

“Well, yes, to be the president of a company such as Y/L/N Corporation is quite challenging, I can tell you that for sure." Cara said, resting her elbows on the railing.

"Buying cars, expensive champagne and houses like this one, should be pretty exhausting." Camila continued angilry.

Cara looked back at her, tilting her head to the side. “Y/N is much more than her money, Camila.” She assured. “She hides herself behind her iron facade, her money and her looks and yes, she's such a hothead, as we all know.” Cara looked up at the sky and closed her eyes. "But she's also the strongest and most generous woman I have ever known in my life, even despite what happened to her. Without her, I-”

Her sentence was cut in a half by the noise of the door opening and they both turned around confused, they were in the middle of a serious conversation and Ariana had broken in, but she did not seem particularly upset.

“Let's go.” She said turning to her wife, before looking at the brunette. “Hello, Camila.”


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