chapter 20

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Y/n hadn't thought that their first date would be like that, simply because it was not her style but she had learned during recent weeks that camila had her own way of doing things. The morning after she and camila had woken up at victoria's home, things had begun to turn in the right direction. Together they decided to set aside, at least for a while, the divorce papers and to start again.

They would remain married but they would learn to know each other, starting to go out to date like a normal couple. It was as if they had made a clean sweep, and they have decided to rebuild their story brick by brick. Y/n knew she had to win back Camila's trust but she was ready to do anything to get it and she would give to Camila all the time in the world.

After spending weeks texting, calling and seeing each other for a few hours during the lunch break to eat together or to grab a coffee, y/n was surprised when Camila had invited her out that night. She had been even more surprised when Ariana had told her that morning that she and cara would be coming a bit late because they had to settle some business.

Now she was standing in that bar where she would have never gone on her own, holding between her fingers a pool cue, observing Camila and cara chatting as they waited for Ariana to return with their orders, y/n decided that yes, that evening would be undoubtedly interesting. The sound of wood that fell on the floor ripped her from her thoughts, bringing her attention to Camila's embarrassed face who had bent to pick up the pool cue that had just fallen from her hands.

"Well, I just made the first bad impression of the evening, now I feel more peaceful." Camila muttered accompanied by Cara's laughter.

Y/n moved to her side. "Have you ever played?" she asked putting the pool cue on the table.

"Sometimes in college but I've never really put commitment into it." she said. "As you can see, I don't even remember how to hold the pool cue." she giggled embarrassed.

Y/n found her adorable."Come on, come here, I'll show you." she invited her motioning to approach the table.

Y/n set some balls on the green table and showed Camila how to place her hands on the stick, trying to keep her gaze on their position. When Camila leaned over the table in an awkward attempt to hit the white ball with the cue tip, y/n smiled leaning on her elbows on the table in front of her, watching her. She told Camila how to position herself, how to keep balance and how to be able to control the direction of the stick, only to have to back off when the tip almost collided with her left eye.

"I don't think staying there is a good idea" Camila chuckled embarrassed.

"No." Y/n smiled reaching out and settling behind her. "Definitely not." she placed Camila's hands on the pool cue, trying to focus despite the scent of her brown hair.

"Okay, try again." Y/n murmured in her ear.

She reconsidered the idea when Camila's perfect ass pressed against her groin, as she leaned on the table. Y/n bent down with her, pushing a rebellious brown lock behind her ear.

"Now keep your hands like I showed you." she whispered directly into the ear that she had just uncovered, smiling when she saw the goosebumps along her arms. "Exactly, just like that." she continued covering Camila's hands with her own.

Camila settled and her butt rubbed against y/n's pelvis.

Y/n cleared her throat. "Now focus on the tip and align it with the white ball." she continued, her voice hoarse, trying to focus on what she was doing, rather than the heat she could already feel in her body.

"Like this?" Camila asked hoarsely.

"Exactly..." y/n murmured. "Now hold strong the cue, do not let it go..." her lips brushed against Camila's ear "Then, when you're ready, hit it."

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